[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/s5xtbYp.png[/img] [H1][color=#8D3B72]Kalliope[/color] & [color=1E90FF]Sjan-dehk[/color][/H1][/center] [color=#8D3B72]Date:[/color] Sola 26th [color=1E90FF]Time:[/color] Evening [color=#8D3B72] Location:[/color] Small little inn [Center][h2][b]Part 3[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] By the time they arrived at the inn, the city’s chaos had given way to the stillness of the night. The inn itself was tucked down a quiet side street, its warm, golden light spilling onto the cobblestone road like a beacon of comfort. The carved wooden sign above the door depicted a coiled dragon resting atop a hoard of coins, its craftsmanship a testament to the inn’s reputation for blending charm and luxury. Sjan-dehk glanced at the sign, then at the building’s facade. He let out a low whistle. [color=1E90FF][i]“Fancy look for a quiet place,”[/i][/color] he remarked. Kalliope pushed open the door with familiar ease, stepping into the cozy common area where the scent of wood smoke and spiced tea filled the air. A few patrons lingered at the tables, chatting quietly or nursing drinks, but the room was far from crowded. Behind the polished counter stood a plump, middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a sharp mind. She glanced up as Kalliope approached, her expression lighting up in recognition. Her gaze briefly flicked to the necklace Kalliope war, a silent indicator of who she was that night. [color=pink]“Well, if it isn’t Lady Vayne,”[/color] the innkeeper said warmly, [color=pink]“Shall I prepare your usual suite, my lady?”[/color] Kalliope’s lips curved into a gracious smile. [color=#8D3B72]“Yes, please, Elyna. And if it’s not too much trouble, could you have some tea and perhaps something light to eat brought up? My companion and I have had quite the evening.”[/color] [color=pink]“Of course, my lady,”[/color] Elyna replied with a slight bow of her head. Her sharp gaze darted to Sjan-dehk, but she said nothing more. Instead, she turned and gestured to one of the serving staff, giving quiet instructions before returning to the counter. [color=pink]“It’ll be ready shortly.”[/color] Kalliope thanked her with a small nod, then motioned for Sjan-dehk to follow as she led the way up the staircase to the second floor. The corridor was lined with ornately carved doors, each marked with intricate plaques indicating the suite numbers. Kalliope stopped at the third door on the left, producing a key from the folds of her gown and unlocking the door with a smooth motion. The suite inside was the epitome of understated elegance. A plush rug in rich shades of crimson and gold stretched across the floor, its patterns intricate and mesmerizing. A fireplace crackled softly in the corner, the golden light casting a warm glow over the room. To the right, a small sitting area boasted a pair of high-backed chairs flanking a low table, perfect for quiet conversation or reviewing documents. The bed dominated the far end of the room, its canopy draped in sheer, gauzy fabric that shimmered faintly in the firelight. A small sideboard held a collection of decanters and glasses, while a writing desk was tucked neatly into the corner, complete with an assortment of ink and quills. Sjan-dehk looked at the room with impressed eyes as he carefully stepped inside, as if it wasn’t an inn’s room that he was stepping into, but the stately chamber of a mansion. But perhaps ‘stately’ was the wrong word to use – this room didn’t feel stuffy, or overly-elaborate for the sake of it. Everything seemed to have a reason for why they were the way they were. The decorations were certainly fine and intricate, but they accented the room nicely, rather than dominating it. He could feel a gentle air of cosiness from the furnishings, rather than a desire to impress. Kalliope stepped inside before glancing over her shoulder at Sjan-dehk, her smirk returning. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Well? What do you think? Cozy enough for our letter-reading adventure?”