[img]https://files.catbox.moe/g6l3ux.png[/img] There's always a reaction to an action. Whereof Zeph would believe him or not, or nibble at what was presented before him, either way the blonde gardener would learn something. From his observations Zephyros seemed to be an able listener, yet he maneauvered in conversations akin to Kira, careful to not let anything personal slip. A guarded guardsman. At least he had chosen the right kind of work. The scoff the man had made was telling enough about the man. He was prideful. But it didn't come off as the same kind which some nobles would carry themselves, sucking unto any chance of gaining fame, material wealth or improved social standing. No. This man clearly was prideful of his present self. A man content with what he currently held within his grasp? Perhaps time would tell. That Zephyros would consider to arrest Dyna was met with a soft snicker from the blonde. To consider something is not the same as agreeing to something. [color=6ecff6][b]"How considerate. But a consideration is not akin to a promise. Regardless... I shall draw the face of the boy. Why? I'll keep that part to myself."[/b][/color] Gadez looked over his shoulder and smirked. [color=6ecff6][i]'I could consider sparing King Auric. Except that I have no intention of doing so. As for the boy. If he proves a too elusive prey for the guards of Dawnhaven, then I shall have to deal with him myself. Either way. That lone wolf is a thorn which must be removed. Any attempt to sow fear amidst the populace and pin the humans against the afflicted must not be allowed to persist. He's a threat to the great plan. I shall unroot him and toss him into the fire.'[/i][/color] Gadez thought as he gave a slight nod to Zephyros. [color=6ecff6][b]"Flynn will come no doubt. I know he will be unable to resist the chance to possibly gloat and ask his questions. But will he like the answers? Now that's the curious part. Hahah… ahh… and I shall do my best to not miss you, Zephyros the breeze, I seldom miss. Hahahah..."[/b][/color] Gadez laughed aloud as Zeph left the building. The blonde warrior-monk took a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, then made his way over towards the sad-excuse of the bed. He sat on it and rested his back against the wall. [color=6ecff6][i]'No matter what happens. Battle will come to Dawnhaven. All I can do is to strengthen the only side worthy to win the final battle. The edge of the two-faced coin. Dawnhaven. The state of the world, my own conclusion to it... Aelios' shell. It rests beneath the Aurelian capitol. In an old forgotten temple. Down some dark passageways. It would make sense that her corporeal form would be nested amidst her followers. Which makes it all the more ironic. That it was likely one of her own followers that plunged this world into darkness. Now here's food for thought. Was it Auric or was it the highest amidst the clergy? Where her soul went. I have little doubt. But still such power would have done what it has done to the afflicted. Perhaps to a more potent degree. Divine power flowing out. If a mortal were to wield a fraction of that power and attain the same longevity of the divine, what use would there be for heirs?' [/i][/color] He softly mused in his own head, shaking it softly afterwards. The gardener chuckled. It didn't matter. He would fight on, like he always had, until the day he no longer could, would he die before or during his battle with Auric. Death was beckoning. Despite the hatred that had been channelled into sheer focus. He had felt that odd tingle again. That horrible. Awful feeling. He couldn't allow himself to fall prey to it again. [i]He closed his eyes momentarily as he delved into his memories.[/i] [hider=Flashback] The sounds of a pendulum swinging from the left and the right. The olden clock giving off it's ticking tune. A constant reminder that time marches onwards. The bedroom was unlit, the window casting the only light into the room, the curtains flickering slightly from the wind outside. The skies were blue, the white fluffy clouds passing by. But these things could all not be seen by the woman lying in the bed, her vision robbed of her, like her left arm. Lost to an illness incurable. Her strength faltered and her time having reached it's epitaph. A young man is kneeling next to the bed, hand upon her remaining hand. His thumb caressing the slim pale fingers of the woman. [color=7bcdc8][b]"The world is a mysterious place, perhaps it has turned out the way it was meant to be? Destiny. I would rather live in a flicker of a moment than not at all. My love, please keep on living. If not for yourself or for my sake. Do it for the precious stone we both hold dear."[/b][/color] The soft weakened voice of the young woman lying in the bed said. [color=fff200][b]"You always had a flair for the dramatic, but then again, were you not who you are, I would never had fallen so badly. You are quite the cruel woman, priestess."[/b][/color] The man said in a slightly jesting tone, as his mouth formed into a soft smile, his free hand reaching over to caress her forehead softly, moving her dark hair from her face. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Do you regret it? Knowing now where the path trodden has led?"[/b][/color] She asked softly as her thin fingers allowed themselves to squeeze his hand. [color=fff200][b]"Never."[/b][/color] He said in a determined tone, his blonde hair falling over his eyes as he looked to her hand. [color=7bcdc8][b]"It's soon time for me to go. You have to let me go. Hide our precious stone and when the time is right, turn it into gold. The lynx... hides a secret truth, it guards... the key... with iron will, the secret... turning stone to... gold."[/b][/color] The pale woman said softly in a melodic way, her grey eyes which once could behold the world, was now unable to see anything at all. [color=fff200][b]"I shall then bear the brand and watch from afar to keep it safe from hands impure."[/b][/color] The blonde man softly lifted her hand and planted a kiss upon it, and then to his suprise the hand stroked his cheek. [color=7bcdc8][b]"I know you will. I know you cannot forgive the hand which we've been dealt, and that you blame the divine as much as King Auric. But try find it in your heart to forgive yourself at least. You knew you could not save me, yet you tried with all your might. That is more than enough for me."[/b][/color] The fairskinned young woman said with a soft smile forming on her lips, a single tear slipping from her left eye, sliding slowly down her cheek, only to be caught by the man's soft hand. [color=fff200][b]"I may forgive myself, but the world. I cannot, I will not forgive any cosmic force which has sentenced us to this fate, for you to fade away, and for me to continue on. Alone."[/b][/color] The man said in a bitter tone, his blue eyes underneath his blonde hair narrowed. [color=7bcdc8][b]"Love shall always surpass hate. It's harder to let go of something you love, than something you hate..."[/b][/color] She caressed his cheek with her fingers before her strength began to gradually fade, leading her hand to be guided down to rest on her chest by the man. [color=fff200][b]"When you are gone, it shall be the only thing remaining. Save for the precious gem, which I must ward not only from our foes but from myself aswell lest my path shall consume it aswell. I'll create a new world. Watch over us will you?"[/b][/color] He said in a soft tone, before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her lips, a lone tear sliding down his cheek before falling. A soft melody of a musicbox playing in the distance and then... [b][BANG][/b] The sound of it slamming into the floor echoed in his memory, the scenery faded away and all became dark. [/hider] [hider=Alchemy is about mixing of two things.] [color=fff200][i]'Love. Such a double edged sword. How it has wounded me. You made my aspirations waver. It is indeed a power, a dangerous volatile power. My heart must remain dead... ' [img]https://files.catbox.moe/9xho2j.png[/img] 'Just like you... my phantom serene.' [/i][/color] [/hider] [@The Muse]