[center][color=orange][h1][u][b]House Varranis of Duskspire[/b][/u][/h1] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sAbYI6x.png[/img] [hr] [h2][b]“Drown in Dusk!”[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [hider=Overview] House Varranis is a Dornish House located in the central southern region of Dorne along the sulphurous river known as the Brimstone. Proud, wealthy, and powerful, the Varranians have managed to rise from obscurity to an unprecedented level of power due to their location and ties. The men and women of House Varranis are known in appearance for their silky black hair, charming features, and hazel-orange eyes that rival on mysticism. While their features may be charming, they should never be underestimated for beneath their careful guises are martial geniuses and knowledgeable alchemists of fearsome prowess. Their symbol is the downward sword and dusken sun on a split field of orange and black. Their house’s motto is ‘Drown in Dusk’ for their presence beneath the shadows of the Brimstone’s coastline, forever basking them in a dull dusk. [/hider] [hider=History] The histores of House Varranis are stooped in legend, forever shrouded by thick tomes with heavy locks on them. Some claim they were Valyrian impoverished nobles that snuck into the Andals, escaping along with them across the Narrow Sea; however, their midnight hued hair deny this. Others claim that they were Summer Islanders having made peace with the First Men, establishing themselves on the mouth of the Brimstone; however, no record of these Summer Islanders exist. What is true is that they existed in the time of the Andals and remained unnoticed for hundreds of years as tenders of the Brimstone. (3 AC) In the time of Aegon the Conqueror, they were forced into the light as dragon fire reigned down upon the deserts of Dorne. No sooner had they come to witness destruction did they come under the thumb of House Uller. Discounted as desert nymphs and Rhonyish faeries, the Dornishmen hadn’t realized the folly of their superstitions. It was there upon the Brimstone that Uthor Uller, in a desperate attempt to save himself, named them House Varranis and gave them the ruined estate of Duskspire. He grimly pleaded with them to use their magic, but they were simply men and had none. Uthor Uller later perished in the dragonflame that consumed the desert sands, leaving shattered glass in their wake. Yet House Varranis had earned their keep. They did not have magic, but they were accustomed to the harsh sands of Dorne and the sulfurous rivers of the Brimstone. They had lived, breathed, and adapted the land to their sake. House Uller survived with the assistance of House Varranis, teaching them of the harsher desert lifestyles and the barebone alchemicals necessary to survive living by the river. When the dragonfire passed, the two rose each other up as kin. (103 AC) For a hundred years, they maintained an amicable relationship based on goodwill and knowledge. The Varranian serfs mined the bristle brimstone, honed the sulphurous rivers, and aided their lives when their Maesters could not. In those hundred years, they were acclaimed and reviled for their secrecy and apparently arcane arts by other houses. Fortunately, House Uller was the shield that defended. In times of joy they made marry and interwed to one-another, promising the future and beyond. (153 AC) Yet, House Uller was mad. Fifty years later, they grew jealous of the Duskspire and House Varranis’ fortunes at the mouth of the Brimstone. The ruined estate had become a mighty bastion of trade, knowledge, and power that grew with the accumulating wealth of House Uller. They had grown from a small, insignificant tribe to a rival worthy of their attention. House Varranis benefited greatly as they expanded out onto the coast with castles and townships befitting their granted territory. They had grown too much, Joslena Uller had thought with envy on her tongue, remembering the days of which they were nothing. (178 AC) For the next twenty-five years, House Uller of Hellgate became an oppressive tyrant to House Varranis of Duskspire. Tithes of soldiers, weapons, gold, alchemy, and more were raised beyond their productive capabilities. Once more House Varranis plunged into poverty, their eastward expansion crumbled into obscurity and decline. It was this moment that the foundation for vengeance was established. The Varranians were not to be trifled with power and connection attached to their fingers. A dark chapter began as they learned to become harbingers of the dusken sky. (187 AC) In the one-hundreth-and-eighty-seventh year since Aegon’s Conquest, Dorne bent the knee to the Targaryen throne and became one with the Iron Throne. Prince Maron knelt in King’s Landing along with all of the respective heads of the most powerful Houses in Dorne. It was this most benevolent day that House Uller suffered a devastating blow as House Varranis seceded from their territory. A series of assassinations and poisonings plagued House Uller, claiming the lives of Boran Uller and Ormond Uller along with their children among countless others unnamed. No direct link drew ire to