[center][h2]Prologue[/h2][/center] Between the simply-cut throne of marble atop a grand set of stairs and the spiraling stars flying overhead, one could have easily mistaken the scene at hand from something out of a movie. The intent to draw awe in the scene's presence alone was evident at a glance, but what served to draw the eye amidst it all was a somewhat boyish young man seated upon that throne. His gaze, at once sharp and listless, seemed to linger upon something in the skies above for but a moment before they turned to face whatever lay beneath him. "I suppose we [i]are[/i] due for something interesting this century..." he mused to himself as he moved to rest upon one of his arms. "Maybe Luni's suggestion will be worth testing. Bringing otherworlders in to bring a spark to this world may be just what it needs." With a limp-wristed gesture, the man raised his free hand towards the sky, then down towards the ground below. Slowly, a small handful of those stars were dragged down from their seats, pulled into the orb that the man had been so intent to place his focus upon. "New forms, same minds. A scant few boons to aid in their acclimation. No more, no less," he spoke as the sphere flashed with every new light added to it. "Scatter them to the winds. Their lives shall be theirs, and theirs alone; whether they live or die again matters not compared to what change they may bring." But to what end those souls plucked from beyond would have upon this world... Only they themselves could say now. [center][h2]Scenario[/h2][/center] This is an isekai fantasy RP. No fancy gimmicks (other than player cheats and a little helping hand). Invite only. If you're here, you know what this is about. Here's a breakdown of the relevant mechanics outside of the usual fantasy stuff. [list][*]Cheats: Standard fare. Something that breaks the rules of logic relative to even the magic of the new world. [*]Skills: You get one new skill independent of your past life. This one needs to be reasonable relative to the character, be it conceptually or otherwise. [*]System Access: Free text-based communications line that cannot be intercepted or interfered with. Can store records and send messages to other reincarnators. Basically a glorified notepad and chat room.[/list] Anyways, form below. [hider=Form][list][*][u]Name[/u]: Use whatever here, honestly. Taking up a new name? Standing by the one your parents gave you? Live life as you see fit; it's a second chance, after all. [*][u]Age[/u]: You can split it into physical and mental or just use one if you want. Please be clear, though. [*][u]Gender[/u]: In the here and now. If you know, you know. [*][u]Race[/u]: Classic fantasy triage? Sure. Something custom? Run it by me first and we'll talk. [*][u]Appearance[/u]: Text, images, what have you. [*][u]Personality[/u]: Self-explanatory. [*][u]History[/u]: Also self-explanatory. [*][u]Cheat[/u]: Because is it really an isekai without some bullshit power on hand? You could argue that these are a bit more balanced than most, which obviously means they'll be vetted [list][*][u]Skill Name[/u]: [*][u]Skill Description[/u]:[/list] [*][u]Other[/u]: Anything else of note? Put it here.[/list][/hider]