[center][indent][indent][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/256x256q70/r/922/TRzrP3.png[/img][/indent][/indent][/center] [center][color=1cb2fc][h1][b]❆ SIR ARCTICUS ❆[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][sup]Bloodsoaked Alleyway, Nova City[/sup][/center] [hr] Suffocated under corruption and violence, Nova City was in dire need of someone endowed with unshakable virtue. Someone with the strength of arms to take action against the most foul evils that crept beneath the city's surface. In such times, a knight was needed. It was not unfamiliar territory for him. He was ready and willing to answer the call. Only this time, he had been too late. The armoured figure stood terribly still, the pale blue surface of his form glinting under the bright sun. His form was tall, broad, and angular, standing nearly nine feet tall if one counted the mane-like plume of icicles that crowned his helm. Indeed, his entire body was covered with jagged formations of ice that concealed every bit of his flesh. His face, too, was hidden behind a mask, betraying nothing as he gazed upon the mutilated corpses before him. The men were dead. Many pieces of them were gone entirely, but enough remained that the knight was quite certain these were the ones he had been seeking. They were meant to have been brought to justice, to admit their heinous deeds, beg the forgiveness of their victim's family, and spend their lives attempting to make things right. But instead-- [quote][h3][sub]GLUTTON WAS HERE. YOU ARE WELCOME PEOPLE OF NOVA CITY :) P.S. THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TO THEIR VICTIM[/sub][/h3][/quote] Just above the mess of mangled limbs and viscera, a small note had been stuck to the wall in the alley. The handwriting was rather big. The knight didn't need to approach any closer to understand. His boots remained planted just beyond the threshold, only a few inches from the freshly pooled blood. Glutton. It rang a bell. A blurry image of a nightmarish cannibal sprang to mind. They had never met one another in person, but the knight had some sense of who he was dealing with. If these were the sorts of people patrolling the streets of Nova City, then he had certainly been right in his decision to journey here. More than ever, a knight was needed. The knight quit the alley and returned to the nearby street. With each footfall, his frozen boots made a high-pitched [i]clink[/i] against the concrete below. The sound attracted the eyes of passersby, and there were even a few young people whose eyes lit up with wonder and recognition at the sight of the cold cavalier. The knight's gaze, however, fell quickly onto a pair of police officers who were hurriedly climbing into their patrol car. They were unaware, it seemed, of the corpses that lay just around the shadowy corner. He raised a glacial gauntlet in greeting. [color=1cb2fc][b]"Ho there, honourable guards! I must give to thee an account of a matter most grim!"[/b][/color] His booming call filled the entire street. And yet, the officers only flicked on their sirens and hastily drove off. ...Was something else happening today?