[i]I'm sure we could have found a nice ruin to stay in. For free. And it woudn't be nearly this hot.[/i] Runehorn was, as ever, maintaining the weapons and armor of those who requested it. At the moment, he was polishing his elven helm. A quick snort to help with the polishing, and he was back at it. [i]Should see about an enchanting table or forge or something. Putting up some walls, too. Maybe the wizards can do something about that.[/i] Runehorn, of course, didn't talk much. The thick Reachman's accent was embarassing. But for now, his best bets for getting the party some funding were either his marketable skills... or finding some fighting pit to toss himself into again. Turning a page in the book he was reading- something or other about Horker biology, half the words went over his head- he continued his work.