[center][color=9e0b0f][h1][u][b]Doombringers of Volantis[/b][/u][/h1][/color] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/EswEQNr.png[/img] [hr] [color=9e0b0f][h2][b]“Doom and Glory!”[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [hider=Overview] A Volantese sellsword company of over two thousand warriors of mixed origins known as the Doombringers in Valyrian dialect. The sellswords of this company have been active for approximately fifteen years, expanding their operations from as far as Braavos to the Qarth’s Jade Gates. A vast majority of their time has been spent operating in the Disputed Lands, warring for control under one contractor or another. Their reputation is fearsome, rivaling that of the Second Sons and the Golden Company in terms of martial prowess and contract satisfaction. While most of their strength comes from a hearty doctrine of combined martial traditions, it is widely known that their company employs the use of sorcerers, witches, and alchemists to boost their numbers. This includes their sizable fleet of seven carracks ready to transport at a moment’s notice. Their leader, the Sword of Shadows, is their figurehead and the reason for their overwhelming infamy, each individual electing to join for a chance to fight with him for one reason or another. A plethora of legends have come to being because of his influence across Essos, but most link back to his company and their overwhelming success. It is primarily due to their captain that the Doombringers hold Volantis as their home, having been invited beyond the Black Walls to places unknown. Similarly, it is also due to their leader that the Doombringers refuse to operate in any part of Westeros. Waving far above the battlefield on war banners, the symbol of the Doombringers thrashes in the wind. A winged serpent of orange, yellow, and red on a field of black. The sight is enough to strike fear in some, confidence in other, and caution in most. The clank of their armor, the beat of his greaves, and the thump of their shields drives in the bravest mercenary into fits. No matter where they hail from, the Doombringers raises men from animals to knights of their own. [/hider] [hider=History] The history of the Doombringers is a small footnote of history in comparison to other greater mercenaries like the Golden Company, Men of Valor or the Second Sons. Being active for approximately fifteen years, the Doombringers have managed to carve out a name for themselves that outlast their meager reputation. In the first two years of their active operation, the Doombringers began their legacy in the Disputed Lands fighting for the Magisters of Lys. Young, prideful, and led by the Sword of Shadows showed their would-be employers exactly who they’d spent good coin on. An unprecedented level of professionalism and discipline curbed ramshackle tribes, unprofessional mercenaries, and veteran levies of the Three Daughters. All eyes were on them in those years as an up-and-coming group that could fight just as well as the most expensive companies. From there on, their connections and contracts were as plentiful as the stars. It was the beginning of their myriad relationships from the tip of Braavos to Jade Gates. For the next two years, the Doombringers operated out of Volantis to cross the Smoking Sea and coordinate under Astapor and Meereen. Burgeoning with five-hundred warriors, the Doombringers brought their namesake upon the slave-soldiers of the slave masters. The deserts were ravaged by the sellswords and their enigmatic leader, engaging in rampant salvaging and expanding their operations twofold. Their reinforced numbers only further brought them work in the form of intercepting Dothraki Khals; however, the Doombringers would complete their tasks with tactics most foul. Sand traps, alchemy, black magics, arbalists, and more were used to comply with their contracts. None had thought it possible to push so far into the Dothraki Sea, yet the Doombringers fought impossible odds with impossible tactics. With a great haul of gold, armor, and warriors fit for a mighty warband, the Doombringers departed Slaver’s Bay greater than they had arrived. Over the next six years, the sellsword company would haunt Volantis as an ethereal phantom that appeared and disappeared at the drop of a hat. At one time, they’d appear at Qarth and disappear after claiming a cabal. At another time, they’d emerge from the Smoking Sea with their vessels scarred and near wrecked by the horrors from within. No matter their presence, their activity dropped significantly from their first four years of operation. Only on the sixth year did the Doombringers return to Essos in full force with over two thousand warriors, their leader departing from behind the Black Walls of Volantis. For the remainder of their activity, the Doombringers were a plague upon the Disputed Lands. Their contract holder by that point was none other than Maelys the Monstrous, who aimed to carve out a kingdom to claim his birthright through subjugation and war. The Sword of Shadows reportedly refused to become one of the Band of Nine, preferring to simply fight for a righteous cause. So, the Doombringers plundered, selling their wares to Lys and Volantis between weeks of warfare or reinforcing from their own recruitment camps. Although unusual, the Doombringers and Golden Company fought nearly as one, separating only in their widely different tactics and war gear. [/hider] [hider=Military] The military