[/i][/color] Her tone carried just enough playful emphasis on the phrase to keep him guessing about whether or not she truly meant to behave as she pulled the letter out of her bodice and waved it before him. As they settled in, someone brought the tea she requested and an assortment of pastries before silently leaving. Thank the Mother for the interruption, for Sjan-dehk’s mind had wandered to somewhere that wasn’t as savoury as he liked at Kalliope’s words – or her tone, to be accurate – and her actions. His eyes, which had been drawn to her bosom by her hand, quickly snapped away to instead look towards the person with their drinks and food. [color=1E90FF]“Thank you,”[/color] he said with a nod, doing his utmost best to keep his voice and tone as calm, level, and devoid of his shame as possible. That brief distraction returned his attention to the task at hand, but still Sjan-dehk was convinced that there was something dreadfully wrong with him today. He wasn’t usually like this, so easily distracted by the words and ways of a woman. Or just easily distracted in general. He shook his head slightly, then looked at the tray. [color=1E90FF][i]“Well, we’ve food and drinks. I think it’s as good a time as any for us to have a look at the letter.”[/i][/color] Kalliope laid the letter carefully on the table, smoothing out the edges with a practiced hand. She then walked over to the writing desk and grabbed a blank sheet of paper as well as a quill and ink, just in case she needed to write anything down to help decode this. She then grabbed a cup of tea and took a delicate sip, savoring the warmth and calming effects before she set it down. The tea seemed extra delightful tonight. She sat down with a fluid motion, her gaze drifting back to the letter. After a long moment of quiet examination, she tilted her head slightly, her eyes narrowing in subtle curiosity. [color=#8D3B72][i]“So,”[/i][/color] she said, her voice low and thoughtful as she looked at Sjan-dehk, [color=#8D3B72][i]“other than the random darker spots and slanted letters, does anything about this letter stand out to you?”[/i][/color] With furrowed brows, Sjan-dehk examined the letter. His command of Caesonian had improved over his stay thus far in Sorian, but reading was still something with which he found trouble. To be honest, had Kalliope not pointed out the slanted letters, he wouldn’t have thought them to be suspicious. And still, despite his best efforts to scrutinise them in every which way possible, he couldn’t figure out just why she had pointed them out. They just looked like someone was writing in a rush. [color=1E90FF][i]“Can’t say anything does,”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk admitted in a half-grumble. [color=1E90FF][i]“Reading your language…Well, the characters, at least, isn’t something I’m too good at. It looks like a normal letter to me.”[/i][/color] Then, his lips pulled into a grin and he looked at her. [color=1E90FF][i]“But I’m guessing you caught something?”[/i][/color] She took another sip of tea before also grabbing a small pastry and nibbling on it. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Also, this tea seems to be exceptionally good tonight. I wonder what kind they used tonight because it feels special.”[/i][/color] [color=1E90FF][i]“Is it?”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk gingerly picked up one of the cups and carefully sipped from it. He allowed the tea to linger on his tongue for a while before swallowing. Then, he sipped again. He emptied almost half of the cup before it occurred to him that, foreign as he was to local teas, he probably wouldn’t know if there was something about this particular tea’s taste. Embarrassed, he placed the cup back onto the tray and wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist. [color=1E90FF][i]“It’s…A strong tea,”[/i][/color] he remarked, sounding more awkward than he would have hoped. [color=1E90FF][i]“But it’s good, I think. Can’t say I can tell what it tastes of, though.”[/i][/color] The fruity, earthy flavour lingered on his tongue, but as a welcome guest rather than one that had outstayed their welcome. Kalliope took another sip of her tea, savoring the taste with a thoughtful expression. [color=#8D3B72][i]“It’s… fruity,”[/i][/color] she mused, tilting her head slightly. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Maybe a little floral too? It’s different. Not something I recognize, though. A new blend, maybe? I'll have to ask Elyna later.”[/i][/color] She glanced at the cup again, swirling the tea absently before chuckling softly. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Sorry, I’m getting sidetracked. Back to the matter at hand.”[/i][/color] She set the tea down and leaned over the table, her focus shifting back to the letter. With a steady hand, she began jotting down the darker and slanted letters onto the blank sheet of paper, speaking aloud as she worked. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Here’s an odd one… and another… and this one, too.”