[center][b][color=limegreen][h1]Kazumin Nagasa[/h1][/color][/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/YX1sZZL/download.png[/img] [/center] [color=limegreen]Time: [/color] 28th, Evening [color=limegreen]Location: [/color] Edin Theater [color=limegreen]Interactions:[/color] [color=limegreen]Mentions:[/color] Calbert, Persephone/Olivia, Charlotte [color=gray] The past few days had been rough on him physically and mentally. This made the idea of performing after the break-in have the baron offer to cancel. At first, he intended to take it, but after all the bullshit Calbert put him through and his outburst were clear signs. He had too much pent up in him, his black-gloved right hand gripped the semi-large box clutched to his right side as he walked. An outlet was needed, and this theater offered him the perfect opportunity to alleviate some of his anxiety, enough to get his head back to stability. It was only fair to show Calbert his thanks for the gifts his goons kindly left them. With such a bold message clear, the count probably expected him to hide away or run which he didn’t want to lie to himself, he almost did. Were it not for his little sneak out to Char’s place earlier this morning he might have cowered in some bedroom corner. Shaking the bitter image away followed by an airy huff. No one was better at knocking his sense back in than Percy, a sly chuckle and Char’s concern and generosity along with knowing they were actually safe helped to renew his spirits. His family, however, he still had yet gotten word on. A curse to these mule slow-ass forms of getting mail around. He could only trust they were unharmed like his friends. The sleep after improved his complexion, albeit still. His hair proved a real battle due to stiff bed hair, but after much brush wrestling and enough gel to give his blonde hair a bright golden sheen almost, the cowlick bounced brightly. Choosing to wear a simple [url=https://i.ibb.co/VmHbHns/1553564218-rumcandy-royal-estique-by-rumcandyadopt-dd2ei83-pre.png]Dark-blue Dress suit[/url] without the frills and cape, much as he liked it. Uncomfortable as ever, but it covered up the marks and bruises so it would have to do. No, his real fit rested within the box; smirking at the thought of Calbert’s face in shock to see or hear of his little show despite the scare attempt. Kazumin knew running wasn’t running and the man already thought him mad. So might as well give the man what he wanted.*[color=00a651] Always wanted to perform to a big crowd…wished it had been better circumstances but...[/color]* Pumping his free fist up in excitement trying to enjoy it;, even if a little a bit of his old gumption helped bolster his wavering confidence. The theater soon came into view, and he stopped a short distance away, having decided to make his way there on foot. The walk had been what he needed to get fresh air and think about how he should approach this dance. As there were plenty of things he wanted to say to the bastard, most of all longed to sock him in that smug prick face. He thought back to Calbert’s party and his plans, likely his nerves and proper motivation that stopped him. Kazu never wanted or asked for any of it, the dinner ensured no peace and the tree took away his option to run, this left him with very little to do, and like damn hell was he going to spend it cowering and looking over his shoulder….not anymore. Not when his family’s safety was at risk. Yet, the fact that Princess Ani had a big hand in the theater’s special event meant he didn’t want to do anything to ruin it. Not to mention lack of prep and time due to his needing to recuperate. And unlikely he'd get a second chance on stage to show off his bombastic dance skills without the boring ballrooms in the way. No, today would just be that, a dance. A little teaser for the count. Plus, there was still a certain matter with Fritz he needed to discuss. Figuring out if he truly was a good man and an ally of his or not was first before proceeding on, though. Caution. Caution was the one thing he had to keep in mind most going forward; a truly deadly challenge. With his mind calmed and focused finally, Kazumin hummed his way inside. [/color]