[COLOR=RED][CENTER][H1]FLASHBACK[/H1][/CENTER][/COLOR] [color=lightgray][h1] [center] [color=peru]Stratya[/color] & [color=E77298]Anastasia[/color][/center][/h1] [center]Sola 27th, Dawn[/center] Birds sang their early songs as the first rays of morning light crept their way across the landscape. Across the lake, the forest, the mines, and down the warmth of the sun crept across the castle walls, blocked from shining into the courtyard. This morning, as part of a ritual - not magic, as far as she knew - taught to her years ago, Stratya sat atop one of the walls to greet the morning sun in meditation. In full view of the sun, with her ceremonial furs draped over her shoulders and back, she felt the warmth start from her head and creep down over her body. The crisp morning air filled her lungs, the radiance of the morning light absorbed into her body and spirit until she was completely bathed in the rising sun. It was an energizing meditation. It felt like the sun was fueling her body, though she knew she still needed sustenance. It was only a few minutes before the Captain opened her eyes and rose to her feet, feeling well charged and ready for the day. She took a final, deep breath before gazing about her, slowly, calmly. Absorbing the sight of the forest and fields, the castle, the town, and then turning and descending through the wall and guard passages to return to her home on the castle grounds. Just as the Captain was crossing the grounds on her final approach to the house, Anastasia found her. The hem of her pale yellow gown swept gently across the dew-kissed grass as the princess bounded toward the captain with unrestrained enthusiasm.[color=E77298] “Captain Durmand!” [/color] she called, her voice lively and her arms waving joyfully in the air. Her exuberance drew the attention of birds perched in nearby trees, who fluttered away in surprise. She skidded to a halt in front of Stratya, her cheeks slightly flushed as she took a moment to catch her breath. A large entourage of guards trailed not far behind with dutiful vigilance. They were a constant shadow lately, especially after her latest escapade at the train station. Still, Anastasia was grateful that she could at least enjoy the sunshine and the freedom of the castle grounds. It was all the guards that gave her away, honestly. She might have been more surprised if Anastasia had managed to exist with some measure of subtlety. There were more guards than before, too. Hm. Yes, Stratya had heard about the incident. With the sudden escape and the train. Ooh, what was a knight to do? Her attention turned fully to Stratya, her hands clasped excitedly in front of her as she declared, [color=E77298]“I feel like we should hang out! We never hang out! What are you up to?”[/color] Her words tumbled out quickly. [color=E77298]“And,”[/color] she added, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone, [color=E77298]“I was really hoping for muffins...”[/color] Taken aback for just a moment, the knight laughed softly, a grin painting her, [color=peru]“muffins, aye? Ye’rre in luck, Prrincess, I was jus’ abou’ tae ge’ some bakin’ done, we’ll make some frresh. Er,” [/color] as Stratya turned to lead the way into her home, she twisted back and looked over all the guards tailing her latest guest, [color=peru] “‘ere’s farr too many o’ you lo’.” [/color] Quite the well trained bunch, withstanding her scrutinizing gaze the way they did, [color=peru]“rrigh’ ‘en. Two tae t’ fron’ doorr, two tae t’ kitchen doorr rround back,”[/color] she took a breath, a sigh, really, [color=peru]“two come ‘n an’ guarrd t’ interior, and the rest o’ ye.. look inconspicuous nearrby.”