[hider=Form][list][*][u]Name[/u]: Abe Hikari. It's her original name, and she sees no reason to swap it. [*][u]Age[/u]: Mentally, Hikari is definitely in her 30's. Physically, it could go either way: she looks like a nine year old, but there's enough to go on to suggest she's actually been reincarnated at the grand old age of over 900. She's a bit all over the place. [*][u]Gender[/u]: Female. [*][u]Race[/u]: Kitsune. It has racial abilities, but she doesn't know how to use any of them. [*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/7393841]Fluffiness[/url] [url=https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/7393843]without[/url] [url=https://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/7393849]compare.[/url] [*][u]Personality[/u]: Hikari has a polite and agreeable demeanour. Do you need something done? Well, she's happy to be of assistance, as long as it's within her ability and job scope. This betrays a lot of the rest of Hikari's attitude, even after dying and being reincarnated... well, she can't help but think of herself as an employee working for her long-term prospects. She seems quite able to take the absurdity of this reincarnation in stride; this sort of lowest common denominator writing was a guilty pleasure in her limited free time, and it's nice to enjoy it from a first-person perspective. It certainly lends her an air of unflappability in all things, which fits her new role quite perfectly. Besides, even if she dies again and nobody has access to resurrection, she's already got some great times out of this, why complain? [*][u]History[/u]: Hikari's life before reincarnation was about as dull as could be imagined: a studious and education-focused childhood with little time for doing things just for fun, followed by an equally boring university education before getting a tedious office job as a normal salaryman... no time for relationships, of course, nor as many hobbies as one would have liked. Trashy isekai setups? Oh, they took little enough time and thought that they were easy to follow, but... All of this in service to one goal: securing a safe and long-term career, with prospects of advancement to management and a cushy retirement when the time came. Or, at least, some time clawed back from socialising with co-workers and networking so that there was the potential for a family, as annoying as that often felt. This eventually lead to a promotion and Hikari was thrilled to be selected for an overseas meeting. this was the best opportunity to advance and--well, spending one's last moments obsessing over a prepared powerpoint presentation wasn't exactly the ideal way to go. Of course, this came with the opportunity for reincarnation! Not that Hikari remembers the process, or quite why this has lead to being a tiny little foxgirl, but that's not objectionable. Why her new cheat is so... what it is? Oh, she can guess, but really, past Hikari? Why had you argued so strongly for something that would give you that nice cushy job you wanted, with good accommodations and... Well, at least she's cute now. [*][u]Cheat[/u]: [b]Perfect and Elegant Maid:[/b] When it comes to the art of being a maid, nobody can be more suited or a faster learner than Hikari. For a start, this has granted her instant proficiency across a whole suite of domestic skills, from cleaning to cooking to managing a household staff. No more instant ramen for her! If it's been invented anywhere here yet, of course. There's a lot of semantics intrinsic in this, of course. While at a baseline it just gives Hikari a surprising level of aptitude for learning how to use supportive magic or knifework, if she were to find a proper employer... well, anticipating and fulfilling their needs would give her a lot more avenues for growth, depending on who they are. [list][*][u]Skill Name[/u]: Shapeshift: Fox. [*][u]Skill Description[/u]: The only racial skill that Hikari has any immediate access to, it's the ability to transform into a fox. Either a perfectly normal fox with a single tail, or one keeping her full magnificent array. She can speak in either case.[/list] [*][u]Other[/u]: Was once on the kendo team. Not terribly useful, if she goes into knives instead.[/list][/hider]