The journey to Sentinel is understandably tedious; you travel first by carriage down the length of the Gold Road and across the breadth of Cyrodiil, then by boat from Anvil to the Iliac Bay itself. Yet, even with the uneasy watch against the Thalmor, the travel through coastal waters is by far preferable to stomping across the breadth of the Alik'r, and a far better excuse besides for [i]why[/i] you all happen to arrive at the same time as the Empress's diplomat. Your first days in Sentinel are busy, your [i]explicit[/i] orders to buy up somewhere you can more permanently stay. The idea, after all, is that you'll come across as immigrants rather than travellers… as strange a group as you are. What your initial funding eventually secured you is a rather nice two-floor building, with the caveat of being outside the city walls when some invading force or other comes knocking… and as the fate of the former refugee district in the same area shows, if anything [i]does[/i] happen, your current residence is unlikely to survive. It also does little to cool the omnipresent heat of the area, and the sea breeze can only do so much. That leaves two immediate problems: one, establishing a proper cover for your presence in the area. The willingness and ability to pay out got you this foothold, but with how distinctive a group you are—particularly the wizards, even more than the unexpected minotaur—it's only a matter of time before the authorities grow concerned about [i]what[/i] you're doing. More importantly… The small pile of coins sitting on the table paints a dim picture. It's enough to get by for another week or two, but it seems that the Empress either has no means or no willingness to send more… and you still need to [i]eat,[/i] too.