[color=goldenrod][i][h2][center]Gerard Segremors[/center][/h2][/i][/color] [@Eisenhorn][@VitaVitaAR] They really [i]were[/i] nice legs. Gerard, as previously, simply endured the long silence with an attentive eye and a stilled bearing, allowing her ample space and silence to ruminate— if nothing else, it was good practice to follow the lead of the whole rest of court. Her guards were all but carved of stone, to the point where he wasn't even sure whether or not they'd truly registered the Roses' presence. Point was, he knew grinning and bearing it was the best option on the board. The last thing he needed to be doing was showing impatience, annoying her by saying to hurry the hell up, and scuttling the good work they had done thus far. It was a windfall already to have earned this much favor from any such fae as the Lady before them, let alone on his first outing doing anything but keeping his damned distance. It'd be poor form to let greed take him now. So, he watched, he listened, and he even leaned in as she did from below in his kneeling posture, as though indulging in a conspiratorial whisper. Nodding along as she spoke, he allowed his mind to run through possibilities for a moment, weighing her words as they were due. Valueless symbols of power... perhaps some form of trophy taken from those would-be usurpers? Trinkets she declared signatures of her title, which she truly was guarding jealously? Hard to say at the outset. Eventually, it would be made doubtlessly clear— The next question would be what he would offer in return as collateral. High stakes. His first thought was his loyalty, that sudden and impossible being of an Iron Rose that he treasured deepest. Next, his life. An easily understood gamble for man or myth. Hard to find more universal proof than that, though... he was still breaking bad habits with gambling it to begin with. Still, that'd make it a simple matter of earning his way to the table. Keep the thought in his back pocket until more was clear. Third... perhaps his sword, his helm? Far from valueless as she'd intimated, but in a way every bit as symbolic of his power. Maybe something more arcane, if that was the direction. Maybe his name. ...In any event, his posture rose again, as a daring expression crossed his face, and his golden gaze refused to doubt. [color=goldenrod]"A wager, you say? I should be happy, then— I've built this entire life on the back of long-odd gambles. I, at least, [i]ought[/i] to have the home field advantage."[/color] he declared, placing a gauntlet over his cuirass, atop the heart beneath the steel. [color=goldenrod]"I expect to return soon, with your prize well in hand, milady. All we would ask now is how we might enter her domain to make this challenge— in the admittedly unlikely event the rest of our Order hasn't already pieced it together themselves in our absence."[/color] He inclined his head, after taking a moment to turn his eyes over to the two aessyr one more time. [color=goldenrod]"Beyond [i]that[/i], all I can say is I share my companion's wishes of good fortune to these two. I can hardly imagine safer hands to leave them in than yours."[/color] A wave of the hand, indicating the unmoving ranks of spears around them. [color=goldenrod]"We should trouble you no further than this."[/color]