[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250119/e835d720b8347c932be417b5ff6e6c11.png[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/iFOTs7BjiTAAAAAd/peaceful-peace-of-mind.gif[/img][/center] [indent][color=lime]"I'll be back, Finley. Don't get yourself in trouble, [i]please[/i]."[/color] That had been several hours ago. Liam had left the shop to run some errands, and he had yet to return from whatever he had to do. Of course, Finley wasn't having it, and instead found herself quickly bored as she waited for him to return. She had attempted to keep herself busy, her hand on the remote that flipped through the channels on that magic picture box Liam had owned in his living room. [i]"Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" "Have you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with mesothelioma?" "BREAKING NEWS: A ROBBERY IN PROGRESS IS TAKING PLACE AT NOVA CITY BANK!"[/i] [color=5584AC]"Picture box no fun."[/color] Finley sighed, throwing the remote aside. Liam had said it was supposed to be enjoyable. That the magic picture box told interesting stories. Had Liam lied to her? He hadn't lied before. But that guy with the [i]fire stick[/i] did. And that guy that had promised free ice cream. Liars were bad, she had come to learn. But Liam wasn't bad. He was nice to her. He even made certain she had a large supply of her favorite fish—salmon. So why would Liam lie to her? Her brain was wracked as she tried to come up with a solution to her questions. Frustrated, Finley stood up from the couch and left to go for a walk. Maybe there was fun elsewhere. Like that ring toss game at the... uh, what was it? The arcade? Yeah. That had to be it. After all, she was very good at ring toss. It got her many tickets. And tickets equaled candy. Candy was good, too. And so, Finley set out for the arcade. It hadn't been a far walk, at least for someone of her stamina. Yet as she walked down the sidewalk, Finley couldn't help but to notice the absence of people on the city's streets. Normally, they were filled with pedestrians. But not today. [color=5584ac]"Everyone gone?"[/color] She asked, confused. The sound of nearby siren wailing and the flash of blue-red lights suddenly captured her attention. Following the lights and sounds, Finley found herself on the edge of a police blockade, wherein officers were preparing to storm the biggest bank in Nova City. Finley ran to a nearby corner, peaking behind the brick edge of a building. Police were bad. Or were they good? Liam had explained that they were helpful. But he also wanted her to hide from them. Something about how her crashing at his house probably wouldn't go over well with them (or his landlord, but that was another story for another time). Still, her interest was there. Looking beyond the blockade, Finley noticed a group of men surrounding the bank up ahead. They didn't look like police officers, and had black faces. [color=5584AC]"Penguin?"[/color] Finley questioned, talking to herself. The gas masks they had been wearing reminded her of the black facial structure of the penguins she once fed upon, at least from as far as she could make out. But where were their flippers? Their yellowed feet? These penguins were weird, and not like any penguins she had seen before. Regardless, penguins were now stuck on her mind. She could feel her body changing in form, with her face shifting into a more seal-ish muzzle, and a large finned tail protruding from her behind. Her human hands turned webbed, and her height grew exponentially. [color=5584AC][i]"PENGUIN!"[/i][/color] With a victory bark, the seal beast leaped out from the shadows, jumping over the police blockade to the shock of the officers that had been protecting it. Charging into the fray, she promptly tackled one of the armed guards, sending him flying through one of the outer windows of the bank with a defeaning crash. Glass shattered all over the floor as Finley jumped in after her hunted prey, unaware of the larger stake that had been happening inside the building.[/indent]