[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5404355][color=cadetblue][u][b]Kiba[/b][/u][/color][/url][right][color=cadetblue][u]Location[/u][/color] | [i]Forest Clearing. [color=silver]Rembrandt Outskirts[/color][/i] [color=silver][i]Interactions[/i][/color] | [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5401576][color=BFB4B0]Adelyn Amberfield[/color][/url] [@Lunarlord34], [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5404640][color=9400D3]Mark Penderghast[/color][/url] [@Sanguine Rose], [@Zarkun][/right][hr]What seemed like a triumph against the vulcan by Adelyn and Kiba’s combined efforts was short-lived in the wake of the Lightning Beast’s assault. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, a pit growing in his stomach that was only exasperated by the fragmented communications of Munroe. A warning and order to retreat. When the lightning began to crash around him, Kiba’s first instinct was to close the distance between himself and Adelyn. Once at her side, the swordsman aimed to grab her wrist and make a run for it, but a surge of static electricity leapt out to jolt his fingertips and give him pause. The energy amassing within Adelyn, who had seemingly withdrawn inside herself, was intense. Kiba stepped back a few feet, glancing between Adelyn and the oncoming assault of the enraged creature. The vulcan had the good sense to flee, but it seemed they were not so fortunate. “[color=BFB4B0]I SAID SHUT UP![/color]” Adelyn’s bellows ignited the air with a crack of thunder, a searing bolt unleashed at the beast with such force that Kiba had to brace himself from the shockwave. When the dust settled, Kiba couldn’t be sure if the attack had caused any significant harm, but he was sure that the young lightning mage would be almost spent from such a spell. He stepped forward to Adelyn, offering himself as support if needed. “[color=cadetblue]Not safe. Regroup with Mark.[/color]” He directed, short and succinct as usual. Kiba was debating the merit of carrying Adelyn out of there, hoping it wouldn’t impact his speed if the beast gave chase, when Mark appeared from the shadows and enveloped their team in a dark mass of tendrils. The cold emptiness of his abyss seemed to sap both light and life from Kiba’s body, a chill dread seeping through to his bones before the warmth of the forest’s light thawed him out. Now back at the horses, Kiba could hear Munroe’s communications more clearly. So that was that. A mission cut short from external interferences. Something about it didn’t sit right with Kiba, and although Mark’s trained composure betrayed little, the swordsman could tell the dark haired mage shared the sentiment. Kiba tapped the device fixed to his ear, his voice holding a quiet firmness. “[color=cadetblue]Permission to track the beast to its lair?[/color]” Kiba asked, brow furrowed. The persistent threat of the Lightning Beast couldn’t be ignored, but its appearance offered one fortuitous advantage - they could conduct some reconnaissance and attempt to find its den, if it had one. Kiba knew that this creature would be difficult to subdue when they were simply wandering about hoping to find it, but now it was engaged with the creature they had initially come to capture, and its trail of destruction could guide them back to its home, where it would be at its most vulnerable.