House Varranis, yet Lord Daemon Uller knew well that it could only be Lord Matheil ‘the Scorpion’ Varranis that could’ve orchestrated such a thing. Upon returning with the Prince of Dorne, the two Houses engaged in open arms; however, Prince Maron intervened for the sake of the peace most recently gained. In the open fields of the Sulphur Flats, hosted by Lord Quinlan Cook of Sulphur Hall, House Varranis became a direct vassal under House Martell. For thirteen days and nights, the four houses celebrated under the gaze of their liege-lord; however, conflict brewed under the surface. It would only be the first of many conflicts. (196 AC) In the one-hundredth-and-ninety-sixth year since Aegon’s Conquest, House Varranis participated in the First Blackfyre Rebellion alongside their Prince, Maron. On the Redgrass Field, House Varranis hosted two-hundred Duskblades and two-hundred spears with Matheil Varranis and his two brothers, Mortred and Zahariel. Fifty men died in the charge along with Sire Mortred ‘the Black Serpent’ Varranis, but House Varranis received accommodation and honors for their service to the Iron Throne and Sunspear. All good tales for House Varranis end in tragedy, however, as several women and children were abducted from the Midnight Villa. Enraged, Zahariel ‘Dusk’s Edge’ Varranis led a daring assault on the kidnappers only to be ambushed by spearmen bearing House Uller’s sigil. Zahariel was murdered along with twenty Duskblades of Duskspire. Their remains were later found in the mouth of the Brimstone by fishermen off the coast of Dorne. Vengeance was demanded, but Matheil refused to involve his liege lord. In the midst of the night with ten men and women of acquired talent, Hellgate Hall was emptied of life through the use of alchemical mixtures and daggers. Their hostages were saved and returned to Duskspire, yet House Uller used the events to leverage the crimes on House Varranis. A challenge was issued and accepted, laying low the cousin of Lord Daemon Uller, Sire Preiss Uller. The crimes of House Varranis were forgiven, but the price was much too high. (200 AC) After the death of two sons, Matheil Varranis’ father, Zalach Varranis, perished from a broken heart and illness. Matheil Varranis ascended the Dusk Throne and ruled over House Varranis for thirty years. His hold over the aptly renamed Midnight Coast saw a flourish of expansion to the east over the barren hills. Under his guidance, Matheil saw the warhost of the House increase to two-thousand spears, two-hundred Duskblades, and forty knights of low- and highborn birth. Several castles were bolstered, towns grew large, and the amnesty between the Martells and the Varranians grew from plentiful trade. That year, Matheil remarried to Amalia Dayne after the loss of his previous wife in the siege of Hellgate Hall. They were blessed with two sons, Vallor and Zaphon, and three daughters, Miska, Anelia, and Elysa. (230 AC) In the two-hundredth-and-thirtieth year since Aegon’s Conquest, the realm was in a state of grave recovery as Westeros recovered from the Third Blackfyre Rebellion. House Varranis, however, was in shambles as Matheil Varranis finally passed from his wounds having never fully healed after the Rebellion. He was joined by his son, Zaphon, who passed a year earlier from a broken leg. Vallor, his firstborn son, rose to the Dusk Throne and lorded over his father’s domain during an age of crisis. A noble man with a strong bearing and an ambitious heart, Vallor Varranis was a warrior and veteran of the last rebellion and had planned for more. Martially focused, he continued Matheil’s efforts of raising an army worthy of attention from their liege-lord. While he was certainly successful, it only drew further rivalry from their Uller neighbors. His success, however, did draw the interest of a Velaryon woman by the name of Raeya during a routine stop along the Midnight Coast. The two quickly fell in love, earning some wrath from House Velaryon; however, the growing power of House Varranis cooled their anger. Their union was greatly blessed as they bore five sons: Zaharion, Zorian, Aldrich, Arthur, and Raegal. For the next twenty years, House Varranis grew greater and stronger with their Velaryon and Martell allies. (255 AC) In the two-hundredth-and-fifty-fifth year since Aegon’s Conquest, House Varranis suffered a terrible blow as Vallor Varranis and Raeya Velaryon perished in an ambush along the most recently expanded territories of the Midnight Coast. Only recently left reeling by the Red Spring, the last sixteen years saw misfortune for the Varranians in the form of several cousins perishing from tragedies most foul. While their power as a Great House of Dorne had risen sharply, it could not stop the Stranger from looming over the household. Many within the House believed they were abandoned, while others believed that House Uller played a dreadful part in their demise. No matter the opinion, one thing could be certain this year. It was the beginning of a long reign of greatness beneath Vallor’s first son, Zaharion, known throughout Dorne as the Magnificent. Ascending at the age of twenty-and-five, Zaphariel