[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c2Golyt.png[/img][/center] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 28th Sola, Daytime [color=peru]Location:[/color] Edin Theater [color=peru]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/FOg6BjE.jpeg]Military Formal[/url], but in Caesonian colors [url=https://i.imgur.com/PEMSUSV.jpeg]Family Dirk[/url] + [url=https://i.imgur.com/sS8bDBR.jpeg]Crest[/url] [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] Anastasia [@princess], Fritz [@JJ Doe], Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy] [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] A cool glass of iced tea with lemon occupied the captain’s right hand while a pretzel occupied her left as she made her way through the crowds of gathered people. A pretzel was a good way to take the measure of a baker. If they couldn’t make a good pretzel, then anything using proper dough would probably be difficult. She took a bite and hummed with satisfaction. It was warm and soft and well prepared. A fine pretzel, fitting for an event hosted by the crown. The presence of the townsfolk changed the atmosphere, it brought things down from the fine etiquette and high horses of the upper class and put things in a place she felt much more comfortable with. She could think of a person or two that might disagree with the sloppy manners, and she certainly wouldn’t want to get anything on her nice uniform, herself. A servant would take care of it for her if she did, she knew, but she rather liked looking sharp like she did. A stain simply wouldn’t do. It was good the pretzel didn’t really need any cheese, though she did have some, skillfully held by her pinky and ring finger, underneath her cup of drink. A girl ran past her, and when Stratya looked to see where she’d come from, she saw the Prrincess, joined by another. She approached the pair - no, trio. There was Duke Lorenzo - with a bite or two missing from the pretzel in her hand. [color=peru]”Somethin’ abou’ a baked good y’ dinnae ‘ave tae make yerrself is so sa’isfyin’.”[/color] The Princess, Duke Lorenzo, and.. Count Fritz, one of the visiting Varian nobles. He’d been at the table with Princess Anastasia at Lord Drake’s party, that’s right. [color=peru]”In a cer’ain way, t’is all rremin’s me of a village festival. T’ way folks’re millin’ abou’, ‘avin’ a cha’ an’ eattin’, too. Verry cozy an’ welcomin’.”[/color] [color=peru]”Plen’y o’ pe’forrmances lined up with t' Prrincess at the end, aye. A falconry display tae lead us off, too, that’s excitin’! A huntin’ birrd. Hmm,”[/color] something about that greatly appealed to her. The combination of cute and also fierce predator would always get her. [color=peru]”I cannae wai’ tae ‘ear either o’ yer perrformances, Prrincess, Duke. If yerr poetrry’s as good as yerr jokes, Duke Lorrenzo, I look forrward tae yerr turn on t’ stage, as well.”[/color] Week–old Royal Curd cheesey feet. She turned to Count Fritz, then, smiling, [color=peru]"Coun' Frritz, good tae see ye again. I'm glad tae 'ave the chance tae mee' ye again under.. more contrrolled cirrcumstances."[/color]