prowess of a sellsword company varies between the vast number of individuals who choose to sign up for their warband. The Doombringers, however, change this and properly outfit even the lowest member or newest members of their ranks. Black half-plate with surcoats of the winged serpent on black decorate their forms, while each carries a personally forged weapon of choice at their side. By default, the untrained are given a straight sword, a spear, and a reinforced shield of hide and steel to defend themselves. Great helms with wide visors protect their skulls, eschewed of all decoration save for only the barest engravings. Sellsword members are forced to abandon their war gear, the company preferring their own tempered armory to whatever land the recruit comes from. Their obsession with discipline is a direct tie to the Sword of Shadows, who drills his warriors for several hours every day. His rigid training plan has led to the fighting force that can be seen in the Doombringers of today; however, while many of his main fighting warriors are useful, the Sword of Shadows understands the need for specialists. The most elaborate of his chosen warriors are known as Slayers, those veteran knights that have proved their worth in prowess and tactics. Each wears a full suit of armor with a hefty great sword more akin to a polearm, swapping between a long and short stance as required. Unlike other warbands who utilize the likes of elephants or Westerosi destriers, the Doombringers have neither the space nor the ability to move such animals in large amounts. Instead, the Sword of Shadows defeats cavalry and defenses with alchemy. A hundred alchemists, stolen from across Essos, serve within the Doombringers with warlocks, witches, and priests attached to their sides. The addition of these impractical sciences has proven themselves time and again in engagements with shock cavalry, their explosives and acids performing what they could in place of pikes or horsed knights. Their addition, however, leaves a sour taste in the mouths of some contractors for they see the malignant powers by their side and frown. Whether or not the addition of the arcane practitioners is a fear tactic, or an actual application of magic is unknown, only that the Sword of Shadows insists. Not to be forgotten, the many men and women that support the warriors of the Doombringers. Either as liberated slaves, indentured servants, or folk without prowess in combat, the Sword of Shadows always has a place for them in his ever growing warband. From the lowest of statuses to the highborn nobles from across the realm, the sellsword company will use them as either connections afar or as assistance in menial labor when the battles have passed. They are rewarded for their service as all of them are for their help is a boon, but they are not counted in the total number of warriors present for their warband. With their numbers added, their numbers far beyond the likes of a simple sellsword company. [/hider] [hider=Sellswords] [hider=Sword of Shadows] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]‘Sword of Shadows’ [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PDnG9Th.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] Unknown [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A broad, average sized man with pale skin and silver-black hair pushed back into a lion’s mane. A firm beard graces his strong chin, while mismatched eyes of green and violet peer out from thick eyebrows. His bearing is always stern as if trying to decipher the intentions of another. He often wears half-plate armor of black steel with a surcoat of black-red bearing the sigil of the Doombringers. If removed from his battle attire, the Sword wears fine linen dyed in the colors of his company with well maintained boots and gloves. Always strapped to his back is a Valyrian greatsword of an unknown name and unknown acquisition. A silver dagger further adds to his weaponry, strapped to his right leg for dire emergencies. Volantenes tattoos mark his body as a warrior beyond parallel, each as vibrant as the last and written out in Valyrian. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Little and less is publicly known about the Sword of Shadows, his enigmatic nature and relative anonymity marking him as a difficult man to discern. What is known is that the Sword of Shadows created the Doombringers fifteen years ago, originally based in Lys. He led a company of Lyseni mercenaries in extravagant attacks across the Disputed Lands, claiming his infamy early and gaining a reputation amongst contract handlers. A strong, young knight of a sellsword company, his contractors relished in the mysterious attitude of the warrior. Such was their taste that his name quickly spread from Lys to Myr to Pentos and finally Volantis. Curiously, the sellsword never took contracts into Westeros. For two years after the Sword of Shadows was discovered, he accepted any and every contract available to him regardless of the details. He quickly accumulated power, wealth, and remarkable ties with the various powers playing across the Three Daughters and beyond. The size of his band grew rapidly under his leadership, earning him moniker abound as a phantom and reaper of the battlefield. He was said to have defeated a Dothraki Khal in single combat, a group of tiger soldiers in a one-versus-ten fight, and successfully raided a Sothoys corsair’s barge as they sailed. Whatever tells were told, the Sword never