[color=gold][center][h2][i][b]The Sofa on the Moon[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [@Starlance] [b]"Well, no issue of that here, Bea! In your preparations for the race, how have you and Ava been feeling about the setup for Luna?[/b] [hr] [@MrSkimobile] [b]"Indeed, we're a long way from home! And what would you say about your overall mood at Luna? Lot of rumours abound that there's some extremely exciting developments in Pilot Modifications that Al-Saqr has undertaken over the last five months- how has that felt for you and Layla?"[/b] [hr] [@LadyAmber] [b]"For your first time on the Moon, you seem to be enjoying yourself Paul! It sounds like you've adapted well to the challenge, and I imagine you're seeking to keep your point lead on Zygon. Has the team got any targets for this season in spite of the changes, or is the sky the limit?"[/b] [hr] [center] [h1][b] Round 6 of Formula Anti-Gravity Saturday 20th May, 2094 Qualifying Day Lunar AGP Mare Austral, nr the South Pole of the Moon 1600 Lunar Coordinated Time (LCT) [/b] [/h1] [/center] [h2][b][center]Jamie Hart[/center][/b][/h2] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SfFInoSotg]Mount Kimbie- Made to Stray[/url] [/b] Ship after ship hit the regolith, and time after time was posted, inch by inch, meter by meter, the contrasting shots of the Earth behind and the grey, monochrome surface contrasted by the colourful ships that darted across its surface- Fitzroy Orbital's bright red a standout on this surface, even though to the rumour mill, some said it was the last time Fitzroy was going to be an entity standing on its own two feet. Almost drifting into the canyon, formed by forces outside of Earth's geological force, instead charred by mining and asteroid activity, racing on the Moon felt like the grip ceased and instead, quite literally an otherworldly force was in reaction, the ship drifting before latching to MAG stripping, reinforcing the same turn again. It was hard to dial into, but Jamie was finding his flow, the delta healthy, but not healthy enough for his liking, as he raced through the last sector, back out into the wide open basin at the base of the mine that the circuit paced through. The white-silver of the Silver Apex ship glimmered, but the pilot inside wasn't exactly on fire. "P6, Jamie, we gave it a good run." The Canadian sighed in response to his engineer, looking out the window. The fucking Earth seemed closer to reach than Amy did when she was pushing. And in spite of everything, literally everything in the sim, when it came to the craft, he couldn't pull it together. He should have been P3 here. But Layla, Kais, even Harrison and Ava had pulled something special out on their runs. And nothing was working. The results came in, and bit by bit, the ships came into their airlocks, and debriefs, reviews of data, and performance metrics were reviewed, ready for tomorrow's race. Even with the different setting, the air felt tense, and every pilot knew that Luna's technicality, and unique challenges meant not all pilots and craft yielded what they would expect. [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qF6cn-eA0G0sumgf79TvEnPjOHyQP-vZSFV6LNrn_OY/edit?gid=619115053#gid=619115053]Qualifying Results[/url] [hr] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Post Qualifying Interviews[/b][/i][/h2][/center] Inside the more sealed environment of the Mare Austral compound, under pressure at last, a panoramic overview of the track behind a glass window gave Delta Hyper a good backdrop for interviews- with Aurora's figure appearing once again, the sofa brought back in and (mostly) clear of lunar dust, so it didn't eat into the less-serious undersuits that the pilots wore beneath their spacesuits. [@Starlance] [b]"An impressive 9th place for you Bea- and wow, 5th for Ava! Stacked between Zygon and Valkyrie, how do you think you'll carry your qualifying speed into the race tomorrow, as it looks like your setup here seems to be dialled in?"[/b] [hr] [@MrSkimobile] [b]"Kais, an excellent 3rd place, and it seems like both you and Layla are really thriving here in Luna. Do you think you can close the gap to Silver Apex and Southern Cross here, and still show the team has the ability to challenge for the Constructors?" [/b] [hr] [@LadyAmber] [b]"Paul, not the best qualifying for you, but it seems like Dorian was struggling even worse. Do you think you can turn that around tomorrow, based on your comfortable practice sessions?"[/b] [hr] [@Enzayne] [b]"Han, not the best result for Zygon, after a very promising Portuguese GP. Do you think you have the race pace to keep Valkyrie and and Carrera at bay, and keep them on their toes?"[/b] [hr] [@Sylvan] [b]"Nora, it seems like Al-Saqr are definitely becoming a force in the last few races. What do you think of their performance, and do you think tomorrow you'll be able to bring out some of the magic we've seen from you in the last few races to get back those positions?"[/b]