reigned in House Varranis with a firm and soft grip. His policies were lavish, his spending ludicrous, and his wealth generation tremendous. For the next ten years, Zaharion saw House Varranis grow beyond it’s size as he explored the world on Dornish ships. Trade beyond the shores of Westeros into new trading lanes with Qarth and Astapor saw an influx of exotic goods spread throughout Dorne. Towns began to burst from their original walls along the Midnight Coast, threatening to blossom into a great coastal city not unlike Pentos. The Era of Zaharion was bereft of trouble, save for the extravagances that the Varranian son dined upon; women, weapons, wine, and silk abound. He blessed the dynasty with two children after marrying a Lyseni by the name of Asalia; however, rumors abound ascertained that the House Head had harbored many bastards during his exploits. Curiously, the fear of the past eleven years passed as no further deaths were recorded. A true testament to House Varranis’ new, golden era. (260AC) The last five years have been a golden era in the eyes of House Varranis while Lord Zaphariel has taken the reins. Their largest haul of exotic goods has brought their military might into unprecedented levels, while their ties have grown far beyond Westeros into Essos’ fertile lands. Because of his efforts, wanderers and nobles from the Three Daughters have become commonplace amongst the Dornish populace in their demesne. Although their complaints have been heard, their liege has ascertained the necessity of this to retain their level of luxury; however, some have seen Lord Varranis walk with the darker elements of Essos. Red priests, warlocks of Qarth, black robed sorcerers of Asshai, and Sothoryi corsairs have been seen alongside the Dornish lord. Those concerned with their liege have taken to skulking after their lord only to lose his trail in a matter of moments. [/hider] [hider=Domain] House Varranis rules over the southern central area of Dorne where the Brimstone meets the Summer Sea. Ruling from the great towering bastion known as the Duskspire, the Dornish house extends their will across several minor towns and castles that’ve blossomed from their personal expansion or proximity. One of the few ports outside of Sunspear, Duskspire is a monument of preservation and wealth that has brought innumerable benefits not only to the House, but to the Martells. Two-tiered circular walls surround the great fortress with the first wall protecting the port and city, while the second defends the spiraling castle of the Dusk Throne. The ambitious home of House Varranis is often likened to Starfall in its design, yet it pales in comparison due to its dark stones and proximity to the sulphurous river. Second only to the Duskspire is the Midnight Villa, an estate several miles away from House Varranis’ primary castle bordering on the edge of Uller’s territory along the Brimstone. Built as a home away from home, the Villa was a prideful creation at the height of House Uller’s aggression. To establish their political power and wealth, the Villa rose up as a direct sign of insurrection with high walls around a beautiful manor. Plentiful mines from nearby villages along the mountainous terrain surrounding the Brimstone feed minerals and precious metals across the Varranian domain. Towns, threatening on becoming a single city not unlike Pentos, dot the Midnight Coast of southern Dorne, stretching out into the Summer Sea with wooden docks and piers. Castles of midnight hue with the banners of House Varranis dot the wasteland spreading from the Brimstone, each garrisoned completely and ready to strike should House Uller press their supposed advantage. [/hider] [hider=Military] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MEZdTuy.jpeg[/img][/center] At the dawn of their inception, House Varranis was a weak and timid family built on the protection of House Uller from would-be aggressors. Since that time over two-hundred years ago, House Varranis has grown a strong military that easily dwarfs their neighbors in terms of prowess and numbers. Either due to the circumstances of their upbringing or based on the focus of their leaders, the Varranians continue to grow the numbers of their military to this day. The composition of their warriors appears simple at first until firmly observed by a cunning eye. Traditionally, Dornish spearmen and archers make up the vast majority of their ranks from levies raised by towns, villages, and castles; however, House Varranis has cultivated special men-at-arms ready to deliver their justice. The infamous Duskblades, warriors in half-plate and hooded helmets, fight valiantly with wicked hand and a half swords forged from dark metals. Their serpentine blades are their modus operati, thin fullers capable of holding snake venom for several seconds in the midst of a fight. Their prowess, at times, can equal that of knights from mainland Westeros, yet they are extraordinarily difficult to train and require specific teachings from Varranian knights, alchemists, and craftsmen to operate their gear. Where the men-at-arms of House Varranis have earned their infamy across Dorne, it