[h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5587189][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/111x111q70/924/oBIuNP.png[/img][color=FF00FF] Epsilon 9-00FF66 - "Nine"[/color][/url][/h1] Text Color: [color=FF00FF]FF00FF[/color] Location: [color=FF00FF]Havenwood[/color] [hr] Havenwood, noted Nine, was unlike the bunker. True, it was underground, at least away from that hot sun, but nobody here wanted to dissect her for being short. And they all called her Nine because of the laser tattoos on her upper arms, instead of Epsilon 9-00FF66. Not that she saw any people dressed like her, in her faded servitor uniform, so she was unlikely to be confused with another. But despite her planning, she'd left in such a rush that she hadn't completed her kit. She had body armor but no helmet to protect her head. No first aid kit. No winding or solar charger. Only three boxes of shells, and nothing in the way of trade goods - not even the ration bars. She wondered if she got the batch made with artificial sawdust? Still, Nine could offer her labor, and that got her some outside world food. It didn't look much like what they would serve in the bunker, or even tasted like it, but the analyzer wand gave it a green light. If only she had one of those fancy armbands with the buttons like the Alphas or Betas had, then it could tell her what was in the bowls. But the bunker would be able to trace that. If she was going to dream, a robotic mule would have been nice to carry everything as well - but the Alphas could order it recalled and take away her trade goods, if she had any, so instead she had this backpack to haul everything in. Weird how none of the literature had warned her how heavy the pack would get on her shoulders, or the osmosis canteen. At least Nine had a stick of sunscreen - and she'd found her way here. But the outside world had its own threats, it seemed. [color=FF00FF]"Who are these 'New Republic' people?" [/color] she whispered to the person next to her. [color=FF00FF]"Why do they kill people?"[/color] Nine had killed before, but only when necessary. Did these New Republicans think they could simply get away with murder? Would that make them sociopaths? The books she had read had suggested she could be a psychopath. If she had the opportunity, she should study these New Republicans from a healthy distance.