Alright you rowdy adventurers. It's been 9 days since our last post of any sort on this game. It's no secret that we have seriously relaxed on the "2 day" reply time frame, so I'm forced to contend with some realities: 1. 48 hours is an unrealistic time-window to expect a reply on a Play-by-Post game 2. Our group does not have the bandwidth to commit to posting within said time-window 3. Writers are not, as a rule, announcing when they're having issues responding due to internal or external factors This leads me to two course-correcting conclusions: 1. We throw up our hands and set this game to the pace of "when we're available, we'll write for it" without time contstraints and without commitment to posting less than some future agreed upon time frame (eg. once a week) 2. We wrap up this session, shake hands, and take down the game I'm opening this up for the whole group to weigh in on. My feelings aren't on the line no matter which way we lean, but if I don't get engagement from everyone in some way, we may just take the latter. The former only works if everyone has buy-in. [@rush99999] [@vertigo] [@patientbean] [@digizel] [@clanjos]