[h2]Trigger Warning- violence/Mental trauma [/h2] [hider=Part 2- Morning Madness] [color=gray] [center][b][color=limegreen][h1]Kazumin Nagasa[/h1][/color][/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/YX1sZZL/download.png[/img] [/center] [color=limegreen]Time: [/color] morning [color=limegreen]Location: [/color] Asteroth Estate [color=limegreen]Interactions:[/color] [color=limegreen]Mentions:[/color] Persephone/olivia, charlotte, Calbert, Ruby The tree stood, a now ruined monolith; a reminder whose shadow encroached over the numbed Kazumin. All else had become white noise; static save for the tree where his gaze remained transfixed. Unfocused eyes stared ahead, trying to grasp it all, the harrowing thought of his adopted family being dragged into him. Far too many for his comfort, nor did he want to look at any of them, the quality and detail made it easy for them to pick out the familiar faces all mockingly pinned in with morbid promise. What was he going to do? Were his family ok? Was it just the dolls? Did they…did they already… * [color=00a651]No! No..no it’s just a message…they’re all fine….all fine…got to be..need to…Percy! got ..gotta find Percy! Or char…or or or Ruby or ha…ha..if..if one is ok…then surely…yes![/color]* His mind struggled in near desperation to rationalize while holding back a fit of laughter. However, his mind proved too scattered and disjointed to get ahold of his memories as they fluttered as if surrounded by a sandstorm.. Thoughts whirled furiously; a vortex of memories just trying to remember why all this was happening. Pain throbbed in his head as he forced himself to grasp at something, anything. A name, the bastard’s name…remember damn it! A hot fiery burning in his forehead propelled his upper body forward. “ [color=limegreen]CALBERT![/color]” The name spewed his lips like toxic wisps, his hands appearing to have wrapped around the shadow as if grabbing hold of its neck. He soon began squeezing tight then tighter and tighter. With each squeeze, however, to his shock, a cracking sound that grew both in volume and to his horror shifted closer to bones cracking. "[color=bc8dbf]-min[/color] " His next squeeze done as a test, but what followed amidst the crack was a pained groan. Whatever rage Kazu had felt was suddenly dwarfed by an overwhelming fear, yet his hands still trembling with rage refused to relent. A freezing chill slowly licked up his spine as he slowly lifted his head; eyes wide in utter shock and horror at seeing the tree appearing mangled, the bark cracking and twisted as if something had been squeezing the life out of it with larger streams of crimson sap pooling down the tree’s fractured bark. "[color=bc8dbf] -umin[/color] " As he took in the meaning of what he saw, he felt a strong force wrapped around his head and shoulder trying to drag him back. In that moment a furious voice burned in his mind.*[color=00a651] Do it! Finish it![/color]* “[color=bc8dbf] KAZUMIN![/color]” Sasha’s familiar voice croaked out causing Kazumin to let out a gasp.” [color=limegreen]No![/color]” As he felt his body pulled back, fingers finally relenting their grip from Sasha’s neck. The impact upon landing on his back brought the world rushing back around him. In front of him knelt Sasha, being held up by Asteroth. Pained gasps and panting, muffled shouting broke through the ringing in his ears.”[color=ed1c24] Take slow breathes, whatever you're capable of...you're safe now. By imperis sakes, what is going on?[/color]” The disgruntled master of the estate bellowed out, mostly directed at the cowlicked blonde being constrained by Hugo, who was lying beneath him beside another, middle-aged servant who had joined after relaying what Sasha told him, where the two had been wrestling him back. And by the signs of fresh bruises on all three, it had been a challenging scuffle. The man’s harsh voice snapped Kazumin to his senses. This brought an end to the last bit of struggling, done out of confusion as Hugo’s arm pressed down on his throat pinning his back down against the knight’s chest. His face stern and cold, his breath hot against the back of his neck.” Have you regained your senses?” He whispered harshly into his ear, the hint of anger hard to miss. He could not bring himself to respond, still trying to get a full understanding of the situation, but the sickening warm sensation still fresh on his fingers and dark bruise marks around Sasha’s neck was enough to have Kazumin crashing down into tears “ [color=limegreen]I..n-..no I..Sasha I didn’t….I’d never…..[/color]” Gasping and panting heavily to seem as if Hugo was accidentally pressing down too hard when it was simply Kazu fighting back a panic attack. “[color=ed1c24] Good lord, let the man go, Hugo![/color]” Asteroth barked, and as ordered he had released his hold but kept himself at the ready. A concern not needed as Kazu simply let himself slide onto his side, where he remained crouched. His right hand covered his tear-stained eyes, fighting to accept what he nearly did. A gruff growl came out.” [color=ed1c24]Don’t look away, boy. Face what you did here or I will have you tossed out, I will not accept such acts in my home.[/color]” The Baron’s voice spoke, resolute and certain. Kazu heard what he said, but such threat wasn’t necessary.”[color=limegreen] Heh, I almost wished you did.