[/i][/color] Her quill scratched against the page as she formed the collection of seemingly random letters. When she was finished, she held up the paper, her brows furrowed in frustration. [color=#8D3B72][i]“It doesn’t make any sense. Just a jumble of letters. Whoever wrote this either didn’t want it deciphered or they’ve got a very strange way of hiding their message.”[/i][/color] Letting out a soft sigh, Kalliope leaned back in her chair, resting her head against the backrest. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Or maybe I was wrong and it really isn't anything at all.”[/i][/color] As she sat there, the warmth of the room and the effects of the tea began to creep through her in ways she didn’t immediately notice. The edges of her usual sharp wit seemed to blur ever so slightly, and a strange sense of contentment washed over her, one that she rarely let herself indulge in. Her eyes wandered over to Sjan-dehk, and for a moment, a warm, lazy smile spread across her lips. [color=#8D3B72][i]“You know,”[/i][/color] she began, her voice softer than before, [color=#8D3B72][i]“I was thinking about earlier. When I kissed you.”[/i][/color] She tilted her head slightly, her emerald eyes glinting in the flickering firelight. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I wouldn’t mind doing that again.”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk met her gaze, and was once again struck dumb. He had hoped that, after a night of being teased by her in such a fashion, such words would slide off his mind as easily as water dripping off a sheet of sailcloth. That was evidently wishful thinking; Kalliope’s words, coupled with the relaxed look about her face, brought Sjan-dehk’s thoughts to a crashing halt, and made his heart skip a couple of beats. Once again, he could himself wondering whether she was serious. Once again, he wondered just why that mattered to him. With nothing to say, and no words coming to his mind anytime soon, he decided to occupy his mouth with other things before he blurted out something thoughtless. He reached for his cup and emptied it in one long gulp. The words hung in the air for a moment, her tone sincere and unguarded. Kalliope reached for her tea again, her fingers brushing over the cup as she realized what she had just said. Her eyes widened slightly, and a faint blush began to creep across her cheeks. Quickly, she cleared her throat and looked away, pretending to focus on the scattered papers in front of her. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Ahem. I mean, uh… That was supposed to stay in my head,”[/i][/color] she mumbled, her voice quick and flustered. She dipped her quill into the ink again, keeping her eyes firmly on the parchment as if willing it to distract her from her own words. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Let’s… just focus on the letter again, shall we?”[/i][/color] The slight tremble in her hands betrayed her composure as she scribbled aimlessly, trying to hide the deep flush spreading across her face. [color=1E90FF][i]“Yes,”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk said quickly, the heat still in his cheeks. [color=1E90FF][i]“Let’s focus.”[/i][/color] Focus, as it turned out, was the one thing that refused to come to him. He watched Kalliope scribble with great interest, following every stroke of her quill and taking in every letter. Even so, it took him a couple of minutes before he realised that she wasn’t writing anything at all, but simply scrawling with neither aim nor purpose. That was indeed a curious thing, he knew. And yet he didn’t feel any need to ask her anything. Not what she was doing, and not whether she was alright. All Sjan-dehk felt was a strange, but comforting sense of calm. He turned his head. For what reason, he neither knew nor cared. All he knew was that now he could easily catch sight of Kalliope’s strikingly beautiful eyes, bright and glimmering as they were. Had she always looked this attractive? Had he simply never noticed? Or was this yet another consequence of their exciting little adventure in the estate earlier? He didn’t dwell on those questions. He didn’t care much for them, anyway. What importance could they have, when he was here, in this room, and right next to a lady so, very alluring? [color=1E90FF][i]“I…”[/i][/color] He began. Whatever carelessness he felt wasn’t reflected in his voice, but still he pressed on, a slight waver in his words. Whether it was from embarrassment or something else, he didn’t know. He didn’t care. [color=1E90FF][i]“I…I mean, it was nice. The kiss. I liked it as well and, well, I wouldn’t mind if you…If you did what you want.”