[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250121/41fe2e7cfc5fd17a647dd09a3e8e598b.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/pv-target-images/921736ccfe82698b44a28259491768382011cf86959a151094b8420a234c251a._SX1080_FMjpg_.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250121/7eb5f681314de37d8e7b20c530ea4da6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=#bead86][b]What is CAP?[/b][/color] CAP is the nom de plume of the Corsair Adventure Program. Corsair is a multi-service tour-guide firm that focuses on creating experiences and adventures for its guests. Ranging from the sun kissed beaches of the Caribbean to the Alaskan mountains and wilderness or even the bright city lights of a casino city, CAP will go anywhere. With a fleet of stunning vehicles at its fingertips and working relationships with several high end resorts, Corsair is a unique way for young people to experience a little bit more out of life before the inevitable sirens call of adulthood. Our focus is on the recent crop of crew mates set to embark on a new adventure season. We will follow their exhilaration and of course the turmoil that comes with a fast paced, high stress, service environment. This story follows the young program members and both their varied interactions with their customers of the day, their interpersonal relationships and their nightly shenanigans and chaos. [color=#3f5a36][b]Setting:[/b][/color] International - Home Base in Fort Lauderdale, Florida [color=#bead86][b]Style:[/b][/color] Sandbox, the story evolves with your choices [color=#3f5a36][b]Start Date:[/b][/color] TBD [color=#bead86][b]Themes:[/b][/color] Exploration, Travelling, Coming of Age, Mortality, Sexuality, Mental Health, Comedy, Spirituality, 18+ [color=#3f5a36][b]The Captain’s Rules:[/b][/color] Rule One. Don’t sleep with the guests. Rule Two. Don’t sleep with the guests for money. Rule Three. If I don’t see it, if I don’t hear it, I don’t give a shit. Rule Four. Everyone is entitled to their tip but embarrassing the company or yourself will result in being given a tip and a plane ticket home. [color=#bead86][b]Occupation Examples:[/b][/color] Wilderness guide, social/nightlife guide, gambling/casino guide, food guide, boating/water guide, everyday guide, personal chef, etc. If one is unsure about a discipline they would like to pursue, they can apply as a general guide which allows them to experience all aspects before settling on a speciality. Each specialty can have two people, as there is likely an old hat aging out of the program that shows the greenhorn the ropes. [color=#3f5a36][b]The Owner:[/b][/color] Captain Arthur “Bones” Runnels is a caring if not shady older man with good intentions for the crew. Members of the Corsair crew must maintain a strict adherence to the rules, code of conduct and contracts given to them by the company. One may be rewarded or fired depending on your actions. This leaves room for characters to leave and enter the scene without need for extreme measures. Many former alumni who have stayed in the travel and tourism sector now work in conjunction with the Captain to expand the Corsair operation. [color=#bead86][b]The Crew:[/b][/color] Coming from all around the world, be they college students, tradies, dropouts, etc anyone can be accepted into the Corsair Program. So long as they have skills beneficial to the company and/or their position for that company, they can be a part of the crew. Captain Bones recruits from all walks of life and often travels the globe himself to find the best, the brightest or the most desperate. Each character may have their own range of experience such as a newbie greenhorn, someone returning for another year, or even an old hat or two that is looking for one last adventure before they inevitably have to grow up. Aging out is a thing and when a crew member hits the age of twenty five, they will no longer be allowed to enroll in the program. [color=#3f5a36][b]Housing:[/b][/color] Relatively uniform wherever they go, where the crew stay is pretty much the same everywhere thanks to the buildings being an individual development by the company in order to give the employees a bit of familiarity in their frantically moving lives. When a new business deal is struck with a resort, an “Ambassador” team made up of the guides who specialize in the local entertainments are sent ahead to foster relations and to get the Crew Housing completed, ready for the first adventure. This limits the amount of character slots to how many people could live in this complex. Chores are rotated, communal spaces like kitchen, living room, and laundry room are clean-as-you-go and have basic cohabitation rules. [color=#bead86][b]Home Base:[/b][/color] Home for the Corsairs is in a fictionalised version of Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is larger than the other compounds in order to accommodate as many of the crew as is needed. During the adventure seasons, the crew are based here until called upon to go on tour. [color=#3f5a36][b]Pay:[/b][/color] Standard pay is just above state minimum wage but due to their clients more often being from the top one percent, the tips can sometimes be ridiculous, either in crazy generosity ranging