[/color]” At least then it would give him the excuse to let Sasha not have to see him around. The thought of her hating him already hurt wasn’t painful enough, had he… His mind was forced to experience glimpses of the nightmare, of his lifeless friends, flashes of their faces flipping between their normal faces switching with that of the doll variant. The table was terrifyingly larger with a family extended invitation sent out. That had pushed him to the tipping point and nearly had him heaving; gulping down his breath, refusing to give in. Gritting his teeth, left hand clenching a handful of grass. The image of the bubbling mug and that incessant muffled laughing scratched at his mind, the mug showing small cracks. His face laughing back at him, bleeding, mocking…half mixed with Calbert’s. Pyscho. How that word stood out among that blasted board. The word made him flinch popping into his head, flipping between the mug, the laughter and psycho growing in intensity as the once greenish color gradually tinted into red wine. “ [color=limegreen]No![/color]” *[color=00a651]No![/color]* The word reverberated for himself and to the world, having all but ripped the hand from his eyes, previously glazed and near broken eyes briefly stood in fierce defiance.* I will…not…* Momentarily pausing to peer down at his hands, the marks of his actions a reminder.* I won’t….be like you, Calbert.* A slow exhale of exhaustion before pushing to look at Sasha, the sight of her face looking so red and eyes blood-shot though it were the dark and blue bruises starkly contrasting the pale skin, the outline still evident. He fought the urge to look away and leaned forward, this time placing his hands on the ground, not breaking eye contact.”[color=limegreen] Sasha….I..I wasn’t…my head got all messed up….the tree and nightmare and…and everything….no-not that that’s any excuse.[/color]” Nervously rubbing at his with a small awkward chuckle, grasping for a way to approach this. Kazumin may have had a penchant for causing some bit of trouble, but this? A brief peek at the tree? And all because he made the man’s daughter cry. He would laugh had such a stupid it all was if not for the fact it practically fucked over his life, and now risked Nagasa’s too. One thing was at least clear. A man willing to go this far would hunt him down. His faux peace and now this….running wasn’t an option. Biting back his gripes and frustrations, his body barely hanging on at this point. He gulped.”[color=limegreen] I… I’m so sorry Sasha…apologies won’t do anything, but….please know I..I’m truly sorry.[/color]” His face grimaced in pain, but forced himself to carry on.” [color=limegreen]And if…if you ask it I will leave the premises and never come here again.[/color]” The blonde sat, anxious observing Sasha, who could do little but lean against Asteroth. Her usual pretty features are anguished in pain as attempted to open her limps merely to be a small wheeze. This only made discerning what she was feeling all the more difficult and she appeared close to passing out. “[color=ed1c24] That’s enough. Kazumin…there is no need to go that far…yes, I may have overstepped as well, considering the current circumstances, for that I apologize. It’s clear that this invasion has left everyone here shaken, you most of all. Hugo, Lian. Come and take Sasha to the hospital. And you are to ensure she gets the best treatment.[/color]” Lian, the servant who had tagged along and Hugo moved without hesitation, where Asteroth allowed them to gingerly get her into Hugo’s arms. It was there the knight paused.” [color=0072bc]My lord, what should we tell the physician? If they asked who did this?[/color]” He asked, glancing warily in Kazumin’s direction. A stark, harsh stare brief as it was had him shrink in grimace at this. Asteroth stroked at his beard with a pondering sigh.”[color=ed1c24] For now, tell them you discovered her and Kazumin in the garden passed out. Whether she chooses to tell them it was Kazumin or not should be her decision. Until then, Kazumin is to remain in the estate..[/color]" A good thing the blonde's disheveled look and most hearing him scream could lend to this. “ [color=limegreen]What?! You can’t be…I should be the only one going nuts here…[/color]” Laughing weakly shaking his head in disbelief.” [color=limegreen] You seriously can’t think she actually could forgive me after…[/color]” Again he shook his head to keep the fresh tears back. Holding up his left hand signaling for him to stop, then taking a step closer to Hugo, frowning at the sight of his most trusted maid.” [color=ed1c24]Please go with my best wishes, lady Sasha and a speedy recovery. We will have things handled here, for now, rest.[/color]” Gently brushing the back of his fingers against her cheek.”[color=ed1c24] You may go, Hugo.[/color]” Nodding, he stepped back. Then he would turn to Lian, placed a hand on his shoulder.”[color=ed1c24] I ask your discretion as well when approaching the staff. For now, I want for you to have everyone scour the premises. We will need to seek out any weak spots and spruce up defenses.[/color]” His grip tightened at the thought of having his home invaded and besmirched. His own ire fumed in his eyes with no face to direct it at and almost aimed it at his ward who currently appeared a sickly pale twig trembling on the ground stressed out of his mind. The young man was barely holding it together, the withdrawal from the booze likely exacerbated all the exhaustion.”