Annika had many places in mind, so they went to all of them. It was a full day, to be sure. They started in California, where they paid a visit to Annika's favorite library. Annika got herself some iced tea, and then they walked through a portal to France. And then Romania. Then Greece. Japan. China, Canada, they even stopped in Wakanda for a few hours. All in the span of one day. They made a point to swing by monuments, places of old history gone by. Annika loved that, it was something he'd used to help her first learn to read. Though, it wasn't terribly difficult given the fact that she was much older once. They'd circumnavigated the planet throughout the day, and it might've seemed hectic to anyone else's perspective, but Jack was an interdimensional traveler. He spent a lifetime doing this very thing, and he'd teach Annika his tricks in time. He used to make these kind of trips across entire universes, stepping between realities like each one was a step on a flight of stairs. It was a good day overall, like the kind of day a more mundane family would spend in an amusement park where they take advantage of every minute. Jack and Annika made their way to New York City, deciding to stop at a library and relax for the rest of the day. And then, [i]they[/i] showed up. A man who looked both older and younger than Jack at the same time. Brown skin, a short and pointed beard and uncannily yellow eyes. He was built like someone who was an Olympic sprinter a few years ago. He was walking down the sidewalk wearing some fancy ass orange cardigan that made him look like a rich kid. And there was a girl just a year old than Annika with him. His daughter. The four of them crossed paths. Jack stopped walking, and he stopped walking. [color=orange]"Jack."[/color] The man sneered at him. [color=yellow]"Who's this dad?"[/color] The girl asked. Jack sighed. He really didn't need this shit today. [color=6644ff]"Annika... This is Salem Hennigar. And... His daughter."[/color] [color=orange]"This, Serena, is the man who once set our house on fire,"[/color] Salem explained. The girl named Serena balked. [color=yellow]"Wait. You have a [i]kid?!"[/i][/color] She asked. That was before he'd been sent backwards through time. That was before Annika had met him. [i]Great,[/i] time shenanigans. This would have never happened otherwise. But... Fuck. [color=6644ff]"Your father stole a priceless tome from the Second Eternity from me, before I could secure it,"[/color] Jack explained to the girl. [color=6644ff]"So I made him regret that."[/color] [color=orange]"Yeah... And now you've got a kid. That's [i]strange.[/i] Who's the unlucky lady, Jack?"[/color] Salem asked. [color=6644ff]"That is neither here nor there. We were just on our way to a library, get out of our way."[/color] [color=yellow]"I lost my favorite shoes in that fire, asshole. Dad, can we fight him?"[/color] [color=orange]"I was wondering the same thing. I bet he's still got that magic coin we found in Berlin."[/color] Salem rolled up his sleeves, and his eyes started to glow. [color=6644ff]"If you lay one finger on my daughter, I will disembowel you both,"[/color] Jack warned, curling his hand into a fist. People were starting to pay attention to them. [color=6644ff]"Get. Out. Of. Our. Way."[/color] [color=orange]"Nah. Get 'em, Serena."[/color] Serena, who looked like she'd never eaten more than a slice of bread in her entire life, leaped at Jack. Her nails turned into claws and she shrieked like an animal. Jack just sighed.