[/color] That might relieve the princess of her bothersome shadow for a little while. She'd be safe with the captain, after all, and it’s not like they were slacking off, either Tactically placed by the captain herself. With that, she led the way into her home, a guard opening the door. The walls of the castle caught the sun, blocking the warming rays of the morning sun from the courtyard, and from her house. One of the things Captain Stratya Durmand didn’t quite like about her home of two years. Her complaints were few, to be fair, and it did seem like a minor inconvenience, to say it or complain of it, but it was something she had to deal with regularly. It was what had previously been a guest house of the castle. Hers, now - her steward had some renovations done to suit her tastes, even. To the left, the attached greenhouse had a bar worked into it, stocked with liquors she didn’t actually know what to do with, herself. And her brother’s mead. Behind was the kitchen, already originally attached to the greenhouse for fresh herbs. Directly ahead, in the back, there was her armory, locked, and then her bedroom and a second bedroom, upstairs. Underneath the stairs was her laundry. The foyer, itself, had an emptied bread basket on a table against a wall, which the captain plucked as she headed for the kitchen, [color=peru]“picked i’ clean, ‘ave they. Good.” [/color] It was time for a bit of baking. A mental routine to go with the physical one. She had no shortage of ingredients, and no shortage of funding for more. Stratya caught herself thinking of baking as such an inexpensive hobby and gave herself a short scolding. What to make today.. she had some jams she’d made from leftover fruits. Could do fruit rolls. And the princess wanted muffins, so the banana bread muffins, as well. Since coming to the capital, and seeing cake batter, wasn’t it more like that? Banana cake, then? Hmn, tomayto tamahto. The captain set the bread basket down on the windowsill to the bar and set about first gathering all necessary ingredients, [color=peru]“I mus’ say, ye’rr up brrigh’ an’ earrly, Y’ Rradiance,” [/color] and then starting to combine her dry ingredients in one of two mixing bowls, [color=peru]“I nae took ye f’rr an earrly rriserr.”[/color]] [color=E77298]“Yes! I woke up bright and early to do some [i]very important thinking[/i],” [/color] Anastasia declared, tapping her temple.[color=E77298] “There’s a whole parade of ideas marching around in here today.”[/color] Very important thinking, Anastasia said. Something to do with her stunt the other day, must be. The day of Drake’s party. Stratya remembered something about the princess getting up to something, but couldn’t remember what other than she was unable to attend. Made her wish she had. [color=peru] “Mus’ be qui’e imporr’ant, tae get ye up s’ earrly, aye.” [/color] She decided not to pry, at least not so eagerly. She'd only just welcomed her guest. There was a blender, too, which the captain set strawberries and bananas in front of. With the strawberries was a small bowl and a paring knife. [color=peru] “I was up for a lit’le bi’ befahrr sunup, m’self. If I didn’ know any bet’er, I’d say you knew jus’ ‘ow tae find me.”[/color] She trailed after Stratya with a spring in her step before hopping up onto the counter with zero hesitation, her dress fanning out dramatically.[color=E77298] “And you’re not exactly hiding, Captain. That gorgeous mane of yours? I could spot it from halfway across the kingdom!”[/color] She grinned, her tone playful. [color=E77298]“It’s practically a beacon for lost princesses in need of muffins.”[/color] [color=peru] “Y’ mean my furs?”[/color] The captain looked over her shoulder and realized she’d forgotten to take her mantle off, in fact. She tsk’d herself and took it from her body, [color=peru] “Mother always scolded me f’rr forgettin’ tae take it’off, especially in t’ kitchen. Ack. Garcian!”[/color] The captain called her steward as she crossed to the kitchen entrance, where she passed the ceremonial garb over. She handled it with the utmost care, only carrying it by carefully draping it over her arm. [color=peru] “I have a guest, would y’ please?” [/color]She was very particular with this piece, he knew she’d do it herself if she weren’t occupied. The passing of her mantle was executed with the utmost care, neither of them grabbing the furs, but lifting them instead. [color=peru] “Thank you.”