[color=ed1c24] And the next chance you can have someone let Hugo know to meet me in my study after ensuring Sasha is well. We will need to discuss the matter of the Nagasa family. Finding out their safety is of utmost importance, and secrecy and haste are the ways we will go about it. Is that understood, Lian?[/color]” Lian, who felt like this was all too much and way over his head. The man got this far in his life, he had no intention of screwing that up for him and his family. He had no ill-will towards the blonde even if he did inconvenience them at times with pranks, but like the lord said it was up to Sasha.” I-I understand. Yes, sir!” gulped the man nervously and gave a small salute, unsure of what to do with his hands…this whole situation was stressful for everyone ok!? A pleased nod.”[color=ed1c24] Good..as for the tree..[/color] “ [color=limegreen]Leave it…[/color]” Kazu said and nothing more. "[color=ed1c24]Very well. Seeing that the matter is done for now. Go and make haste.[/color]" Lian gave a small bow and an awkward little.” Er…she will be ok.” Muttered in passing trying to give him comfort, even if only a little. Watching Lian depart and only till he was gone did he turn his gaze over the area. Brows furrowed, a mix of worry and frustration when a sniffling pulled his attention to the blonde sitting there unsure of what to do. Now that things had calmed down, Asteroth could better inspect the young man properly. Taking in his visage and saw how the right strap of his overalls snapped off with fresh hand marks and bruises peppered his arms and chest, despite his size he proved difficult even for the two men but it was the expression made that had unnerved him the most. For as he had such a fit out of rage, surely. And yet, he was smiling and for a moment swore he was laughing. As he studied Kazumin, a part of him could not help but be partly afraid, repulsed but had to hope it was simply part of this near mental episode. Throwing him out would be no better than throwing a sack of meat to hungry predators in the alley with the state he was in. His usual hard face softened, reached to pull out a pocket sleeve and knelt beside him.” You should clean yourself, showing such an unsightly face to a lady you’ve wronged is very ungentlemanly.” Offering a small smile and the cloth. A tired scoff as he weakly took the cloth with a bit of limp attitude at the end.”[color=limegreen] Shows you’ve never given a proper apology. Apologies shouldn’t feel good to give…means you broke the trust to warrant it…[/color]” His words cracked at the end, knowing getting back trust was the real challenge. Sniffling again, he wiped at his face only to be taken aback at the blood, finally realizing his nose had been bleeding all this time, and combined with the tears made the baron’s statement not just a slight jab. Cringing at how he must have looked with that apology after the fact.” [color=limegreen]Ugh…guess I owe her a proper one still…and there goes the apple pies I could have used with it.[/color]” Groaning pain anew at seeing the poor apples littering the destroyed garden. A soft hand on the shoulder got Kazu to lift his head.”[color=ed1c24] Whatever it was you went through can be discussed later, but I must ask if you know who dared to sneak into my home? To do..such an affront?[/color]” His tone remained soft as the young lad had had enough. His grip, though, could be felt, firm. Here the exhaustion was beginning to get to him and the adrenaline-waning meant his time was short, the blurry edges of his vision proof. Fighting against it, he slumped against the baron.” [color=limegreen]Calbert…that damn bastard Calbert, I bet it was him.[/color]” Panted out the fading farmhand. Surprise etched the older gentleman’s face.” [color=ed1c24]Calbert? That is a dangerous claim to make there, can you be certain? Proof?[/color]” He disliked appearing as if he doubted him in the man’s last struggle to speak, but this was a count he was accusing. Questions he could not rightfully answer, but still he had to get him something.”[color=limegreen] No..I don’t. But..I know it was him…or at least he gave the order for something to happen at the least. There’s some…other group out there..some kind of crazy cult…the party…Marek…it…it had to have been all of them…[/color]” At that moment, he got to peer over Asteroth’s shoulder, receiving one last look at the tree and his hands furiously gripped the man’s shirt collar. Straining to pull himself up till their faces nearly touched, glaring into the Baron’s eyes, determined to say his piece.” [color=limegreen]They brought my family into this….they want me to play their game?[/color]” Flashes of the mangled tree and the laughing mirrored face, fuel him further closer, the bridges of their nose touching.”[color=limegreen] I will get proof and bring down their fucking game..[/color]” Slipping, inky blackness seeped into his vision, gradually shrinking until he could only see Asteroth’s eyes. Where Instead, he saw Calberts and in their reflection saw his own grinning face.”[color=limegreen] Ya want a psycho?….might as well do it the Kazu way![/color]” Grinning in challenge, thinking he could hear himself laughing before blacking out. [/color] [/hider] -Summary- Kazu has a near mental break down and in a lapse mistaking Sasha for an enemy and choke her through accidental pyschosis break and built up rage. Struggles with what happened after being staved off by Asteroth's group as Kazu decides to play the game, being pushed to immense mental and stressful strain.