[/i][/color] His words died to a quiet and indistinct murmur towards the end, but amidst the peacefulness of the room, he may as well have shouted them. Kalliope froze at Sjan-dehk's words, her quill stilling on the parchment mid-scribble. Her emerald eyes locked onto his, wide with surprise and disbelief. For a moment, it seemed as if the world had stilled, the only sound in the room being the faint crackle of the fire. Then, almost imperceptibly, her lips curved into a soft, slightly giddy smile. A light giggle escaped her, uncharacteristic and far too carefree for her normal flirtations and teasing. She set the quill down, standing with an almost languid grace and crossing the short distance between them. The haze of something in the tea, the warmth now coursing through her veins, seemed to melt away her restraint, leaving her feeling bold, almost reckless. Leaning down, she placed her hands on either side of Sjan-dehk’s chair, bringing her face mere inches from his. Her eyes, bright with something that bordered on mischief and raw honesty, searched his as her breath brushed lightly against his lips. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I dare you to kiss me,”[/i][/color] she murmured, her voice low and filled with a teasing, honeyed edge. [color=#8D3B72][i]“But I’ll warn you…”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk gulped, but it was more of a reflexive action than anything else. Contentment, calm, and a hint of anticipation were all that were on his face as he looked up at her, his lips pulled into a relaxed, lazy smile. What other reaction could there be, to words as daring and titillating as those? Her gaze dropped to his lips, lingering there for a heartbeat before flicking back up to his eyes. [color=#8D3B72][i]“If you do, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop there.”[/i][/color] A quiet laugh tumbled out of her, soft and almost self-deprecating. [color=#8D3B72][i]“And that’s because… I think I’m falling for you, Sjan-dehk. Completely.”[/i][/color] She tilted her head slightly, her voice growing quieter but no less sincere as she let the confession tumble out of her. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I tried to tell myself I wasn’t allowed to. That it wasn’t smart, or right, or…”[/i][/color] She trailed off, her smile fading just slightly as the weight of her admission settled over her. But then, the boldness surged again, her lips quirking into a faint smirk as she leaned even closer. [color=#8D3B72][i]“But here we are. Your move, Captain.”[/i][/color] [color=1E90FF][i]“Falling?”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk echoed with a teasing grin. He tilted his head the other way and pushed himself upright. So close were their faces that he could almost count the strands of her lashes, that he could see the faint, warm shine highlighting her lips. For a brief moment, his senses seemed to return, and his smile faltered. His breath caught in his throat. Uncertainty crept into his dark irises. Every instinct told him to pull away while he still could. But as quickly as it had come, that moment left. What had he even been worried about? Nothing that mattered all that much, he assumed. The grin returned to his face, and he raised his hand, bringing it to Kalliope’s face. His palm rested gently against her cheek, his thumb gliding along the ridges of her cheekbone. He had done the exact same thing earlier, in the estate, but back then it had been just a thoughtless reaction. An act, and nothing more. Now, however, it was more than that. He knew what he was doing. He [i]wanted[/i] to touch her. Her skin tingling beneath his touch and almost instinctively, she leaned into it, her eyes fluttering closed for a fleeting moment as she savored the gentle, deliberate motion of his thumb against her cheekbone. The gesture was so simple, yet it unraveled something deep within her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and impossibly safe all at once. When her gaze found his again, her expression softened, a quiet, unspoken yearning reflected in the depths of her emerald eyes. [color=1E90FF][i]“Falling?”[/i][/color] He repeated, then nodded. Whatever he was going to do – whatever he was doing right at this very moment, in fact – wasn’t going to be the wise, or right, or even sensible thing to do. Deep in his heart, he knew that. And yet, he couldn’t say that he was bothered much by it. He knew what he wanted, and that was enough for him. [color=1E90FF][i]“Then I suppose I’ve to catch you.”