attested or denied the fame that came to him. He only ever used it to further his gains for lucrative contracts. The Doombringers disappeared for a year and a half after a nonstop period of activity as the Sword of Shadows brought his company to the Smoking Sea and Slaver’s Bay. Nothing is known about what happened in the doomed regions around Valyria, but much can be said about his achievements in service to the slavemasters. His reputation preceded him this far out in Essos, the slavemasters willing to pay handsomely for his prowess against their former allies. The Sword of Shadows complied readily, fighting tooth and nail against the slave-soldiers of Yunkai or the Dothraki raiders from the Sea of Grass. His time was plentiful, yet he moved on as quickly as he arrived to seas beyond the reach of normal men. To Qarth he sailed and spent several months before emerging from the Jade Gates and unto Asshai By The Shadows, where no record of his events transpired. What is known is that he returned from his travels to Qarth, where several warlocks and sorcerers joined his warband before departing. His widespread adventurers finally saw him return to Volantis with a vastly larger mercenary group than he had departed with. Then, astonishingly, he disappeared behind the Black Walls for seventeen days before reappearing with a new contract in hand. The Doombringers leaked from memory as they vanished into the Smoking Sea. Many thought the Sword of Shadows perished in Valyria, eaten by creatures unseen or defeated by warriors unknown. The rumors persisted for a year before they returned to Volantis and left with several ships, a hundred more men, and artifacts abound. When the Doombringers emerged from the Smoking Sea, they did not return to Volantis but to Lys to meet with the Magisters. None can say what passed between the Magisters and the Sword; however, what can be said is that the Doombringers soon set sail and remained in the Disputed Lands for the rest of their present history. [hider=Spoilers!] The Sword of Shadows is actually Maegar Targaryen, son of Aerion ‘Brightflame’ Targaryen who perished in 232AC. After her husband perished and her rejection at the Grand Council, Daenora Targaryen returned to one of her former husband's holdings in Lys. She raised her son with assistance from First Magister Kasso Bazanne, who expedited the road from which Maegar would eventually carve. Not soon after the boy became three-and-ten, Daenora passed away from a shiver in the night. Only the conclave of magisters was left to raise the son of Aerion, which resulted in a small financial war over possession of the boy. Ultimately, the boy became a man and chose the path of a sellsword, leaving Lys with a wealth of knowledge and a patreon to back him. To this day, the Doombringers send back luxurious gems and trinkets to assure their continued patronage. They have yet to forget the true identity of the Sword of Shadows. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Erich Harlaw] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]Erich ‘the Black Scythe’ Harlaw [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wVlPa27.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A stout warrior with the Iron Islands thick in his veins, bearing a black beard and a half-shaven skull with a flock of black hair. Hazel eyes stare out from thin eyebrows, while scars abound decorated the warrior’s face in crisscross patterns. Black half-plate sits overtop the leather jerkin of the warrior, while a raider’s helmet typical of an Iron Islander protects his thick skull. When unarmored, Erich prefers his jerkin with sailor’s boots and a decorative pin to denote his devotion to the Doombringers. Regardless of his nickname, Erich Harlaw eschews the clumsy use of a two-handed scythe and instead uses a bearded axe with a reinforced shield. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography:[/b][/color] The third trueborn son of Sigrin Harlaw by his rock wife, Erich Harlow was never meant for much more than an extra to his brothers, Sigfried and Bagrond. He was born a strong lad with a hearty laugh and a booming voice, yet his brothers had been born stronger and heartier. This repeated for the rest of his life on the Iron Islands, always trumped by his elder brothers by large stretches. Never could he boast of his raids on the mainland and never could he remain proud of his battles. His brethren rose above him in even these. His father never faulted him for he was a model raider, a brilliant sailor and a wolf born in human skin. He simply had a different destiny that awaited him. As the years passed beneath his brothers’ triumphs, Erich learned from his raids and captured slaves he deemed knowledgeable enough to fill the gap between his brothers. A hospitable master, he would learn what he wanted from them and then release them like they were fish caught from the coast. It was from the lips of a woman from Old Town that he learned of the Disputed Lands, the myriad sellsword companies, and the riches found across Essos. This Iron Islander had a dream. He set out with an axe in his hand, his salt-wives in tow, and his salt-brothers in armor out to the Disputed Lands on a longship that he built. Yet, the Disputed Lands would never be for him. His goals had been to gain riches, fame, and glory to triumph over his brothers once and for all; however, his first fights in the arid wasteland of Essos sold him on the savagery committed there. His