[/color] With that, the woman returned to her ingredients. The dry went together fairly quickly, and then she got on to the fruits. She went for the strawberries first. With a practiced technique, she began to cut the tops of the strawberries off, but not with a simple chop. She would cut around the top carefully with the tip of the knife and then pull the leaves off, and the stem from the interior would come out with it before she’d toss it for the compost. “I’ve ‘ad tha’ man’le f’rr a long time. In my village, ‘unters earn their man’le with their first big ‘unt. I felled a boarr, which became t’ cen’erpiece of t’ sprring festival.” She paused in her cutting, looking at the hand she held her knife in, as she cut the last strawberry. Fruit. Stratya popped a strawberry into her mouth and savored the flavor. She dumped the fruit and eggs into her blender, then searched her countertop for something. Not finding it, her eyes turned to the drawer beneath the princess seated on her countertop. “Ah. Beg pardon,” Stratya scooped an arm underneath Anastasia’s legs, lifted slightly and turned her aside to get into the drawer, retrieve a wooden spoon, and then closed the drawer and returned the princess to as she’d been. [color=E77298]“Wheeee!”[/color] Anastasia exclaimed as Stratya pivoted her aside. [color=E77298]“Well, I didn’t expect to be whisked off my feet today, but I’ll allow it—anything for muffins!”[/color] she declared, swinging her legs. [color=E77298]“A boar hunt, huh?”[/color] she said, snagging a strawberry and popping it into her mouth. [color=E77298]“Very heroic!. Did it charge you, or did it just surrender at the sight of your fabulous fur cape? Did you make bacon after?”[/color] [color=peru]”I was, ooh.. fifteen? I was lead tae fin’ t’ beast, and then let to ‘unt i’ on my own as my rrigh’ o’ passage.”[/color] Stratya took a deep breath as she thought back, sighing with a certain dull melancholy, [color=peru]”it chased me through t’ woods nearr Encia beforre I came up wit’ a plan. I felled t’ beast an’ we cooked t’ whole of i’ for t’ festival. The rribs were qui’e keen. From its fur, and more furs from tha’ spring, the village made my man’le. T’is precious.”[/color] [i]It reminds me o’ Pa.[/i] Her gaze shifted to the bowl Stratya was mixing, and she leaned forward with exaggerated determination. [color=E77298]“Alright, let me help. I’m excellent at stirring—well, moderately skilled. Okay, fine, I’m a disaster, but I’m enthusiastic!”[/color] She grabbed a spoon with a flourish. [color=E77298]“Don’t deny me this, Captain. The fate of these muffins depends on teamwork!”[/color] Stratya was happy to think of something else, [color=peru]”ooh, a volunteerr, ‘ave I?”[/color] She was creaming the sugar and butter together with the wooden spoon, a somewhat forceful task. With a smile, the knight nodded, [color=peru]”aye, ‘ere’s one particular thing I coul’ use an ‘and with.”[/color] She ran the blender briefly and combined the fruit and eggs with the creamed sugar and butter, and handed that bowl over to Anastasia, [color=peru]”mix t'is bowl while I grradually add t’ drry ingrredien’s. If it’s added too quickly or no’ mixed well enough, the flour will form clumps in the bat’er, which’s nae good; it’s very bit’er. A keenly imporr’ant par’ o’ t’ prrocess.”[/color] Anastasia took the bowl with a theatrical nod, rolling up imaginary sleeves, [color=E77298]“Don’t worry, Captain, I’ll stir like my life depends on it.”[/color] With the princess given her task, Stratya gradually poured the dry mix into the wet mix, patting the bowl to encourage it to pour out in small amounts. Not a very fast process. [color=peru]”So, dea’ Prrincess, if I may be s’ bold. Wha’ though’s ‘ave spurred ye frrom y’ bed so early?”[/color] She paused mid-stir, raising her spoon triumphantly. [color=E77298]“HUNGRY!”[/color] she declared with exaggerated gusto before breaking into a giggle. She set the spoon back into the bowl and resumed stirring, this time a bit more thoughtfully. [color=E77298]“But honestly, I feel so... invigorated! I woke up today with this surge of energy, like I’m on a mission. A mission to discover my purpose…”[/color] Her voice drew on a more serious tone for once, [color=E77298]“...I never really knew what the point of my life was… I know I’m supposed to get married and have babies with someone. I love chubby-faced babies and all but… I want more than that… You know? ”[/color] She met Stratya’s gaze. [color=E77298]“ I want to bring something to the table. Like my brothers do.”[/color] Her tone softened, and a small, determined smile crossed her face. [color=E77298]“I’ve figured out some of it, I think. At least what I’ve decided for now. I want to be a better friend and sister—to the people I care about.”