[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Lisette Faalvar [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Breton/Nord [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Exactly what quirk of ancestry lead to Lisette's very short stature is difficult to guess at, especially given her partially Nord family line. She stands far shorter then most of her peers, at under five feet in height, with dark hair styled with blunt bangs and a tight bun. Her blue eyes are rather sharp, but she still has a rather youthful appearance. Her slim figure is typically clad in blue when she isn't wearing armor. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Fittingly given her capabilities, Lisette possesses a particularly fiery and aggressive demeanor. Despite her short height(or perhaps because of it) she tends to display a rather irritable attitude in most situations, being rather sarcastic or dismissive to her peers and tending to admonish them more harshly then necessary for perceived failings. Despite this rather acidic personality, Lisette still deeply holds certain beliefs in her very core. Chiefly, that those who are strong should protect those who are weak. That those with power should use that power to achieve good. Indeed, her aspiration is one that strives for justice, and punishing the wicked. That being said, her extremely stubborn nature can be both a blessing and a curse in this regard. She will never stop and will never compromise when it comes to the destruction of evil and the salvation of those in need, but by the same token her acidic and irritable nature is only exaggerated by her stubborn behavior. She can be difficult to deal with. With that being said, Lisette's admonishing comments are declarations of an individual's stupidity are at least partially influenced by a desire to prevent them from doing what she sees as foolish and thus a form of attempting to help them. Deep down, despite all appearances, she does care for others. Her pursuit of justice is entirely born from this care. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] An girl orphaned by a terrible incident involving daedra, her initial desire to join the Vigilants of Stendarr was spurred by a desire to prevent anyone else from suffering the same fate. This is almost certainly want prompted her dedication to her task, and it is this that carried her through her training. Lisette dedicated herself completely to destroying the wicked and protecting the innocent, and excelled in wielding a warhammer despite her small stature. Her early missions as a Vigilant were simple and required dealing with relatively low-level threats, but as she grew in capability she was able to undertake more complicated and dangerous tasks. Even an incident in which many of her fellow Vigilants perished or became corrupted ended by her hand, and she proceeded to pursue a number of other high-level threats including a bizarre case of vampiric infestation beneath a certain city. [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] An large, enchanted warhammer that releases a fiery blast on impact. By using her small size and its heavy head, Lisette can use particularly mobile and aggressive attacks. She also carries a steel sword as a sidearm with a weaker flame enchant that simply causes the edge to burn. Her armor is composed of shining, silver plate and dark purple cloth. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] As noted previously, Lisette's skills lie primarily in offensive combat. She is highly aggressive and mobile, using the weight of her hammer as an asset rather than a hindrance to almost hurl herself forward at her opponents. She also uses some destruction spells, entirely fire-based, and has minor capability for healing spells.[/list]