[/i][/color] His words came out in a soft murmur, each syllable bringing his face closer and closer to hers, until a hair’s breadth was all that separated them. He gazed into her eyes, his mischievous grin softened to a warm, gentle smile. [color=1E90FF][i]“Here we are,”[/i][/color] he whispered and winked. He leaned in, and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss stole Kalliope's breath before she even realized she had given it away. The warmth of his lips against hers sent a jolt down her spine, igniting a fire in her veins that burned through every last shred of caution she might have clung to. It wasn’t like the brief kiss they had shared earlier, the one she had claimed was a distraction. No, this was deliberate, purposeful, and brimming with the kind of emotion she had spent so long convincing herself she couldn’t afford to feel. Her thoughts spun in dizzying circles, fragmented and incoherent. [color=#8D3B72][i]This is happening. This is real.[/i][/color] She couldn’t deny the truth of it, the way his touch and closeness made her heart race and her knees feel as if they would give out at any moment. And then they did. Her knees buckled beneath her, and before she could stop herself, she sank down, finding herself perched on Sjan-dehk’s lap. She let out a soft, almost breathless laugh against his lips, her cheeks flushed and her pulse racing. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Guess I really am falling,”[/i][/color] she murmured without really breaking the kiss, though the words barely registered even to herself. Sjan-dehk chuckled breathily, his eyes half-lidded and his lips pulled into a silly smile as he looked at her. At the same time, he slipped an arm around the small of her back to keep her in place. [color=1E90FF][i]“You can fall as much as you want,”[/i][/color] he said, the words coming out as hushed, heated breaths. With a tug that was equal parts gentle and firm, he pulled her snugly onto his lap. [color=1E90FF][i]“You’ll be alright. I have you.”[/i][/color] Her hands, almost of their own accord, moved to his chest. They splayed out over the broad expanse of muscle, feeling the strength beneath his tunic as her fingers traced tentative, roaming paths. His heartbeat thudded beneath her palm, strong and steady, and something about that simple rhythm sent a warm ache of longing through her. A soft, almost helpless sound escaped her throat—half sigh, half moan—as she pressed herself closer. One hand curled into the fabric of his tunic as if she were anchoring herself to him, while the other slid upward, brushing over his shoulder and coming to rest at the base of his neck. Sjan-dehk replied with a soft hum reverberating in his throat. The closer she pressed herself to him, the tighter he wrapped his arm around her, until their bodies were almost flush against one another. His scent, sea salt and something earthy, unmistakably [i]him[/i], filled her senses, and it made her dizzy in the best way. Her lips moved against his, hesitant at first but quickly growing more confident, pouring into the kiss every ounce of unspoken feeling she’d kept bottled up for so long. She couldn’t hold back now, couldn’t stop the way her body gravitated toward his as if pulled by some magnetic force. As her lips moved, so too did his. Wherever they went, his was sure to find them. He leaned his back off the chair, trying to press himself ever-so-closer against her, to feel more of her warmth, to fill his nose with more of her flowery scent, to simply know that this was [i]real[/i]. His hand travelled across her back until its fingers could curl around her slender waist, and his arm could pin her to him. It was like his body didn’t want to let her go, now that he had her, even as his mind whispered that this wasn’t a smart thing to do. The whispers kept swirling in his mind, but could never truly get him to listen. The raw desire burning within him drowned out their warnings. All he could think about, all he could care about, was Kalliope and how she – every part of her – felt against him. Her fingers at his neck curled slightly, nails grazing his skin in a way that was both tender and daring. She broke the kiss for the briefest of moments, her forehead resting against his as she caught her breath. Her eyes fluttered open, locking onto his with a mix of wonder and disbelief. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Sjan-dehk…”[/i][/color] she whispered, her voice breathy and unsteady. A giddy smile played at her lips as she leaned back in, unable to resist pressing another kiss to his mouth, softer this time but no less charged. Something at the back of her mind screamed that she should stop, pull back, regain her composure. But the warmth of his body, the steadiness of his hands, the way his presence seemed to consume her…it was all too much, too intoxicating. For once, she didn’t care about what was right or wise. She didn’t care about the consequences. All that mattered in this moment was him. When she did finally pull away, realizing she needed air, she didn’t move far, her forehead resting lightly against his as she struggled to catch her breath. Her emerald eyes fluttered open, locking onto his with a vulnerability that she couldn’t hide. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Sjan-dehk,”[/i][/color] she whispered, her voice barely audible, the sound trembling with emotion. Her hand, still resting on his chest, tightened its hold slightly as if to anchor herself. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I think… I think you just made me fall all the way.”[/i][/color] The words spilled out before she could stop them, but for once, she didn’t care. There was no teasing now, no coy smiles or witty quips to hide behind. Just her, bare and open, her heart laid bare in a way that both thrilled and terrified her. [color=#8D3B72][i]“And I don’t know what to do with it,”[/i][/color] she admitted, her cheeks flushing deeply as her gaze flickered to his lips again, already longing for the next kiss. Sjan-dehk wasn’t quite sure what to do, either. He wasn’t a stranger to all they had done so far – the many post-battle victory celebrations he had been a part of made sure of that – but going any further than heated kisses and daring touches was wholly unknown to him. He may as well be asked to sail uncharted waters, towards uncharted waters. And yet, as he gazed into Kalliope’s eyes, and saw the redness in her cheeks, the sincerity etched in her features, and that slight, but unmistakable, tinge of nervousness, that uncertainty didn’t matter all that much, anymore. What did it matter? Before each other, they had laid their needs and wants and desires bare. And it was clear that both of them craved the same thing. He brushed his hand against her cheek, fingers pushing aside the fiery tresses tickling her face. [color=1E90FF][i]“I don’t know, either,”[/i][/color] he said in a soft voice. [color=1E90FF][i]“I don’t know what I’m feeling. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t even know if all this, all that I’m doing, is right. Or smart. Or if it even makes any sense.”[/i][/color] With one hand, he caressed his cheek. With the other, he held her by her waist. [color=1E90FF][i]“But what I do know is that doing all this makes me feel…Content.”[/i][/color] Slowly and gently, he guided her face closer, even as he leaned forward. [color=1E90FF][i]“Mother help me, being with you like this makes me feel…Light. Lighter than I’ve felt in a damn long time.”[/i][/color] Their lips were now almost brushing against each other. He stopped, eyes half-lidded. [color=1E90FF][i]“I don’t know a damn thing about what’s going on, Kali,”[/i][/color] he admitted in a hushed voice. [color=1E90FF][i]“But somehow, I can’t say that it bothers me at all, because right now I hear you calling to me just like the sea.”[/i][/color] He grinned, but it wasn’t a mischievous one. It didn’t speak of playfulness, but of assurance. [color=1E90FF][i]“And not even the damn Abyss can stop me from answering. So fall if you’re going to fall. I’ll be falling with you.”[/i][/color] He closed the scant distance between them, and captured her lips in another kiss. This time, he took the lead. With his uncertainties and hesitations discarded, he pulled her closer to him, sitting her fully on his lap. He placed both his hands on her waist, resting them just above her hips. As his lips met hers, a wildfire seemed to ignite within her. It was all consuming. His hands on her waist steadied her, and yet, she still felt as though she was falling, her entire world narrowing to the feel of his lips and the strength of his touch. Her own hands found their way back to his chest, her fingers fanning out against the warm fabric of his tunic as if she were grounding herself to him. But grounding herself wasn’t enough. She wanted more. Needed more. Her hands roamed upward, brushing over his broad shoulders before tangling in his hair. The soft strands were a contrast to the callouses of