[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] Éliane was rather annoyed, but her emotions were… a little mixed. She was annoyed, because if she had made good with her threats to the Grovemasters, they wouldn’t have to be dealing with this mess –and an extended mess was what it was, stupid barbarian politics—but on the other hand, they were in yet another grand fight. Éliane wasn’t so twisted that she would be happy about any random senseless battle, though, and even worse, it was the type of battle that was depriving her of the ability to actual do battle. Barely into the entire thing, the nasty water whore had soaked her new rotary cannon and it had yet to fire— and for the moment, it was even her only weapon that could probably only do significant damage since she lent her rifle to Esben. She still had her gunblade, but it seemed anemic in comparison to waves… Just about fed up with the water, she began to rely on something she usually didn’t—her materia. Within moments, she whipped up a hot, dry wind around her and her gun, quickly drying it out with the heated air— And then she finally brought the cannon to bear on the Leviathan and her barrier. She depressed the trigger, and the gun whirled to life with the heavenly sound of high caliber bullets rapidly leaving the barrel. Within moments, a fresh hail of armor piercing bullets joined her teammates’ in striking against the Leviathan. [b]“Challenge this, asshole!”[/b]