first contract fell through, claiming his longship and his salt-wives without a way home. His second contract saw the death of his salt-brothers, leaving him alone in a foreign country without connections or attachments. His final contract, however, was the one that reeled him in. At the last possible moment, before a tiger-soldier stole his skull, he was saved by the Sword of Shadows and his Doombringers. Alone and afraid, he decided to join the Doombringers soon after their contract was complete. Now, ten years since he was saved by the Sword, Erich serves his captain as the pinnacle of what a Second could be. He learned beneath the Sword, adding already to his impressive knowledge as an Iron Islander, and tore into the battlefield with unorthodox tactics. His experience from travelling the known world with the Doombringers brought insight greater than the power of his brothers combined. Even now, Erich believed that he could triumph over them in all things with what he’s experienced. His destiny was to serve, and he did so willingly to a warrior that surpassed imagination beside him. [/hider] [hider=Luco Tendyris] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]Luco ‘the Seventh Sail’ Tendyris [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TlmEr78.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A man of smiles with emerald eyes that twinkle in the moonlight, Luco stands as model Braavosi in stunning features and theatrics abound. Brown, shoulder length hair parts away to reveal his fine, shaven face. A thin stubble always decorates his warm smiles, while thin eyebrows always suggest more than a simple transaction. Typical for his culture, Luco wears a sailor-worthy doublet of grey-purple satin with thin trousers and finely decorated boots. Never a man to be caught unawares, Sire Tendyris carries a saber at his side; however, he eschews this when walking amongst his kin in Braavos. He prefers not to fight if he has to, it’d ruin his picturesque smile. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography:[/b][/color] The young son of a Braavosi Magister, Luco Tendyris was a boy of charm, smiles, and clever wits. Even amongst the spirited folk of Braavos, Luco was considered a charmful person with the curiosity and nimbleness of a cat. He was, however, filled with hubris having known the fact that people viewed him as such. As a lad, he often found himself able to enthrall the clever Braavosi with a quick rasp of his tongue and perfect smile. If Luco had learned the depths of his hubris early, then perhaps his fate would be different. When Luco came of age and departed his home, he knew with pride that he would become a grand merchant known throughout Essos. With silver abound as a Magister’s son, Luco fled into the seas with a small fleet of men and women willing to earn a fortune. A cunning man, he’d purchase at low, haggled prices and sell within the bay at extreme profit to start his ventures out into the Narrow Sea. With his ventures assured, he used the same tactics and sailed out with crews charmed by his smiles; however, Luco was slippery and greedy, never intending to pay or haggle down below their originally agreed crew fees. Even the ones that guarded his ship weren’t protected from his ploys, intentionally cutting their pay or stranding them deep out into the Narrow Sea. His reputation certain grew, Luco’s name now recognized for the infamous scandals and horrible practices he used. Fortunately, his fate wasn’t to be skewered and dumped overboard. On a routine offload of cargo at an undesignated port along Essos, Luco had planned to collect his pay and return to Braavosi to increase his fleet; however, those he double-crossed had stalked his shipping lanes and finally caught him in a widesnare. Corsairs from the Stepstones intercepted him while docked with the intent to murder, steal, and use his vessels elsewhere. Who knew what god looked over Luco that day, but the Doombringers had been stalking those very corsairs and launched a counterattack to save Captain Tendyris’ ships. At the end of the conflict, Luco decided to give up his double-crossing standards and make a living elsewhere. The Sword of Shadows gave him that opportunity as a sellsail linked with the sellsword company. Luco, either indebt to his savior or smelling a fortune, happily accepted. Now, after years spent sailing for the Doombringers, Luco has used the expenses offered to him to purchase a seventh carrack for the sellsword company. His reputation had been salvaged and reformed from a merchant captain to a glorious sellsail admiral. He prided himself on the fleet that he had earned, scrapped together from hasty deals, and haggled contracts. The Sword of Shadows had brought him near limitless funds, a loyal crew, and a strong fleet. At this point, he’d follow the Sword to the ends of the world as he has before. [/hider] [hider=Raegal Varranis] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]Raegal ‘the Forsaken’ Varranis [/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kW3wCTe.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] A gaunt, yet attractive Dornishman that hides his more comely features beneath a thin hood of midnight. Much like his kinsmen of House Varranis, Raegal prefers satin robes of black embroidered with orange decorations that remind him of Duskspire. Tall and lanky, he never had the natural born proficiency to be a warrior like his brothers. Short, black hair brushes against thick eyebrows nestled above hazel-orange eyes. Never one to embellish his features with ornaments, Raegal wears no jewelry unlike his family but keeps an amulet of the Seven Who Are One close to his chest. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography: [/b][/color] The stories of the fifth brother of the House of Dusk have already been told before in the tomes of Duskspire; however, his story had not ended with his disappearance from Dorne. As a young adult, scrutinized by his desires and interests, he fled the Duskspire to chart his own journey away from his brothers and his father. He refused to become a maester, his destiny decided by a heavy chain spent in the depths of a tower in service to a foreign lord. Raegal charted a vessel with stolen jewels from his eldest brother to take him to Qarth and eventually beyond where Westeros could not find him. So, he sailed with longing in his heart, spurned even by his beloved brothers who would see him bound to the Citadel’s links. His fate was forever altered as the charter stopped at Volantis to resupply for the journey forward. Disembarking, Raegal spent their resupply time in a dockside tavern indulging in the wealth of culture, drink, and tomes he had purchased for prices wildly exaggerated. The tavern at that time had been full of mercenaries, each as surprisingly professional as the next, cheering their most recent victory. A man sat across Raegal, a silver-haired man with a lifetime of experience visible on his scarred face. The two engaged in conversation, slow at first to test the boundaries of the other until the two had spent countless hours conversing over everything from theories to facts. This man was the Sword of Shadows, leader of the Doombringers, and soon to be Raegal’s employer as his ship had long left port to finish the journey without him. Raegal was brought from one end of the known world to next, experiencing everything that he had read in the books Zaphariel had provided. He learned from the various alchemists, warlocks, and sorcerers of practices unknown and sciences unseen. Their knowledge became his and his knowledge became theirs in an equivalent exchange, forever changing the way that the Doombringers operated in their arcane warfare. Most importantly, Raegal felt at peace here in a place and company that he could call home with people he could call brothers and sisters. For six years, Raegal Varranis serviced the Doombringers as their chief alchemist and lore master of the arcane. He only furthered his intelligence by adding fleeing maesters, roaming alchemists, and hidden practitioners that suffered the same fate as him. To a small group of people, he became known as a savior, as much as the Sword of Shadows had been to him. His soul was bound to the company he loved, forming friendships and bonds that he never would’ve attained as the fifth son of a Dornish House. His soul, however, is stained by the things that he has done and the things that he has seen. The Light of the Seven can never truly forgive him, and he knows this well. [/hider] [hider=Orrosa'a] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]Orrosa’a[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CmKfQWh.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age: [/b][/color]Unknown [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A tall and lithe woman with pale skin, blue lips, long silver hair, and eerie violet eyes that seem to pierce the soul. She wears heavy robes of black fabric with a hood embroidered with strange, swirling designs. Every step that she takes is ethereal in movement as if she was not accustomed to the plane of man. Undiscernable tattoos of dark inks decorated her skin from head to toe, sparsely dying her body in a tinge of light blue. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography: [/b][/color] It has been known that the Doombringers employ strange arts in their battle formations. Alchemists, warlocks, witches, sorcerers, seers, priests and wyrds are commonplace amongst their number. These people of the uncommon practices, however, were later additions to the vast bulk of the sellsword company. Only one witch has been present from the start, forever at the side of the Sword of Shadows. The witch is known as Orrosa’a. She was there when the Sword of Shadows set sail from Lys, there when he fought in the Disputed Lands, there when he crossed the Smoking Sea, and there when he claimed a cabal of warlocks for his own in Qarth. Her past is mysterious, shrouded under a perpetual coat of darkness to be forgotten and unremembered. Her present, however, can be told as it tells much of her character. Tutor, guide, companion, priest. The warriors of the Doombringers have known Orrosa’a as all of these beside the Sword of Shadows. When the company is lost in the Essossi wilderness, Orrosa’a already knows the way to their destination. When the company is low on morale and their faith is faltering, the Sword and Orrosa’a bring them to the Light of their respective gods. When the company struggles to comprehend their situation, Orrosa’a is readily available to enlighten their stance where the Sword cannot. She has proven herself as a helpful creature, a warm presence in a cold body, and a calm hand in a company of brash warriors. She has seen to the death rites of their fellow sellswords, weeping for their loss and lamenting their passing. To some, she is likened to the Mother instead of the Crone. To others, she is considered