[/color] She glanced at Stratya, her expression earnest. [color=E77298]“I want to be someone they can count on...”[/color] She punctuated her words with a particularly vigorous stir, then looked at the batter and giggled again. [color=E77298]“But right now, I think I’m starting with muffins. Because muffins are the ultimate symbol of love and support, obviously.”[/color] Something was changing, in the princess. She spoke of purpose and drive. The Captain watched the youthful royal curiously. The part of royalty that no one thought about, the responsibilities and obligations that came with all the wealth and influence. Yes, the Princess was likely to be wed off to someone like the Alidasht prince who’d been pawing Anastasia at Drake’s party. Could be him, even. [color=peru]“I c’n cer’ainly unde’stahnd want’in’ mor’n babies in y’ future.”[/color] [color=peru]”Though some migh’ see cer’ain’y an’ stabili’y, wealth an’ influence, it’s like t’ cost for all tha’ is y’ frreedom, your life’s decisions bein’ laid ou’ by anotherr ‘and. Aye?”[/color] Stratya nodded softly as the powder shook slowly into the mixed batter, [color=peru]”Under cirrcumstances like tha’, I can see ‘ow i’ would be ‘ard to rreally find y’ bearrin’s.”[/color] [color=peru]”Baking t’is a fine place tae starr’, aye. Mos’ people donnae do a whole lo’ o’ bakin’ f’r t’emselves, ey? It’s somethin’ done mos’ly f’rr otherrs.”[/color] As the last bit of dry mix fell in to the batter, Stratya watched Anastasia mix, thoughtful, [color=peru]”would ye like tae learn ‘ow tae bake, Prrincess?”[/color] Her face brightened suddenly, and she looked up at Stratya with enthusiasm. [color=E77298]“Yes! I’d love to learn to bake!”[/color] she said, her grin wide. [color=E77298]“Imagine—being able to make something with my own two hands and giving it to someone. It’s so... personal. So thoughtful. Like saying, ‘I made this just for you.’”[/color] Anastasia giggled as she stirred more confidently now, bits of batter occasionally flying out of the bowl. [color=E77298]“Maybe I’ll become the princess known for muffins and pastries. Wouldn’t that be something?”[/color] She paused, lightly tapping the spoon against the bowl's edge as her thoughts wandered. [color=peru]”Heh, aye, that’d be ok a fine thing. Shall we consider this y’ firrst lesson, then?”[/color] Oh, this would be interesting. If the princess was to be taught to bake, there were some certain things that were frowned upon. Such as, oh, sitting on the counter. But, she’d come to that in due time. She’d already sat, so she’d just have to wash when she got up. The captain’s smile continued as she considered the batter the princess had mixed for her. [color=peru]”Ah, there’s two more things I like to add.”[/color] Light footsteps brought the captain to stand in front of her spice cabinet, where she reached down two things. A couple of shakers, one next to a jar of cinnamon sticks and the other next to a jar of vanilla bean pods. There were more such arrangements within, as well as a mortar and pestle on the bottom shelf. Leaving the cabinet open for the moment, Stratya returned to the princess and shook some of the powders into the batter, [color=peru]”we ne’er go’ vanilla or cinnamon in my village, but I fin’ they add somethin’ good. Mix those in, please?”[/color] After offering a soft smile, Stratya turned and placed the shakers away, closing the cabinet and then fetching a dining spoon from a drawer. Casually, she dipped just a little bit from the mixing bowl and had a taste, [color=peru]“mmm, ‘at’s banana brread, arright.”[/color] She’d behave herself and not just dip her finger in. [color=E77298]“Love me some vanilla and cinnamon! You got it.”[/color] The princess happily continued her mixing. Then, her eyes lit up suddenly as an idea struck. [color=E77298]“What if we made a signature muffin? Anastasia and Stratya’s Magnificent Muffins!”[/color] She giggled. With a dramatic flick of her imaginary sleeves, she held out the bowl proudly. [color=E77298]“Captain, I think I’ve outdone myself. Look at this batter—it practically screams perfection! Is this the start of a baking legend or what?”[/color] Then, she mimicked Stratya and tasted the batter with a secondary spoon. [color=E77298] “Tastes like it!”