[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] Galahad sputtered and cursed as the Leviathan sent him flying with a blast of water, armor crashing against the ground as he tumbled like a wet sack- a sack clad in steel, but a sack all the same. A gauntleted hand roughly ripped the helmet off of his face as Galahad hacked out seawater and pawed at his face to clear his vision. They'd barely scratched her. [color=lightblue]"You've got to be kidding me!"[/color] Galahad cursed aloud as the Leviathan pontificated at them, his replies practically lost in the storm. [color=lightblue]"What sort of Etrosdamned trial is this?!"[/color] Any grumbles and complaints he had were quickly lost as the Eidolon began to channel its next spell- a tidal wave that would surely kill them all. The blood drained from his face as he watched the barrier of water wrap around the Lady of Whorls, Izayoi's shockwave having seemingly little effect. They were strewn all over, there was no chance to run. They had to make their stand here, break the spell or else they'd die. Galahad quickly scrambled to his feet, his head whirling around, looking for the others, looking for options. Some of the others were already getting up and moving on their own. Good. He saw Izayoi sheathing her blade for another one of her fearsome draws. Also good. Next to him he spotted a familiar looking instrument, a few feet away was its owner. Lunging for the instrument, Galahad grabbed it and thrust it into Ciradyl's hands. [color=lightblue]"We need to strike hard and now. Imbue us with power."[/color] Galahad demanded as he began to sprint back into the fight. The air whipped around them as Rudolf zipped past him, erupting forward with a flaming black lance. Had they not been in a life or death situation, Galahad would've been most impressed by the form. Praise would have to be held off until later though, as his eyes tracked Rudolf's angle of attack and where his black lance's thrust would land. Armored feet skidded to a halt next to the samurai as Galahad pointed the spear point of his halberd forward, his voice already straining as he began gather electricity into the palm of his hand. [color=lightblue]"You see where we need to strike, right? Time it with mine. 3 seconds."[/color] With that, the armored dragoon leaped, enough electricity trailing behind him that it looked like a lightning bolt was traveling in reverse course from the ground and back into the sky where it belonged. The bolt cut a wicked, jagged path through the air, reaching its crest as Galahad flipped himself in the air. One. Wyrmfang flipped in Galahad's hand as he reversed his grip, holding it high above his head. A signature strike if Galahad ever had one- one meant to slay the most powerful of dragons and beasts, to sunder adamantine scale and skull alike. Enough electricity surged through the halberd to make it's shape unrecognizable, the Dragoon practically holding a bolt of primordial lightning in his hands. He reared back, his eyes narrowed in the whipping winds, his fore hand guiding his aim. Two. He saw it, the wake left by Rudolf's attack, the sheer speed of it all. His eyes tracking the dark lance. Galahad seemingly slowed himself in the air, catching himself as he waited with bated breath- waiting for the impact. He heard the cry of the young warrior's voice, and saw the strike land. Three. A herald of lightning and thunder, Galahad put the entirety of his strength into his throw, his arm whipping forward and loosing his bolt of lightning. Wyrmfang streaked through the sky, forcing it to split and make way, crashing down towards the Eidolon and its barrier. Moments later, Galahad fell toward the ground as well, residual lightning trailing behind him as he followed the wake of his own weapon, bracing himself to make impact and to drive the weapon through the barrier and deep into the blasted Leviathan's skull.