the motherly presence needed in a family as large as the Doombringers. Her role has not been forgotten. She is a witch, a practitioner of the forgotten magics of the world. From her den, she leads a cabal of myriad forsaken professions in arcane rituals hidden away from the Doombringers. Only the Sword of Shadows and his closest aides are permitted to watch. For better or worse, her dabbling into the depths of the Seven Hells has provided results. Enemy formations months before their arrival, good fortunes from a contract, and other boons granted to them prove her arts are at work. It is unknown how she is able to commune with forces unseen nor how she is capable of doing so. If there is an answer, then only the Sword of Shadows would know. Due to their secrecy, the sellsword company spreads rumors abound. Perhaps she uses the Sword’s seed for her rituals, or perhaps his blood to dribble into a demon’s jaw. Perhaps they used stolen flesh from Valyria as sacrifice, or perhaps they use an artifact of immense power found in the Smoking Sea. They will never know the answer. What answers are certainly known amongst their rumors is the closeness in which the Sword of Shadows and Orrosa’a share. More than often if she isn’t spotted with the sellswords or her cabal, she is found by the sellsword captain’s side or hidden within his chambers. The Sword has only ever shown a certain fondness for the sorceress, relenting to the rare moments that they share. Some have said that they shared a wedding in the Smoking Sea, among the Valyrian ruins and produced a dragon-child of his own. Others have said that his retreat into the Black Wall of Volantis was for his eternal servitude bent to Orrosa’a. None of these are correct, but they are fond of one another in a way incomprehensible. [/hider] [hider=Dagger of Shadows] [center][color=9e0b0f][h1][b]Dagger of Shadows[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Q2tx2mM.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][color=9e0b0f]Age:[/color][/color] Unknown [color=9e0b0f][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] A young boy of ten as tall and lean as a broom. His face is soft, untouched by the roughness of a hard life. Long, silver hair nurtured with brush and blade dangle over violet eyes and sad, thin eyebrows. A curious lad, he wears a permanent frown under his inquisitive eyes, watching and observing as if he experienced the world for the first time. He is commonly seen in clothing fit for a noble’s squire with black-red satin or frolicking around in the Sword of Shadows long, black cloak. [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography: [/b][/color] The presence of the illusive Dagger of Shadows, a moniker given by the sellswords, wasn’t originally noticed at the start of their journey. When the sellswords crossed the Smoking Sea to Slaver’s bay, they began to notice the shadow of a male boy no greater than five or six slinking through the warriors. Often, he feared their presence and hid away behind the comforting presence of Orrosa’a. Gradually, the sellswords managed to coax the lad from hiding and join them in feasts and storytelling. Creeping from the darkness, they found a boy curious of the world around him and everything. He listened keenly to stories, swapping from different variations of frowns no matter his supposed mood. When too much time had passed, the Sword would claim him and return him to chambers unknown. The rumors spread like wildfire throughout the Doombringers. From that point on, the Dagger was seen more and more until he became a common occurrence amongst the sellswords. They’d train him, teach him, and let him listen into the events of their most recent battles. They’d pay him coin to fetch them something. He’d comply as a studious and obedient son to the Doombringers. Some saw profit in a silver-haired child, thinking to steal him away but those few were dealt with swiftly by the bulk of the sellswords. His appearance grew more vivid yet never lost their overall wonder at the world. It came to a point that he even ventured out with them in limited scope, from camp to town outskirt or from ship to dock. Only after their second return to Volantis, where upon the Sword was allowed entry into the Black Wall, that the Dagger fully emerged from his shell. He was the sole squire and page of the Sword, venturing into smaller skirmishes armed with fitted armor for his size and a surcoat with the Doom bringer’s sigil. The Doombringers couldn’t be happier, watching one of their own grow into an unknown role that was thrusted upon him. From that point onward, the Dagger was always sheathed beside the Sword wherever they went. No matter the danger. [hider=Spoilers!] The Dagger of Shadows is the firstborn son of Maegar Targaryen, and the witch known as Orrosa’a. His unobscured name is Aerion Targaryen after his grandsire. While the boy is silent and inquisitive, Maegar has already told the boy about their heritage and their right to the Iron Throne. Maegar has spoken at length about his father, their denial at the Grand Council, and the length at which people would see them dead for merely existing. As life is never promised, and the Stranger hangs over him, he felt it necessary for Aerion to know should something come to pass. When the two are alone, though, they bond as father and son where in public they cannot. Their identities ever hidden by the sellsword company. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]