is their knights that truly shine as beacons of prowess and intelligence. Practised alchemists, rightful scholars, and excellent duelists make up the warriors that lead their levies into battle. Landed warriors, risen by the hands of Varranians past, eagerly fill the ranks of the many knights in service to House Varranis. While many have their own particular way of fighting, they are taught and trained in Duskspire to be Duskblades of their own. A great number of them carry the infamous swords of the Duskblades into combat, but feel the necessity to wear Dornish full-plate when sallying out. Unfortunately, perhaps due to the Brimstone, House Varranis lacks cavalry and the raw shock-and-awe of their thunderous assaults. The ingenious minds of the House, however, make up for it a thousandfold using alchemists and their arcane arts to fill the gaps. Toxic elixirs, combined from gases of the Brimstone, are often used as combustive throwable weapons by their deft hands. Their aggressive use of these tactics has garnished bitter opinions from the Citadel and Old Town. Not to be forgotten, the relatively small armada of House Varranis merely adds to the Dornish fleet mustered by the Martells. Unable to acquire a local source of wood, House Varranis imports precious timber at extraordinary prices from the Reach and the Stormlands. It is only due to their remarkable wealth that they’ve managed to hold onto a fleet of twenty galleys and a pair of carracks. A sizable portion for the Duskspire docks, but pales in comparison to any other Westerosi or Essosi fleet. As of the two-hundredth-and-sixtieth year of Aegon’s Conquest, the military numbers of House Varranis average around four-thousand spearmen-archers, a thousand duskblades, and a hundred knights. Although the numbers have previously been counted by the Maesters attending Duskspire, it is currently unknown how many alchemists exist amongst their number that are and aren’t registered with the Alchemist’s Guild. It is fair to assume that these numbers are specifically hidden by Lord Varranis for some unknown reason. Perhaps a censure is in order from the Citadel? [/hider] [hider=Family Members] [hider=Zaphariel Varranis] [center][color=orange][h1][b]Zaphariel ‘the Magnificent’ Varranis[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PscXZWc.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 30 [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Enigmatic, beautiful, and powerful are the words that best describe Zaphariel Varranis of Duskpire. A trimmed beard, shoulder-length black hair, and the hazel-orange eyes of House Varranis decorate any already meticulously sculpted face. Jewelry from across Essos decorates the knuckles, fingers, and ears of the opulent Dornishman. In particular, he keeps a total of eight silver claw rings attached to his fingers at most given times. His height only further boosts his ego as a tall man of nimbly muscular proportions. Black satin with decorations of orange make up the vast majority of his attire, yet he is never afraid to dawn the half-plate armor of the duskblades. Always in his possession is the Valyrian curved sword known as Pandjoras, ever sheathed in a decorated scabbard to further enhance his image. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] (230 AC) Born to Vallor Varranis and Raeya Velaryon in the two-hundredth-and-thirtieth year since Aegon’s Conquest, Zaphariel was the first of five that would forever change the lives of House Varranis. A strong, healthy, and curious child was what awaited his parents. From the moment he was born, the very sands of Dorne whispered the name Zaphariel. Raised in a time of prosperity for the House of Dusk, Zaphariel was gifted the luxuries of a privileged upbringing. Nothing was barred from his hands; alchemy, schooling, fighting, sneaking, and gallivanting were his to play with. As a boy, he grew into a model son with limitless charisma and an affectionate smile on his lips. He never faltered in his learnings, never lost interest in schooling, and never wanted to be scolded. Vallor found himself a proud father in the early years of the dusken heir’s life. The birth of his brothers changed his personality forever. As a growing adolescent, Zaphariel took upon himself the duties of defending and raising his siblings where his father or the maesters could not. While remaining a charismatic boy of limitless potential, Zaphariel became more stoic and serious in his past-times. He turned away from playing in the sands or making believe the fantasies of dragons aflight to the world beyond Westeros and the dealings of the Iron Throne. His father cherished the sight of a dutiful heir, who gorged on literature and experiences like a starving wolf. It was only a prelude to the possibilities of the dusken heir. As a young adult, Zaphariel had squired under his father and rode out to battle with corsairs and pirates along their trading lanes or intercept House Uller incursions upon their land. He was officially knighted after defeating a pair of Uller knights in battle, their lungs still breathing but their pride shattered by the dusken heir. From there