[quote=@Vixere] My initial thought, in very retro style, is of packs of shifters in different cities trying to make alliances to keep their populations strong, knowledge up to date, and keeping any lurking hunters at bay. This also opens the opportunities to have humans played as hunters, allies, skeptics, et cetera by others. [/quote] "Shifter" makes me think of like werewolves and the like. If so I'm curious which animal or creature you're interested in playing with. I'm always a big fan of vampire stuff. But I'm trying to think outside the box here. The title kinda reminds me of Terminator. I wonder if I could make something similar work as a clan. It would be a small group of mysterious androids, indistinguishable from humans on the outside. But inside there would be a mechanical chassis and a computer; technology so advanced that it was likely from the future or some other unbelievable source. They're working in the shadows in this time to bring about the future they desire and to eliminate certain key targets. It wasn't expected, but an uneasy alliance formed between the androids and other supernatural-esque groups due to always running in the same circles and having similar black market needs. What do you think about that? I thought it might be a nice contrast to whatever you had in mind. But if you think it clashes too much, I've got other ideas. It could be interesting to be one of those 'hunters' you mentioned, to keep things exciting.