her fingers, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was the way he felt beneath her touch, the way he responded to her, and the way her body seemed to hum with life in a way it never had before. The kiss deepened, and she let herself get lost in it, the lines between where he ended and she began blurring with every passing second. She couldn’t hold back the soft, needy sound that escaped her throat, muffled against his lips but no less desperate. She pressed herself closer to him, needing to be closer to him. To feel his warmth envelope her completely. She broke the kiss, her breaths coming fast and uneven as her lips lingered near his. Her emerald eyes glimmered with mischief and raw emotion as they locked onto his, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. That same grin, the one that usually preceded a sharp quip or teasing remark, was softer now, laced with affection and desire. [color=#8D3B72][i]“You know,”[/i][/color] she murmured, her voice low and playful, [color=#8D3B72][i]“there is a bed in this room.”[/i][/color] Her fingers remained tangled in his hair, tugging gently as her grin widened, teasing and full of unspoken invitation. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Unless, of course, you’re enjoying the chair that much.”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk glanced at the bed. [color=1E90FF][i]“So there is,”[/i][/color] he remarked, looking back at her with a grin. [color=1E90FF][i]“This chair has its charms, but it’s not doing my back any favours.”[/i][/color] He waggled his brows. [color=1E90FF][i]“Not with what we’re doing with it.”[/i][/color] Her words hung in the air, daring him, tempting him, yet leaving him with the choice. She let out a quiet laugh, her cheeks flushed and her pulse still racing, unable to fully hide the giddiness or the growing fire inside her. And though her grin stayed playful, her eyes betrayed how much this moment meant to her…how much he meant to her. How much she wanted him. Needed him. Her laugh was like the gentle lapping of waves to his ears. Calming, pleasant, [i]beautiful[/i]. He took time to return her grin, and to hold her gaze for a moment. The challenge in her expression was clear, as was her desire. [color=1E90FF][i]“Well,”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk began, tightening his hold on her. [color=1E90FF][i]“Excuse me, then.”[/i][/color] In one swift move, he stood up, at the same time scooping Kalliope into his arms. He looked down at her as he adjusted his grip to hold her tightly and securely against his chest. [color=1E90FF][i]“Let’s go,”[/i][/color] he whispered with mischief in his words and anticipation on his face. He crossed the room towards the bed in only a couple of strides. And yet, his heart thumped as if he were running a mile. It announced his desire, his want like an overly-eager herald. She let out a soft, surprised laugh as he lifted her effortlessly, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck to steady herself. She gazed up at him, her emerald eyes shimmering with affection and playful delight, her fingers curling slightly against the back of his neck. She pressed herself closer to him, relishing the steady strength of his hold, as she nuzzled into his neck, placing soft kisses there. Sjan-dehk had to resist the urge to rush, to simply toss her onto the bed and continue with things. He took the time to gently lay her onto the soft mattress before standing back up to hastily unbuckle his sword-and-pistol belt, and remove any other unnecessary equipment. They fell to the floor, clattering noisily against varnished wood and resting in messy heaps. None of that mattered to Sjan-dehk – his attention was now entirely focused on Kalliope. A sudden flash of awkwardness came over him, and with it came hesitation. But as with before, neither of those feelings lasted for long. He climbed onto the bed, crawling over her and gazing down into those bright, verdant eyes. He had lost count as to how many times he had done just that, but that didn’t matter. It still felt as if he were looking into them for the first time. He held himself up with a hand pressing into the mattress right by her head. [color=1E90FF][i]“So,”[/i][/color] he said and lowered himself slightly. [color=1E90FF][i]“Where do you suppose this is going to go?”