in the thousands or abysmally stingy from the most difficult customers which could end up being a couple of hundred dollars. Tips are given out at the end of an adventure by Bones. [color=#bead86][b]Uniforms:[/b][/color] The basic uniform is a classic polo and khaki set (green and brown/tan, trousers, shorts, skirts or skorts) for odd jobs around the compound or in the resorts, specialized gear for their expertise shifts, and a set of dress clothes in the colors of the company logo so they are even uniform at parties (although the crew can customise them within reason to add a personal flair). Free time is free for a reason, and anything can be worn during this time. [hider=Example] On top is an example of the Casual/Everyday uniform, while below can be taken as example of Formal Wear uniforms. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4f745b12-562a-43ae-9812-d602a36090ef.png[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=About the Captain] Arthur “Bones” Runnels (Matthew McConaughey) was born somewhere he’d rather not remember in backwater Texas. The Runnels clan consisting of Arthur, his father Wade (Sam Elliott), mother Martha (Jessica Lange) and brothers Bill and Harry (Cole Houser and Glen Powell), owned one of the larger cattle ranches in the area. Although Arthur loved the farming life and as the oldest child was assumed to take over the ranch, he knew there was more out there for him. He truly believed, with all of his cowboy heart, that his destiny lay elsewhere beyond the horizon. Even as a youngster, people were always drawn to Arthur. He just had a natural charisma and charm that sucked in those around him like a maelstrom. He was a natural athlete and found a sport he loved and was extremely talented at as a competitive swimmer. Due to his lithe frame, Arthur earned the nickname “Bones” which had stuck through with him his entire life. So true was it that he was that talented, that as early as his junior year of high school, Arthur was being touted as a potential Olympic prospect. He defied everyone’s expectations however when upon graduating high school, he opted to join the Coast Guard. Bones progressed to the position of an Aviation Survival Technician and was nationally known for holding the record number of rescues in the country. He was fearless, reckless but a safe haven to those that needed it. During a brief vacation in the British Virgin Islands, Arthur was staying at a resort when he met Tia Babos (Tracee Ellis Ross). Tia was the resort owner's only child and was working there for the summer. Smitten immediately, the pair enjoyed a holiday romance, with the wild and free Tia offering Bones a taste of a different kind of adventure. After returning to the states, his rescue swimmer career ended after a faulty harness caused Bones to plummet from a helicopter and break his back. Receiving a large payout post litigation, Arthur was at a loss of what to do with himself. Chartering a yacht with some buddies to the Caribbean, he was surprised to meet Tia once again, this time working at another of her fathers resorts. The two continued where they left off, eventually deciding to marry then and there. After working the islands for a few years more, the couple moved to Florida, now with a young daughter Korinna, in tow. Peace did not last for the family as Tia was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. Choosing not to undergo treatment, the Runnels spent the next few years exploring the world together and seeking uncharted adventure wherever they could find it. Tia eventually succumbed to her illness and Bones set about creating something in her honor. The Corsair Adventure Program was her dream, a way of delivering exciting and fun filled experiences to nomadic souls wandering the world in the same way she and Arthur did whilst also giving young people the opportunity to grow and explore. With a now grown up Kori (Aurora Perrineau) as his partner, Bones has built from the ground up a unique experience for all the wanderers. From sun kissed, scuba diving beach holidays to brisk, winter mountain climbs or high rolling casino city party tours, the Corsairs would provide and oblige.[/hider] [hider=Application] [code][center][h2][color=]FULL NAME[/color][/h2] [b]FC:[/b] (Facecast) [img]PICTURE HERE[/img] [sup]Color: [color=]00674F[/color][/sup] [b]___________________________________________________________________[/b][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=#3f5a36][b]AKA:[/b][/color] (Nicknames) [color=#bead86][b]Age:[/b][/color] (DOB) [color=#3f5a36][b]Position:[/b][/color] (What position are they applying for) [color=#bead86][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] (Country) [color=#3f5a36][b]Home:[/b][/color] (Current Residence, City and State) [color=#bead86][b]Education:[/b][/color] (Up to what level) [color=#3f5a36][b]Returning Crew Member:[/b][/color] (Yay/Nay if Y, how many tours) [color=#bead86][b]Experience:[/b][/color] (Things to back up the application) [color=#3f5a36][b]Personal Statement:[/b][/color] (General brief bio) [color=#bead86][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [list] [*](Stuff)[/list] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/code][/hider]