[/color] Stratya smiled warmly. It was good to see the Princess cheerful, and in such a wholesome way, this time. She removed her gloves and crossed to the sink to clean her hands quickly, [color=peru]”a signaturre muffin f’r t’ Prrincess? Hmm~.. Sounds like t’ kind o’ muffin’ y’d buy one ov at one o’ them fancy rrestarrants for desserrt. Migh’ be morre ov a cayke. Aah, bu’, I’m gettin’ ahead o’ m’self.”[/color] An eyebrow raised as the captain watched Anastasia dramatically profess how good the batter was. She buttered the tins and got a small cup of flour while she pointed a playful tone at Anastasia, [color=peru]”T’would indeed be quite the starr’ o’ y’r legend, Prrincess,”[/color] she sprinkled flour over the muffin cups, [color=peru]”but I think it’ll take more ‘n mixin’ i’ and si’in’ on m’ coun’errtop tae ge’ crredi’.”[/color] Flour into the bread pan. [color=peru]”The ‘elpin’ ‘ands arre lovely, though. Herre,”[/color] the loaf tin slid over to the princess, [color=peru]”shake i’ ‘bout tae sprread t’ flouah rround, thusly.”[/color] The muffin tin in her own hands, she jostled and tilted, tapping the side to encourage the tumbling of the flour, getting the powder in each cup to coat the pan. [color=peru]“When done, jus’ dump t’ extrra flourr on t’ coun’er. We’ll be usin’ tha’ for our next item.”[/color] [color=peru]”Le’s fill t’ muffin tin firrst, then the rest f’rr t’ loaf. Fill each muffin cup ‘alf more th’n ‘alfway. It’s arrigh’ if it’s messy, but don’ spill.”[/color] She knew the Princess was very much a casual type of person (especially relative to her family), so Stratya had decided to be more relaxed. It was refreshing. Anastasia took the loaf tin with a dramatic flourish, grinning as she tilted it. [color=E77298]“The sacred art of flour spreading begins!”[/color] she declared, shaking it with exaggerated enthusiasm until a puff of flour escaped. Laughing, she quickly adjusted, dumping the excess onto the counter. [color=E77298]“Perfection, with just a hint of chaos.”[/color] [color=peru]”Sorry I missed y’ game ah pokerr. ‘pparrently, I’m expected tae [i]court as a formality[/i].”[/color] Her bare hand set down the muffin tin next to Anastasia, speckled with light, thin scars. [color=peru]”Wha’ strrange things come wit’ a ti’le.”[/color] The princess then filled the muffin cups carefully, her tongue sticking out in mock concentration, but soon relaxed, humming a cheerful tune. She didn’t look up from the muffin tins, but her tone portrayed the sincerity in her words as she replied, [color=E77298]“No worries at all. Always the next one!”[/color] Then, she whirled around to meet her eyes, [color=E77298]“Courting!? Wow!… Has anyone caught your eye? Spill the tea!”[/color] [color=peru]”Aye, t’ nex’ tyme, then,”[/color] whatever had happened was well under the rug, apparently. The princess changed the subject and then met the captain's eyes, [color=peru]”heh, aye. Ou’ a’ Pinebrrook, t’ otherr day. Lovely folk, aye, bu’ I'm nae keen tae anyone, ye’. Plen’y o’ prret’y faces, though.”[/color] Stratya offered a shrug as she went to start the oven, [color=peru]”ooh, but ‘ese things c’n take tyme, aye? Pour the rest intae tha’ bread pan an’ we’ll star’ on t’ nex’ thing.”[/color] She pulled a rolling pin from a drawer and rolled it in the flour, before crossing the kitchen to a tall warmer, [color=peru]”leave a quar’er of the pan for the bat’er tae rise as it bakes. I’ve go’ prroperr dough tha’ should be rrisen, I’ll spli’ the dough and show ye wha’ tae do tae make cinnamon rrolls. Ever werrked wit’ a knife?”[/color] [color=peru]”Ooh~, an’ ‘ow’re things with tha’ Prrince y’ were.. perr’aps a bit [i]too[/i] comf’table wit’ a’ Drrake's par’y?”[/color] She reached inside the warmer and pulled out a bowl which seemed to have a bit of heft to whatever was inside. She brought the bowl back and pulled out a big wad of dough, before plopping it onto the counter in the middle of the flour. The captain started to roll out the dough, though she stopped suddenly as she did, a thought occuring, [color=peru]“ahck, eeh, there’s somethin’ else I’m s’pposed tae call ‘im, i’nt there?.”[/color] she thought for a moment, groaning slightly, but came up blank with a defeated sigh, [color=peru]“eeh, I’m gonna ‘ave tae find m’ briefin’ from Clea’well,”[/color] she continued rolling, [color=peru]”C’n y’ tell I’m a figh’err an’ nae dipl’ma’?”