[center] What could Kleo do? In times like these, it required skill, precision, and grit to take out evil floating aliens of 'fuck you' and otherwise. Especially in a space station that was floating and existing in space when it ought to be nuked took away from the fact, according to the last human this way of buttfuck that maybe she should hold fire. So the operator held her ground with her team leader she didn't kinda really like and the squid lady who she grew a more secret yet covert friendship - shit was blooming ok? The young woman held back a sigh, SMG at the ready she got ready to move. It was a shock, Kleo following orders and listening. A curious Eveonemd might think the creature got ahold of her mind, or was she in her element? Did the witch have a trick up her sleeve with the occult?" [quote] "Never let them know what your next move is, the occult works off dead gods and demons. The human mind is uncontrolled, never let them get control." -Dr. Hunter Powell[/quote] [/center]