The Crow tilts his head to the other side. It appears the strange man - who, according to Ashley, was the one originally responsible for their deaths - was leaving. Huh. Kind of anticlimactic, actually, but at least they were all still alive. However, this whole scenario had left him with a lot of questions... "Didn't Santana say that the people who killed us were a problem and we should make hell for them?" he said, gesturing with his wing towards where Ray had once been. "We didn't really make hell for that guy. We were more of a nuisance really." He looks over to the kitchen. "Or was he talking about that weird thing in there? I'm confused." He glanced between Ashley and Emily in search of answers. He got the feeling that Luka probably didn't know... or care. And also he just didn't want to ask him. [hider=OOC]The Crow now has a tie to Ashley. "Ashley seems to react well in a crisis."[/hider]