[hider=Dolly] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jQ3Z7GK.jpeg[/img][/center] [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Vladlena Belyakova [*][u]Age[/u] The doll body appears to be around 18 Vladlena herself, though, was 25 when the accident happened. [*][u]Gender[/u]: Female [*][u]Race[/u]: Living Doll [*][u]Appearance[/u]: Vladlena's new body appears to be that of a well taken care of petite, human sized doll. Standing at just five three, she's rather diminutive and fairly unassuming with long white hair, gold colored eyes, and wearing and elegant dress. She could easily be mistaken for a human, if not for the very visible joints on her hands, knees, and arms and the slightly almost too glassy appearance of her eyes. Her hair is typically seemingly tied effortlessly into two bows on either side of her rather impressively long amount of hair. The only downside, is that she wishes she was just slightly taller. She lost a few inches when being reincarnated. [*][u]Personality[/u]: Vladlena, on the surface, seems like a fairly normal person if a bit eccentric with a love for being overly dramatic sometimes. Mixed with an almost mad-scientist level passion for engineering, she can come off as a bit overbearing at times. Mechanical engineering? Mapping out a new bridge to be built? Calculating stress loads for said bridges? Making an entirely new mechanical contraption using physics? hold her vodka, she'll have this figured out in an hour. Her self proclaimed geniuses' aside, Lena takes something of a hedonistic approach to life. If it feels good, so long as its not overly dangerous, why not give it a try? To say nothing of her penchant for teasing others and being a right smug bastard sometimes. This might be a dangerous combination if it wasn't for her moral compass leaning mostly right. She at least won't harm others just to get something she wants. No, shes too great to stoop to such things. Her only flaw, if she had to say, would be the fact she rarely thinks or takes time to consider other people in her plans. Her way or the highway, as one might say. She doesn't mind going alone. [*][u]History[/u]: Vladlena hails from Russia. A land known for its Vodka, that one song somewhat memey song about it, and its not so stellar past in the grand scheme of things. Not that she ever really put too much thought into such things about the hows and whys. She had a fairly normal life growing up in the Motherland, well, as normal as anyone growing up could in Russia. Middle class, friends, loving family. It was all rather boring really. The only thing one may note of particular exception, was Vladlena's excellence in academics. Specifically in maths and in the Engineering sectors. She was able to graduate full marks from one of Russia's finest institutions. Not without a fair share of hiccups. She became known for being something of both a troublemaker and someone who did things a little unconventionally. Not that they could do much - she was still one of the top students in Uni even if she spent half her free time being something of a functional alcoholic and generally skipping a good portion of the classes to pursue her hobbies and other things that caught her interest, for however long they did. It was shortly after graduating at the age of 25, just after spending the last five years in college getting a degree and getting hired at her first place of employment did she end up passing away. Killed by a drunk driver on her way home from the first day on the job. Why a Doll though? She can't remember the specifics, but it was probably along the lines of 'a perfectly cute and eternally adorable body' [*][u]Cheat[/u]: [u][b]Auto Forge[/b][/u] In effect, this allows Lena to take an amount of raw materials and use magic to effectively shape them into some usable. Effectively, effortlessly machining or 3D printing an object with just some sort of magical ability. She does not currently understand how this works. The more complex something is, the time it takes to do it increases exponentially. Complexity is a combination of both intricacy of parts as well as the material itself. That is to say something like wood would be made faster then something like some sort of metal alloy. Just as well, she has to actually have some idea of how it would work for it to be made. The first time she makes something it may be better to make the individual parts and manually put them together, for example. Theoretically, there's no upper limit to what she could make with this. Its just a huge time investment the more complex and difficult the material is to work with. A simple replacement part for her body? Should only take a few minutes at most. A brand new part she hasn't made before and isn't familiar with, or she's just learning the theory behind? That's going to take awhile. The inverse is also, true though. The more practice and familiar she is with what she's making, the faster it will be made. [list][*][u]Craftsmans' Psychometry[/u] [*][u]Skill Description[/u]: Traditionally known as object reading, or rather the ability to learn information about an object and its history simply by touching it. In Lena's case, she can use this entirely just for inanimate objects and only to learn about what went into making them. It doesn't tell her the proper ratios of alloys in an object, how to forge it or put it together. Just the materials that went into making it.[/list] [*][u]Other[/u]: Lena's body is well, entirely hollow. She has no idea how this works yet, but it means that at the moment she's both rather difficult to actually injure or kill really. She can't really bleed out, and while it does hurt when stabbed as one may expect, it really is just a flesh wound for her. Her body is also [i]extremely[/i] flexible. This does have its downsides though, the most notable bit being that she can not heal naturally and healing magic is typically less effective on her, if at all.[/list][/hider]