[/color] Anastasia’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as she tilted her head. [color=E77298]“Plenty of pretty faces, you say? Well, which ones caught your eye? You can’t just leave me hanging like that!”[/color] she teased, carefully pouring the batter into the bread pan as instructed, leaving the quarter empty. [color=E77298]"There, perfect!.”[/color] She turned her attention back to Stratya, her expression growing sheepish. [color=E77298]“Oh, and no—I’ve never used a knife before. Should I be worried? I’d prefer to keep all my fingers intact, thank you very much!”[/color] When the conversation shifted to the prince, Anastasia hummed thoughtfully, her smile softening as a faint pink rose to her cheeks, [color=E77298]“Farim? Well, he’s certainly… easy on the eyes, isn’t he? Not to mention, he has such a warm and calming way about him. Honestly, I really enjoy spending time with him.”[/color] She paused, her gaze dropping briefly to the counter as she toyed with a loose thread on her sleeve. [color=E77298]“It’s nice to have someone who makes things feel… simpler, you know? He’s just so easy to talk to.”[/color] A nervous laugh escaped her lips before she quickly added, [color=E77298]“And for the record, he’s a Shehzade. So, technically, I think you’re supposed to call him that, not ‘prince.’ But I’m sure he wouldn’t mind—it’s just a title, after all.”[/color] As she watched Stratya roll out the dough, Anastasia leaned her elbows on the counter and smirked. [color=E77298]“You know, for a fighter, I’d say you’re rather peaceful to be around. Maybe baking just brings out your zen side? Or maybe I’m just a soothing influence.”[/color] She commented with a laugh. Stratya smiled and nodded, [color=peru]”everyone star’s somewherre, aye? As long as y’rre carreful and follow my instrrectinos, ye’ll be jus’ fyne.”[/color] The captain retrieved two small knives, paring knives, and set them in front of the dough. [color=peru]”Ye arready unde’stan’ ‘ow dangerrous they arre. ‘at’s very good. Now, c’mon down off mah coun’er and hither, we’ll get this dough cut.”[/color] She grinned sheepishly as the Princess pressed her for details from the camping event, [color=peru]”well, ‘ere was a prre’y Alidasht woman there, ‘er name was Kira, and t’ fella I was pairred with f’rr t’ event weren’t too bad, either. Kazumin. He really liked.. pudding,”[/color] Stratya sounded quite thoughtful with that conclusion, tapping her lip, [color=peru]”pudding, pudding..”[/color] She thought on it for a moment before gasping with a realization, [color=peru]”brread pudding! Aaaye, yes, I’ve go’ a recipe for tha’ ‘rround ‘ere somewhere. I’ll ‘ave tae ‘unt it down la’er. Haven’t tried makin’ it ye’. Seems as good a rreason as any.”[/color] The princess really did seem to appreciate Farim’s company. As she listened, Stratya cut the dough down the middle, and placed one of the knives in front of the half toward the princess. [color=peru]”[i]Shehzade[/i]. Rrigh’. I’m glad tha’ you genuinely like ‘im, Prrincess.”[/color] Though, the princess had skillfully skirted around the beginning of a criticism Stratya had leveled at her. [color=peru]”Though.. Prrincess.”[/color] Stratya looked at her then, chewed her words for just a moment and tilted her head back and forth just a bit, before committing, [color=peru]”shall we save the lap dances for t’ bedrroom, or at [i]least[/i] nae someone [i]else’s[/i] birrthday parr’y? Tyme an’ place, luv.”[/color] Peaceful for a warrior, was it? [color=peru]”Haha, both? My father always taugh’ me a trrue warrior seeks peace. Tae fight for peaceful tymes, tae protect those tha’ cannae figh’. Tha’ is a trrue warrior. T’is strrange, a’ firrst, bu’.. t’is good.”[/color] Stratya picked up the paring knife, slowly and deliberately starting to cut out a strip for the cinnamon rolls, so that the Princess could see, [color=peru]”now, when ye’rr cuttin’, aye, never ever pu’ any bits o’ yers in front o’ t’ knife, and never cut towards y’sen. Good prractice is tae currl yerr fing’rs in an’ use y’ knuckles tae ‘old wha’ever yer cut’in’, like so. We’ll be wantin’ looong shapes, like t’is,”[/color] with a few long and short strokes of the knife, she had the shape made, [color=peru]“and I’ve go’ t’ but’ercrream we’ll be sprreading on i’ in t’ frridge.”