"A fair point." Ashley begrudgingly gave to Luka. "But also a risky path to take." "That man is willing to blow up a diner full of people to deal with a 'Shade'." she spoke gesturing to the now christened Mister Megaten. "I don't want to think about what he is willing to do against 'intelligent shades' at least not yet." She then spoke to the Crow. "What he meant was filled with vagueness, so let's not do any rash actions for now, besides I think we will get an opportunity to make our part soon." Then she responded to Luka's offer. "I'm afraid we would need to decline, it would be for the best if you don't explain to your friends why you let strangers and a crow in your limo." she explained. "Before we part ways though." Ashley began walking towards a trash can, the one where Crow threw something. She began rummaging it for what she thinks are two important items that the Agent seemed to forgot was still missing. [hider=My Hider] So Ashley is going to take the badge and the phone the Crow stole. I have an idea on how we can extract info on the phone. [/hider]