it was a plethora of fresh responsibilities that saw his connections grow like wildfire spread across dry shrubbery. Where his father’s stewards couldn’t attend trading consultations, Zaphariel stood in place and executed the will of House Varranis excellently. Where a head alchemist’s formulae was trumped by stunted logic, Zaphariel could concoct a solution that their intelligence could not see. To some among House Varranis, he was everything that they could wish for in a firstborn heir. To Zaphariel, he only wished to see his brothers grow strong and healthy in a prosperous era for the House of Dusk. At twenty-and-one, Zaphariel waved his brethren goodbye as he set sail to Essos. A contingency of several knights and duskblades accompanied him on a two-year sail of the Essossi coast to Lys. From there, few accounts can afford the luxury of his extravagant adventures through Essos; however, he was noted to have travelled as far north as Braavos and as far south as Qarth. Tales of an orange-eyed man stated that a lone ship sailed through the Smoking Sea and out the Jade Gates, yet more said that a large expedition of Dornishmen vanished into the Dothraki Sea and were never seen again. Accounts differ wildly about the adventures of the dusken heir, but all agree that he did return with an entourage of strange persons and a Lyseni wife by the name of Asalia. The reaction from Lord Vallor was a strong one as Zaphariel was meant for a match with a cousin of Lord Martell. His father was prepared to force the marriage apart, yet the sight of his grandsons eased him enough to forgive the matter. Little Aethor and Aelio were the two greatest treasures the Heir of Dusk brought home, alongside a wealth of many other things. As a gift for his survival, his marriage, and his children, Vallor allowed him the Midnight Villa as his personal home. For the next four years of the dusk heir's life, Zaphariel changed in ways more subtle than shifting sands. Lord Vallor either never noticed or preferred not to as his firstborn son grew more ambitious and powerful. The strangers that accompanied him were always nearby, teaching him in strange arts and strange languages. The Midnight Villa became a crossbreed of Dornish and Lyseni livery with myriad artifacts from their journeys. His sons were raised just as he was, each a burning image of their father. Zaphariel was always seen with the two, pushing their education and allowing them the experience of his governing capabilities. His aptitude was certainly needed over the years since his return as he watched many members of House Varranis suffer unfortunate demises. He spent these years looking into the incidents himself along with his wealth of connections, while his father continued to govern the domains of the House of Dusk. It was in this year that Zaphariel gained the moniker of ‘the Magnificent’ after a particularly large, opulent feast with all the major lords of Dorne. On the two-hundredth-and-fifty-fifth year since Aegon’s Conquest, his father Vallor and mother Raeya passed from their mortal coil in an ambush along the Midnight Coast. Enraged from his failure, Zaphariel begrudgingly accepted the role of Lord and rose up to take the Dusk Throne. His brothers grew infinitely closer in the year of their father’s death as his responsibilities increased a thousandfold. It was a cold year for Zaphariel even as he crossed the deserts to ascertain his allegiance to House Martell in Sunspear. He felt the Stranger lurked over his House and knew that only he could fix this issue. For the next five years, Zaphariel invited those from across the Narrow Sea and consulted them on matters unknown. Only the grave tragedy of Summerhall and the rise of the Ninepenny Kings drew away his attention as House Martell called his bannermen to war. Himself and his brothers marched to war at the fore of House Varranis’ might. [/hider] [hider=Zorian Varranis] [center][color=f7941d][h1][b]Zorian ‘the Dusk Knight’ Varranis [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2qXkZgS.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 26 [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Zorian Varranis is a strong, tall man with broad shoulders and impeccable musculature. Where his elder brother, Zaphariel, was the very model of House Varranis and a charming individual, Zorian was a brutal warrior and the very model of a knight. If circumstances had been different, there’d be no doubt that he could be a kingsguard. A flock of short black hair decorates his scalp, while a stony edifice of tanned skin is complimented only by the hazel-orange eyes of House Varranis. Forever a stern look upon his face, Zorian wears a plethora of scars that dance across his features and mix with a full-beard of black. He is rarely seen outside of his family’s special plate, ever a knight in half-plate and orange tabard with a hooded helmet. Outside of his warrior’s garb, Zorian shows himself as an austere individual in Varranian satin simple clothes. Zorian Varranis wields the Valyrian greatsword of House Varranis, Duskbringer, instead of his elder brother; a magnificent long, wavering blade of midnight hue with a serpentine pommel and decorative crossguard. His personal coat-of-arms is a black longsword through a red serpent on a field of checkered black and orange. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] (234 AC) House Varranis delighted at the birth of a second son from Vallor Varranis and Raeya Velaryon on the two-hundredth-and-thirty-fourth year since Aegon’s Conquest. A larger, heavier child that already showed his strength when gripping his father’s thumb. Vallor was pleased to see that he had borne another son that was a warrior in the making. His elder brother was beyond pleased to have a sibling, one that he could protect and play with. The boy was immediately raised up to be a knight, gifted toys to inspire his courage like tiny wooden swords or clay horses with miniature warriors. In the same way that Zaphariel was raised, so too was Zorian as the education of both crossed into one-another. When Zorian was not learning under the maesters, his father, or his brother, he was out in the sands with a wooden sword slashing at invisible things and claiming victory over the sands. As a young adolescent, Zorian grew strong and bulky as he continued his martial journey into knighthood. Lord Vallor personally saw that Zorian was trained under the greatest of their knights, Sire Michol the Dusk Blade. The two were as inseparable as he was with his elder brother, training from dawn to dusk and stopping only when Michol was summoned by Lord Vallor for a patrol or a skirmish. Never one to be beaten, Zorian would continue to play and learn with Zaphariel. He never missed an opportunity to test his elder brother’s tactical prowess against his own. As a young man, Zorian witnessed the death of Sire Michol and inherited the moniker of the Dusk Blade, thereby inheriting Duskbringer from his father as a gift of service and knighthood. The second born son would go on to attend tourneys and melees whenever travelling with Vallor; however, he preferred to remain home with his brothers and train in the courtyards of the Duskspire. His upbringing and honor had allowed him the right of becoming House Varranis’ Master at Arms, upholding tradition as the holder of Duskbringer. One of the last things that Vallor and Raeya were able to witness was the wedding between Zorian Varranis and Cerenna Hightower, daughter of Lord Lymond Hightower. The next year, Vallor and Raeya perished in an ambush set along the Midnight Coast. Zorian was never able to defend them as he celebrated a new life together with Cerenna, their first child being born to them in the confines of the Duskspire. Despite the joy of his firstborn daughter, Zorian was crushed by the overwhelming fact that he couldn’t save his parents. He carried on his duties, however, and travelled with his elder brother, Zaphariel, to Sunspear to swear loyalty alongside the new Lord of Duskspire. When the two returned to their ancestral home, they grieved for thirteen days and thirteen nights with the rest of their brothers. Over the next five years, Sire Zorian remained a steadfast companion to his elder brother and a tyrant to those that sought the demise of his family. He was their strongest knight, their strongest tactician, and their strongest fanatic. From his military oversight, he has only focused on strengthening the warriors House Varranis owns and doubling the amount of patrols across their territory. As the War of the Ninepenny Kings rose up on the Stepstones, Sire Zorian was one of the hundreds of warriors sent with Maron Martell to fight against a would-be usurper. He left behind his daughter of five, Lemmera, and his son of three, Vallor, named so for his grandsire. [/hider] [hider=Aldrich Varranis] [center][color=f7941d][h1][b]Aldrich ‘the Brimstone Scribe’ Varranis [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oRKMJzQ.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Aldrich Varranis is a gaunt, tall man with a lighter complexion than his brothers. Long, silky black hair trails down either side of his temples, while dark hazel-orange eyes poke out beneath thick eyebrows. He is neither bulky as his elder brother Zorian, nor is he charismatically nimble as his eldest brother Zaphariel. A lanky man, Aldrich prefers to shroud himself in scribes robes of fine satin and hold onto a large tome wherever he travels. A notable feature of his appearance is the lack of a maester’s chain, despite being everything that a maester could be in his appearance. Alas, his brethren had forbid him from journeying to the Citadel; however, this is something he doesn’t mind. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] (239 AC) Born on the two-hundredth-and-thirty-nineth year since Aegon’s Conquest, Aldrich was born as a twin to Arthur in a frail state. While the first two, Zorian and Zaphariel, had been strong and healthy children, Aldrich was a weak and somber child. Vallor and Raeya assumed this would simply pass, using his brothers as a point of reference; however, the frailness of the child never left even as he grew into a young boy. He would skip martial lessons in favor of reading, delving hungrily into literature to escape the harsh reality of the Dornish sands. His two elder brothers never mocked him, instead encouraging him to pursue a different calling than theirs. This, for better or worse, he took to heart and allowed himself the joy of freedom. As a young adolescent, Aldrich spent much of his time in a plethora of tomes across Duskspire’s grand archive. The maesters were his friends as much as his brothers were. He drank deep of their knowledge and internally raised them up on a pillar of brilliance. From an early age, Aldrich knew that the Citadel would be his one and true desire. When he told his father about his wants, Vallor politely put him down and turned his attention away from the maesters to the alchemists of the House of Dusk. A young boy being rejected would certainly dishearten them, but it never bothered the hungry Aldrich. Where maesters had consumed his early years, alchemists became his next obsession that he delved further into. His time with the alchemists was exactly what the boy required, trumping even his eldest brother in some practices and combining potions of such virulence that it defied traditional logic. The hunger never passed, however, and Aldrich searched for more. As a young adult, and a thirdborn son nonetheless, Aldrich experienced a level of freedom that he hadn’t yet achieved as a youth. He knew that he would never be a knight and never sought to be such, yet Aldrich craved more and more of the delicious meal known as knowledge. His calling as a maester was denied, yet he was never prohibited from travelling as his eldest brother had done. Unwilling to travel outside of Westeros, Aldrich spent several months across the rest of his adult life with the scholars of the Citadel and the septons of the Starry Sept. He further travelled across Westeros, returning home every so many weeks to feast with his brothers before setting off again. It was only when a match was made for him by Vallor Varranis that he returned to his home at last to serve as the House of Dusk’s chief alchemist. That year, Aldrich Varranis was blessedly married to Viola Redwyne in the grand halls of the Duskspire. Although the bride was happy, Aldrich never had a desire for love but understood his duties well enough. They bore a single child before Vallor and Raeya perished the next year named Zaharius after his eldest brother. In the year that their parents perished in an ambush, Aldrich returned from his gifted home of Brimtower with his wife and newly born child. Never known as an emotional man, Aldrich wept with his brothers over the loss of their parents for thirteen days and thirteen nights. He dedicated his time over the next five years to the House of Dusk, aiding Zaphariel whenever necessary and conducting new, elaborate potions pushed by his eldest brother’s cabal. With the rise of the Ninepenny Kings, Aldrich remained behind to watch over the demesne in Zaphariel’s absence. [/hider] [hider=Arthur Varranis] [center][color=f7941d][h1][b]Arthur ‘Midnight’ Varranis [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/O50XhpE.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b] [/color]21 [color=f7941d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A jovial and young knight, Arthur combines the charisma of his eldest brother and the might of his elder brother. Soft facial features rise up to shoulder-length black hair and trail down to a finely trimmed beard of midnight hue. Warm, hazel-orange eyes peer out from thin eyebrows. Unused to proper skirmishes and raids, Arthur is devoid of scars like his elder brothers and retains his youthful appearance in a state of near perpetuity. As a tourney knight, Arthur prefers full-plate with a surcoat of black-ornage and a plumed great helm uncharacteristic for a Dornishman. On the field, he wields a straight sword and a kite shield embellished with his family crest and his personal coat of arms. When removed of his warrior’s garb, he lives comfortably in black-orange nobles attire with decorated boots and fitted gloves with a traveller’s cape. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] (239 AC) Born in the two-hundredth-and-thirty-nineth year since Aegon’s Conquest, Arthur was born as a twin to Aldrich. Unlike his brother, he was a healthy and bright baby that was blessed with hearty laughter. Some considered it ominous that Arthur was healthy, while Aldrich was frail; however, the two would never go on to argue these facts. The young Arthur, as Zorian had once been, was fascinated with knights and chivalry more so than his elder brothers. He would follow his elder brother, Zorian, everywhere around Duskspire and watch him train in the sparring yards. Vallor was more than happy to receive another son worthy of being a warrior. As a young adolescent, Arthur squired to a knight from outside of the House of Dusk. He served as page to Sire Alester Dayne from Starfall, who trained frequently and longingly with the duskblades of House Varranis. Where Sire Michol taught Zorian of strength and skill, Sire Alester taught the young Arthur of chivalry and sport. The two were fond of each other as teacher and mentor, but it never passed beyond