"Your Eidolon can change it's head into a-." Was all that Ashley had time to say before Luka willed the air around her mouth to stop vibrating, leaving her speech completely inaudible. "Quiet you." Luka said before turning back to Agent Simonsen. "Don't mi-" [b]"I will not intervene this time."[/b] A familiar voice spoke up from the back of Luka's mind. [b]"Tend to him as thou see fit."[/b] [color=#9e0116][b]"THANK YOU KINDLY."[/b][/color] Another familiar, and much more terrifying, voice thanked the first. An instant later, Luka felt the presence of the cloth gag at his mouth again. Though when he tried to pull it off, he found nothing there. [hider=OOC] Luka fails to Dazzle Ray into disregarding Ashley. [/hider]