[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Double-layered haste magics. Twin lances, one of shadow, and one of lightning, plunged into the barrier. Four golden, shining thrusts, all made in an instant. A relentless storm of bullets hammered away. Truly, the Kirins brought all they had in the name of survival. And yet, it wasn't quite enough just yet. Their efforts chipped and fractured at the barrier, piercing through several layers of practically-solidified water with great effort. But not quickly enough. That was where Izayoi came in. [color=#736AFF][b]"I am the storm."[/b][/color] She intoned a mantra to center herself, aether welling around her while the others had been preparing their strikes. [color=#736AFF][b]"I am the squall!"[/b][/color] Her knees bent, sword ready to draw. Shin-Zantetsuken wasn't suited for smashing through a static defense. [i]Ranbu[/i] had very nearly killed her to use in the desert, but this wasn't nearly as taxing. Until the return through Osprey, it still would have been too much for her. But the last few weeks' worth of combat experience had served to harden her body to the point where it was entirely possible she might just execute this without suffering [i]too many[/i] ill effects from the strain. Izayoi surged forward, her feet practically slamming off the ground. As the Revenant had in the deserts of Osprey, she seemed to split apart into three afterimages, each splitting off and surrounding Leviathan's barrier to deliver a furious assault of slashes from three separate angles. There were two ways to shatter a magical barrier: overwhelming force at one point or forcing the aether composing it to spread too thin to be viable by attacking from multiple different points. The rest of the Kirins were almost through with might alone. It fell to Izayoi to disperse the remainder of the barrier enough for them to succeed. The Revenant had never managed to complete the remainder of the arte in their duel, but here, all three afterimages faded away after delivering their slashes, only for the original to reappear in midair, sword sheathed once more as she descended. [color=#736AFF][b][i]"I am the sword!"[/i][/b][/color] Izayoi's falling battojutsu strike slammed into the center point of the shield, and both Rudolf and Galahad found themselves smashing through, their spears piercing deep into Leviathan's scales as the Eidolon writhed in pain, forced to abandon her spellcasting. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pkMyQ2oskQ[/youtube][/center] Leviathan coiled and spun her body, hurling the two Edreni men off as she bucked, now furious as they managed to deliver critical blows. [h3]"To the end, we vie for dominance! Come, children of man! Be dashed upon the shore!"[/h3] The titanic sea serpent dipped her head below the plateau, her body quickly wrapping and looping around the entire cliff face until her tail rose where her head had been previously, and the Eidolon's cavernous maw rose above the entrance of the ruins, cutting off any path of retreat. She snapped her fangs downward at the Kirins while her tail slammed, rampaging about the cliff face and ruins as bubbles of water magic formed at random above before dropping downward to crash against any Kirin unfortunate enough to be caught in their path. Nearly exhausted from breaking her limits as she was, Izayoi nonetheless managed to step out of the path of Leviathan's tail, scoring a thin gash along it with her retaliatory cleave, gasping for breath before drawing herself up. [color=#736AFF][b]"Come, then!"[/b][/color] She bellowed back at the Eidolon, reaching the throes of battle frenzy herself as she forced her tired body into a charge towards the head. [color=#736AFF][b]"We finish this here, primal!"[/b][/color]