that as a true friendship. After all, Arthur preferred to spend time with his brothers when possible. Nonetheless, he learned much of Alester’s swordsmanship and combined it together with the skills he learned from Zorian, for the two sparred often when available. As a young adult, Arthur was knighted after winning a local tournament in the Reach and offering the flower wreath of the queen of love and beauty to Rylene Florent. It shouldn’t hold any surprise that the two were quickly wed no sooner had Lord Vallor Varranis and Lord Imry Florent had heard of his victory. Upon returning to Duskspire, the two wed upon the great docks of the House of Dusk. Not long after their first child was born, a son by name of Matheil, Vallor and Raeya passed in the ambush that claimed their lives. Although not one of the many guards of House Varranis, Arthur felt responsible for their loss just as Zorian had. He joined his brothers in Duskspire to pray for their souls, feasting for thirteen days and thirteen nights in mourning. The next five years passed by in a blur as he worked together with his brothers to raise House Varranis in a way that Vallor would be proud. Arthur would march out with elder brothers to the Stepstones as the Band of Nine dared to attack the Iron Throne. [/hider] [hider=Raegal Varranis] [center][color=f7941d][h1][b]Raegal ‘the Forsaken’ Varranis [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kW3wCTe.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=f7941d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=f7941d][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] A gaunt, yet attractive Dornishman that hides his more comely features beneath a thin hood of midnight. Much like his kinsmen of House Varranis, Raegal prefers satin robes of black embroidered with orange decorations that remind him of Duskspire. Tall and lanky, he never had the natural born proficiency to be a warrior like his brothers. Short, black hair brushes against thick eyebrows nestled above hazel-orange eyes. Never one to embellish his features with ornaments, Raegal wears no jewelry unlike his family but keeps an amulet of the Seven Who Are One close to his chest. [color=f7941d][b]Biography:[/b][/color] (240 AC) Born in the two-hundredth-and-fortieth year since Aegon’s Conquest, Raegal was an omen to the family and their final child. He was sickly pale, did not cry, and did not have a strong grip. The maesters comforted the two worried parents, assuring them that it was normal for their fifth child. Raeya had then named him after one of the Targaryen’s past, claiming him as more Velaryon than Dornish. Vallor believed this was a sign of things to come. His suspicions would be proven correct as he steadily grew as an outcast of his brothers. He saw no desire in combat, no desire in study, and no desire in speech. His brothers were not to fault as they tried everything possible to connect with their youngest. Nothing would form between them, no connection that the other four had developed from birth nor the things that they had fancied among them. The only thing that Vallor had noticed would shift the young boy’s mood was the sight of the Brimstone and the things that perished from it. As an adolescent, his macabre fascination grew beyond what Vallor understood as a vague interest. He became curious of everything from the Seven Who Are One to the plants beneath their feet to the metal that they forged. It wasn’t a scholar’s obsession. It was the beginning of a lunatic’s querying. Lord Varranis tried desperately to turn the boy’s attention away from the morose and to things more beneficial to his upbringing. It only further distanced him away from his last child, pushing what little closeness that they had between them. Vallor began to plan for the eventuality that he saw as his duty. As a young adult, Vallor would demand that his fifth born son take the chains of an arch maester and journey to the Citadel. Endorsed by the maesters of Duskspire, they had decided on his fourteenth birthday to send him away. His reaction was understandable, sobbing and profusely pushing back at the wishes of his house. When the decision was made, his brothers weren’t accounted for and not there to witness his sorrow. On his knees, Raegal pleaded for one more year to spend with his brothers before becoming a maester. It was the first time that Vallor had witnessed such a strong emotion from the boy, soon to become a man, and he hesitated in his decision. Lord Varranis relented, allowing Raegal one more to bond with his brothers before departing for the Citadel. It was a mistake for both parties. Before the end of the year, when Vallor and Raeya perished from an ambush, Raegal fled into the night on a charter set for an unknown voyage. Gems had been stolen from Zaphariel’s personal chest and Zorian’s training sword was stolen. None could guess where Raegal had escaped to, but his presence was felt when their parents passed away. The brothers mourned together over the loss of their outcast brother and the loss of their parents. Raegal would never find out until it was too late, far beyond Westeros’ shores. [/hider] [/hider]