Don't mind my flu-ridden train of thought to create whatever the hell this is supposed to be. :lol [hider=seal ya later, pal][center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [color=5584AC]Name:[/color][hr][indent]Finley MacKenzie, the name Liam gave her as a cover-up story[/indent] [color=5584AC]Alias:[/color][hr][indent]Selkie[/indent] [color=5584AC]Alignment:[/color][hr][indent]Hero, or so people tend to think[/indent] [color=5584AC]Powers/Abilities:[/color][hr][indent]Call her a "were-seal". Call her a selkie. Whatever you choose, Finley appears as a normal human until her powers awaken upon sight of prey, threat or danger. Much like the Hulk, she can turn into a muscular being, albeit with seal-like features instead of green skin. Her strength and speed increase exponentially, and her senses turn keener than ever. One bite from Finley would certainly ruin someone's day, although she hasn't tried eating a human being yet.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Weaknesses:[/color][hr][indent]Finley is probably what some would consider "stupid". Although she is intelligent, her grasp on the human world is awful. She doesn't understand most things, and what she does understand is muddled in her own way of thinking. Random trash is money. Dead fish are gifts. Liam puts up with it at least for now, as he seems to be stuck with Finley at the time being.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Personality:[/color][hr][indent]An oddball of sorts, Finley is a peculiar individual. She has a tendency to be hyperactive, and will bounce around the place. She wants to learn about everything there is to know about the human world, and sometimes that means getting herself involved in the superhuman rivalries that exist. Of course, she doesn't have any particular stake in the matter. She doesn't see a fight for justice, nor one for some secret need for revenge against someone who wronged her. But as the heroes of Nova City tend to fight against the "penguins" (Masked Solaris, Pestilence, etc.), and the fact penguins are very, [i]very[/i] tasty, Finley often jumps in to a throw a fist or two.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Background:[/color][hr][indent]Life once began in the sea, and so did it for Finley. She had been born a seal, and lived in the waters next to Nova City and its boardwalk. Her days were spent swimming about, hunting for food, and being a general tourist attraction for the city's tourism board. These simple actions were what she was destined to do until she died; to live a basic, uneventful life of a seal until she croaked or was snatched up by her predators or hunters. But in this world, things are often... super. Out of this world, even. It happened one summer morning. Finley had been resting on the beach, only to wake with four limbs and a human face. She felt lost and confused—what had happened to her fins?! Wandering the streets of Nova City essentially naked, Finley tried to make sense of her surroundings when she had noticed a strange man with floral skin (a Hawaiian shirt, in non-Finley speech). Seal-ish barks and grunts came forth as Finley shouted at the man, frightened for her own survival. The man, a Liam MacKenzie, had been equally confused at the sight. Who was this strange woman, why was she [i]naked[/i], and why had she been barking at him? Liam had attempted to help Finley, choosing to offer his shirt to the woman so that she might have somewhat clothed when things suddenly took a turn for the worse. The street lights illuminated Finley, who had suddenly grew seal-like yet humanoid features. She sent Liam flying down the road, and watched him in curiosity as he yelled at the top of his lungs in fear and bolted home. Following her newfound prey home, she forced her way into his dwelling. Liam had believed he was about to die, murdered by a strange, naked seal-woman. Fortunately for him, Finley had been distracted by a painting of her fellow seals, barking and confused as to why they weren't moving. They weren't dead, so why weren't they responding to her? At that point, Liam, out of fright-turned-curiosity, approached Finley again. He explained it was just a "picture", which Finley responded with a childlike reply of the word—her first [i]human[/i] word. [color=lime]"Yes, a picture,"[/color] Liam replied, trying to drum up a response that she could understand. [color=lime]"A... frozen memory?"[/color] From that point on, her guard had been lowered. She wanted to know more about this strange "frozen memory", and listened to Liam talk until her strength faded, passing out on his couch. The man could only sigh, letting his uninvited guest rest away. He hadn't any intention of being thrown about again, and so, he too went bed himself. From there on out, a tradition had been made. In exchange for Liam teaching her about the world (and keeping her out of trouble, a hard task as it was), she chose to help him out however she could. Not that Liam had much of a choice, anyway, for his strange guest didn't seem to want to leave.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Appearance:[/color][hr][indent]Finley's human form is an average-looking girl around her early twenties. She has wavy, light brown hair, and equally sandy-colored eyes. Although she does have some sort of a wardrobe that had been purchased by Liam, she tends to prefer the neoprene outfits his business sells. They feel awfully nostalgic and comforting, for reasons Finley isn't certain of. Perhaps they feel like a second skin, or like the warming sensation of blubber to her. As for her [url=]seal form[/url], Finley is much taller and muscular than her human appearance. Her skin turns spotted gray, and a large finned-tail is produced from her lower back. Similarly, what was once a smiling human face is twisted more seal-like, with beaded black eyes and a muzzle containing sharp fanged jaws.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Affiliations:[/color][hr][indent]No one, at least for right now. Finley kind of does her own thing, although surely a super organization or two out there has taken an interest in her seal butt-kicking ways.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Motivations:[/color][hr][indent]Unlike most heroes and villains, Finley isn't driven by justice or revenge. Her curiosity of the new world she has found herself in is her main driving force, and it often lands her on the side of the heroes of Nova City.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Relationships:[/color][hr][indent][color=lime]Liam MacKenzie[/color]: A man around his late twenties that has been forced to deal with Finley and her shenanigans. For now, she is under his care, and is her only "family" that she can call hers.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Base of Operations:[/color][hr][indent]MacKenzie Dive Shop, a small diving/aquatic sport shop located on the Nova Boardwalk[/indent] [color=5584AC]Signature Gear:[/color][hr][indent]What, you thought she was Batman, with a belt of specialized gadgets? Pfft. Finley doesn't have anything special on hand—for now.[/indent] [color=5584AC]Public Perception:[/color][hr][indent]Finley tends to be viewed with fascination or disgust. Some are curious about the seal woman, while others have been known to despise Finley for her aggressive battling style making a mess of the place. [/indent] [color=5584AC]Combat Style:[/color][hr][indent]Like a seal, Finley fights with a blended combat form. She often sneaks up on her enemies before unleashing a brutal onslaught. Unless you can outlast her martial prowess, you're probably better off running.[/indent][/hider]