Simonsen blinks witlessly, first at Luka, then at Ashley, then at the exit that has suddenly appeared in place of the broken window. You can almost hear the grinding hard drive sound coming from his brain as he tries to process the conflicting information you're giving him, and evaluates his options in light of that. (If there's one thing that's become clear about Simonsen, beyond what he's told you, it's that he's not the sharpest pencil in the box. He'd much rather be blowing things up than evaluating a new threat, especially one that has proven to be outside his previous experience; luckily, you've managed to convince him that he can't explode his way out of this situation.) Finaly, he seems to reach a decision. Ray moves slowly towards the exit, keeping his eyes on the four of you, and backs out towards the street. As he does, the strange coloring drains out of the environment, leaving the diner looking as it did before (though with the addition of a rather garish new entrance). He does not say anything in response to Ashley's offer; however, he points two bandaid-covered fingers at his eyes, then tracks the gesture over the four of you as he backs down the street. Despite his silence, the message is clear--"We'll be watching." The only people remaining in Mario's are you and the goat-bat creature, whose soft chirps are muffled by the metal third pan still sitting on his head. [hr][h3]UPTIME 1 -「CANNED HEAT」- COMPLETE[/h3] [hr] [hider=Game Stats] [color=purple][b][u]Phantom Clock:[/u][/b][/color] [color=yellow][b]3 PM[/b][/color] [b][u]Party Experience:[/u] 2[/b] [b][u]Fate Deck:[/u] 8/22[/b] [hider=Luka Durand] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Other:[/b] [list][*] Dissonant card effect - [i]as long as Justice is in the discard pile, do not draw when Dazzling. Instead, act as if you have drawn The Moon.[/i][/list] [/hider] [hider=Emily Sanderson] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Ashley Whitlock] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Ready For Anything:[/b][list] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Fool[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - You become who you are needed to be in this moment[/color] [*][color=#dbd05e][b]The Hermit[/b] - [i]Neutral[/i] - Your actions isolate you[/color] [*][s][color=#2a86d6][b]The World[/b] - [i]Positive[/i] - For a single moment, the world bends to your will[/color][/s][/list] [/hider] [hider=The Crow] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [/hider]