[/color] Anastasia slid off the counter with an exaggerated bow. [color=E77298]“As you command, oh wise master of dough and knives!”[/color] she said with a dramatic flourish, carefully picking up the paring knife. Then Anastasia's eyes lit up the moment Stratya mentioned Kazumin. She let out an excited gasp. [color=E77298]“Kazoo—oh, I mean, Kazumin—is so much fun. I’m glad you got to meet him. Pudding sounds very on-brand for him! We danced together at the ball. He twirled me—no, actually, we twirled each other like tops!”[/color] She giggled, her tone brimming with fondness. Her cheeks flushed faintly at Stratya’s remark about the party. Anastasia laughed nonetheless, twirling the knife with exaggerated caution before setting it firmly back on the dough. [color=E77298]“Oh, you noticed that, did you?”[/color] she said cheerfully, [color=E77298]“I mean, what’s a life without a little scandal? Keeps everyone on their toes!”[/color] She giggled but quickly added, [color=E77298]“Noted, Captain. Time and place. Got it.”[/color] Her expression then softened at Stratya’s mention of her father’s teachings. [color=E77298]“That’s… really beautiful, Captain,”[/color] she said quietly, glancing up with genuine admiration. [color=E77298]“Fighting for peace, not for war…”[/color] As Stratya demonstrated the proper cutting technique, Anastasia leaned forward, studying her movements with the seriousness of a scholar. [color=E77298]“Knuckles in, long shapes… Okay, I think I can do this without incident.”[/color] She picked up the knife and mimicked the captain’s movements with surprising focus, her tongue peeking out in concentration. The Princess didn’t have anything to say about Kira, but she did recognize Kazumin. Kira seemed like someone Anastasia would get along with, as well, so perhaps she was able to count Kira out as a member of Alidasht upper society? Otherwise, it seemed likely that the two would have met, already. It was a thought. Kazumin, however, was a notable person to the Princess. Enough to earn him a nickname, hah. [color=peru]”Aye, ‘e seems like a kynd young mahn wit’ a fun perrsonali’y. I’s good tae ‘ear you ‘ad a good tyme dancing wit’ ‘im at t’ ball, Y’ Rradiance. The food they ‘ad therre was fyne, bu’ I dunnae think either of us expected campin’ tae be done such. I ‘ad a desk in my ten’, ‘ow is tha’ campin’?”[/color] At Anastasia’s joke about scandals, Stratya had drawn a playfully exasperated breath. The breath was held for a moment as the princess pivoted and accepted her critique, and was then released slowly with a smirk, [color=peru]”aye, well.. Lor’ Drrake ‘ardly seemed tae no’ice, this tyme, did ‘e. Migh’a been t’ drrinks.”[/color] [color=peru]”Aye, jus’ like tha’. Mmm.”[/color] The captain took a moment to study the princess as she focused on the task. Hm, seemed like she could be pretty sharp, if she wanted to be. Interesting. [color=peru]”Thank y’ f’rr t’ complimen’. One o’ t’ mos’ imporan’ things he everr taugh’ me. [i]Why[/i] tae figh’. T’is the same wit’ ‘untin’.”[/color] The captain’s lips curled fondly as she went to the fridge and got out a spatula and bowl of prepared buttercream for cinnamon rolls. [color=peru]”Y’ respect t’ lives y’ take tae feed ot’er lives.”[/color] She came back and set the bowl on the counterIt seemed like there had been more in the bowl, previously. [color=peru]”A good sparr orr mock bat’le’s a good bi’ o’ fun, too. Especially when y’ find someone tha’ c’n challenge y’r abili’ies. If I did fin’ such a perrson, t’ las’ thing I’d wanna do is kill ‘em, aye? I’d wan’ ‘em tae live - maybe even ge’ strronger - so we coul’ figh’ again. The ones tha’ dunnae like mock comba’, though. Y’gotta watch ou’ ferr those ones, whether i’s perrpose or bloodlust behin’ ‘em.”[/color] Anastasia glanced up from her task with playful curiosity, [color=E77298]“Kazumin’s such a charmer, your captainness! Dare I ask if he managed to sweep you off your feet? Or perhaps the lovely Alidasht lady caught your eye?”[/color] She leaned in slightly, her grin widening. [color=E77298]“For the record, I’m an equal-opportunity romantic myself, so don’t feel the need to spare any juicy details.”