[/i][/color] Her fingertips traced the line of his jaw, then slid gently along his cheek, her touch light but sure. She could feel the warmth of his skin beneath her touch, the steady rhythm of his breath, and it made her heart beat all the more wildly. With a soft shift beneath him, she lifted one leg, sliding it over his side until it brushed against his waist. The motion was slow, deliberate, a silent invitation. Her other hand, still resting against his face, slid down to the back of his neck, fingers curling into his hair as she gently tugged him closer. Her voice, when it came, was barely more than a breath, hushed with raw emotion. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I want you, Sjan-dehk,”[/i][/color] she murmured, her lips almost brushing against his. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I need you. I don’t want to stop here. I want this to go as far as you’ll let it. As far as we can go.”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk paused for a moment. How far did [i]he[/i] want to go? Where did he even intend to go? There was something wrong with this entire situation, a small, quiet part of his mind knew. It wasn’t like him to do anything without knowing his heading or his course. And yet, he couldn’t care less about that. It was too late now, he thought. There wasn’t any way for him to go, but forward. She let her hand drift down, her fingers tracing over his chest teasingly. She gazed into his eyes, her own vulnerable and open, as if every layer of defense she had built up over time was melting away in the heat of this moment. She recognized there was a fuzziness to her thoughts, something that should have given her pause, but she was too far gone in her desire to care. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Pretty sure I did warn you that if you kissed me I wouldn't want to stop there.”[/i][/color] She teased him with a smirk as she pressed her leg a little closer against him, feeling the tension and the heat build between them. There was no room for hesitation now, no fear or doubt. Just her, her need, and the way she was fully, entirely giving herself over to him. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Don’t hold back.”[/i][/color] She whispered, her voice almost a plea. [color=1E90FF][i]“That you did,”[/i][/color] Sjan-dehk said with a quiet chuckle. He placed his hand over hers, pressing it against his chest, and leaned in closer. A pleased, content sound rumbled in his throat as he brushed his lips over hers in a brief, fleeting kiss. Then, he grinned, his other hand slowly, languidly, trailing down the front of her dress. He felt the soft fabric beneath his fingertips, the stiffness of the bodice against his palms, and the tantalising dips and curves of her body. Instead of taking her clothes off, however, he brought his hand to the sash around his waist. With the swift and practiced hands of an experienced sailor, he undid the knot, pulled it off, and scrunched it into a ball before tossing it aside. A few more deft movements of his fingers loosened the strings that held his tunics in place. His clothes now draped from his frame like sails from a mast. [color=1E90FF][i]“I don’t want to ruin your dress,”[/i][/color] he said even as he teased the laces on Kalliope’s bodice. [color=1E90FF][i]“So you might have to do this yourself, if you don’t mind.”[/i][/color] Kalliope’s lips curved into a sly, playful grin, her eyes flickering with mischief as she watched him, arching ever so slightly into his touch. [color=#8D3B72][i]“Afraid you’ll get tangled up, sailor?”[/i][/color] she teased, her voice low and velvety as her gaze dropped briefly to the loosened fabric of his tunic. [color=#8D3B72][i]“You’ve managed knots in the middle of a storm, haven’t you?”[/i][/color] Her hands trailed down his chest, fingers tracing the edges of the fabric that hung from him, feeling the heat of his skin beneath before her hands slid to her bodice. She took her time as she began to untie the laces he had teased, her fingers moving with a languid, deliberate grace. She tugged one lace loose, then another, her lips parting as her breathing deepened. She leaned in as she loosened the last of it, her lips grazing his ear as she whispered, [color=#8D3B72][i]“But since you asked so nicely…”[/i][/color] Her bodice fell away, revealing more of her sun-kissed skin, and she reclined back onto the bed, her smirk softening into something more open and vulnerable. Her emerald eyes locked onto his, holding him captive with a look that said she trusted him, wanted him, needed him. [color=#8D3B72][i]“No more holding back, Sjan-dehk,”[/i][/color] she murmured, her voice softer now, threaded with affection and desire. [color=#8D3B72][i]“I’m yours.”[/i][/color]