[center][h1]Lieutenant Commander Johann "Rhino" Von Brandt[/h1][/center] [hr] [code]"WARNING: Armor Integrity dropping, estimated effectiveness at..."[/code] Johann silenced the alarm as he pushed the thrusters to near their redline limits, though he was not attempting to directly pursue the Fafnir. In close he could keep up, but chasing it would be futile, so he didn't plan to, rather he was playing to the strengths of the current forces in play. Rook was moving fast towards him, Commie having eliminated the two funnels and made sure they couldn't bracket in Rook or try to bracket him in either. which left him open to make for Rook at all available speed. He shifted the position of the Secutor as the incoming fire tried to drive him out of position, taking the brunt of the next burst of HKP shells on the right half of his frame. Most of the impacts so far had been center and left, and one of the earliest lessons he learned piloting something as large a target as Secutor was, quite simply, distributing incoming fire as best he could. Enough focused fire could bore through armor, but spreading it out gave him staying power that most frames could only dream of. Moving to rendezvous with the incoming Rook proved to be wise, given the sudden decision towards blaze of glory by the Fafnir. [color=lightblue]"Rook, Rhino: Steady on current course, I have the priority target."[/color] Rhino was all calm confidence as he opened up with his own 30mm Rotary Autocannon, barrels spinning up into a veritable wall of armor piercing incendiary, walking the fire onto the encroaching Fafnir, deliberately focusing on the remaining thrusters to slow it down, however slightly. Putting himself on an intercept course, he retracted the M81 RAC as he pushed towards melee range again, braving the Plasma Talons once more, but this time he took advantage of the mounting combat damage. Reaching past the talons not receiving proper power, he gripped down with enough force to completely sever power to the left talon, firing every thruster he had opposite of the momentum of the Fafnir, wrenching it back and away from Rook by the leg, fortunately not simply ripping the leg clean off. Fortunate for Rhino, not so much for the Fafnir as at that moment... [code]"PG-01 at 100% Charge."[/code] Wasting no time, Rhino activated the Plasma Gauntlet and unleashed a left hook, slamming the plasma clad gauntlet straight into the opening that had been venting atmosphere, and coincidentally advertising the exact spot where the Fafnir's cockpit was on top of an already weakened spot from the 170mm HESH impact. The Fafnir pilot, fast as they were, likely would not have time to perceive the Gauntlet turning cockpit, pilot, and internals into little more than scrap as the blow bisected the already heavily damaged hostile Heavy. A follow up backwards elbow strike sending the remains of the upper half hurtling away, throwing away the lower half that he had retained a grip on right up until the impact, and Rhino finally exhaled, a held breath that he had not noticed started the moment he told Rook to keep steady on. Another day, another rude surprise sorted out, and he reported the KIA priority target as he arrested his momentum and normalized power distribution across the Secutor. [color=lightblue]"7th, Rhino: Priority Target KIA, assuming screening duties as we RTB."[/color] True to his word, Rhino positioned himself in a screening position for the two lighter frames he had moved to support when the Fafnir made itself known. Any visual sweeps of the Secutor would find it difficult to miss the number of impact marks, odd hole in the additional armor, and shallow talon marks along the left shoulder from where the Fafnir had gotten through the Class 3. Rhino considered having those painted back on once the damage was patched, the plasma talons were a nasty trick that could have done a lot more damage if he hadn't held his Class 3 in reserve for as long as he had. He multitasked while screening the return to the Roanoke, finally going through and acknowledging the alerts and warnings that had built up over the course of the engagement, while making a log of the damage from most to least severe before forwarding the information to the team responsible for helping refit and rearm the Secutor. It would give them some extra time to get replacement plating and munitions loaded, and he made a note to prepare several Canister shells to make it significantly harder to evade shots from the 170mm.