[hider=Snek Lady] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iefhotN.jpeg[/img][/center] [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Jormungandr [*][u]Age[/u]: Physically 23. Mentally 36. [*][u]Gender[/u]: Female [*][u]Race[/u]: Human [*][u]Appearance[/u]: Jor is a woman that is slightly on the shorter side with a chest on the slightly bigger side. Perhaps due to her cheat ability, there are patches of white scales speckled across her body, though some notable ones are around the back of her neck, shoulders and forearms. [*][u]Personality[/u]: Jor is a silly person overall and she likes to tease or poke fun at people where she can, though she knows when and when not to. Sometimes, she even focuses on things she has a curiosity or interest in. [*][u]History[/u]: In her previous life, Jor was a history major and university graduate who wrote a historical fiction novel series based on Mythological figures called Mythologica Adventura. It somehow got popular (mostly by niche groups) and made her money. With what she made, she didn’t have to work outside it for most of her adult life. For a few years before she was isekai’d, she did teach a few classes at her university for fun. [*][u]Cheat[/u]: Snakeshifting - A cheat ability that gives Jor the power to shapeshift into various serpentine shapes, some being a partial transformation as well. The more she practices, the more forms she has the ability to shift into. [list][*][u]Skill Name[/u]: Tailoring [*][u]Skill Description[/u]:[/list] Jormungandr knows how to work with cloth and thread and make clothes, this even extends to leather clothing as well to an extent. [*][u]Other[/u]: Anything else of note? Put it here.[/list][/hider]