[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rtwLejQ.png[/img] [color=f26522]Time[/color]: 11am [color=f26522]Location[/color]: Sorian Gallery of Fine Arts [color=f26522]Interactions[/color]: [color=f26522]Mentions in order[/color]: [color=f26522]outfit:[/color] Uncomfortable fancy metal clothing.[/center] [hr][hr] The ride over to the art gallery was uneventful. If it wasn’t for what he was wearing Roman would have walked, yet he was a bit too flashy for even his liking. The decision was made, and he was outvoted to the type of attire he was to wear for this outing. He understood but he still didn’t like it. What was decided was some of the more eccentric and complicated attire they had made. A pauldron wrapped itself around his left shoulder and covered the magic caused injuries on his left arm down to his fingers. It was a wearable puzzle, an intricate piece of several thousand cut out shapes of different kinds of metal each in a different unique shape and size. Polished to a near mirror shine, the unique material could move like normal fabric but could also be just as sturdy as real armor if twisted the right way. The next part of his walking art piece that he wore was a bronze-colored jacket with hundreds of carved and shaped scales layered over one another. Each scale was etched with designs, some random designs and shapes others depicting ancient sea monsters or legends. A scaled wire coiled around his torso and right arm ending in the head of a snake at his wrist, it looked like it was intertwined and made into the suit. Yet, it moved like it wasn’t attached to him at all. The last part of his ensemble was the cascading scales from his jacket past his knees. The colors of his house checkered dark blue and black poking out from under the long jacket. For him it was a fancy rendition of their culture. The kilt being part of it, as part of their artistic style metal and armor was typically worn as ceremonial wear of some kind. These were the kind of things roman didn’t enjoy, being a walking advertisement was one thing but now he had to put on a fake smile on top of it. He should have gone to that theater at least there he wouldn’t have to wear this, this uncomfortable garment that pinched and pulled hair. At least it was protective and not meant just for looks. There were two others in the carriage with him, two of the guards Sven and Erik assigned to him. They were wearing matching outfits, loose formal clothing that professionally hid the body armor underneath. One noticed his lord’s uncomfortable movements, “[b]at least you look nice my lord.[/b]” A snicker escaped the other guard. Roman replied with a sneer, “[color=f7941d]next time you two can wear this.[/color]” They all smiled the other guard spoke up just as they were arriving, “[b]Id rather eat a bowl of Astri’s mystery meat stew.[/b]” Silence for just a moment then All of them laughed together. The Carriage rolled to a stop in front of the gallery, the door opened and Roman stepped out his guards following close behind. He took it in for a moment before entering, the sights, sounds, smells, mostly the building. The architecture of this place was a little much, but it was to be expected given the current ruler. The trio stepped up and through the main entrance and met with a kind receptionist that quickly made name tags for each of them. It was nice but roman was here to meet someone and ultimately decided to stand to the side so that both him and his date could explore the art works.