[/color] She smirked at Stratya’s remark about camping. [color=E77298]“Oh that’s just how all the snooty rich people are! They don’t go outside so they couldn’t handle camping without it being fancy shmancy.”[/color] she giggled, her laughter light and cheerful. [color=E77298]“Next time, we’ll have to bring marshmallows and do it properly. I’d sleep in the grass, I don’t need a thing.”[/color] Her expression softened as Stratya spoke about her father’s lessons. Anastasia’s hands paused mid-motion, her gaze thoughtful. [color=E77298]“I think I understand what you mean. There’s something… sacred about understanding why you do something. Fighting, hunting, or even baking—it’s all about purpose, isn’t it?”[/color] She tilted her head, watching Stratya fondly as she prepared the buttercream. [color=E77298]“I like the idea of sparring with someone you admire. It sounds… exhilarating, in a way. But bloodlust?”[/color] Her tone grew serious, and she shivered slightly. [color=E77298]“That’s terrifying. I’d rather face someone who fights for a reason, even if it’s a challenge, than someone who just wants to destroy.”[/color] Then, with a mischievous grin, she leaned closer. [color=E77298]“But for the record, Captain, if we’re ever in a mock battle, I promise to show no mercy. I’ll come at you with my… uh… wooden spoon of justice!”[/color] She brandished her mixing spoon playfully, dissolving into a fit of giggles. [color=peru]”He was qui’e charrmin’, aye. We’ve go’ a lo’ in common, I was su’prrised. It mos’ly comes from our similarr communi’ies. Grrew up in small places, aye?”[/color] Stratya nodded softly, watching the knife in the princess’s hands carefully, whenever Anastasia’s focus slipped,[color=peru] “as f’rr t’ Alidasht woman, she was a swee’ear’, aye, bu’ sadly, Prrince Callum needed my attention f’rr.. a mat’er, before she an’ I ‘ad much chance tae talk.”[/color] Ooh, dear. Not a topic to broach, right now. Maybe after the good went in the oven.[color=peru] “Equal opporrtuni’y, is i’? Heh, some’ow, I think I knew.”[/color] [color=peru] “Havin’ a prroperr camp ou’ soun’s lovely, y’ Rradiance. Perr’aps I c’n even ‘unt somethin’ f’rr us, when we do.”[/color] She hadn’t been on a proper hunt in some time. It would be good to flex her abilities. The key was to do it with as little effort as possible. Swift and painless as possible. It took precision and control, and maybe it was morbid to think about it this way, but she could swear the meat tasted better without the struggle at the end. [color=peru] “A nigh’ unde’ t’ starrs, ‘en. Mm, ‘fraid we’ll likely ‘ave tae bring a camp wit’ us anyway, t’ way things ‘ave been..”[/color] The many guards the Princess had found herself stuck with. Stratya had managed to get the Princess some space on the merit of the safety the Captain could provide combined with the Princess’s desire to be in her company. That made it a lot easier to keep her safe, and she thought her guards must have had some understanding of that. That’s right, she’d mentioned purpose before, hadn’t she? [color=peru]“Aye, it’s importan’ tae ken yerr purrpose in action. Tae grasp ye’ rreason gives ye rroo’s frrom which you c’n find t’ powerr tae rrise and grrow, an’ dirrection wit’ which tae steerr y’sen.”[/color] With the dough cut, Stratya mixed the buttercream after it had been sitting, breaking it up from the very light seize it had settled into since she touched it last, then scooped out some with her wooden spatula. That was the last of the buttercream from the bowl, and Stratya set the bowl aside. She began to expertly spread the cream with smooth, precise motions. [color=peru]”Facin’ off agains’ bloodlust is ne’er pleasan’. Purrpose can at leas’ be rreasoned wit’. Both c’n be fed by Fury, bu’ each consumes i’ diff’rren’ly. Purrpose is easier tae make yield, but also easier tae yield to.”[/color] She finished the spread and looked up as the Princess continued. She chuckled lightly, then had a hearty laugh, before pointing the spatula playfully,[color=peru] “t’ spatula o’ but’ercrream will be ever rready tae mee’ ye.”[/color] She had a bit of a giggle with Anastasia before she set the spatula down and started to roll the rolls.[color=peru] “Le’s roll these up, get ‘em all in t’ oven, then we c’n sit at t’ barr while they bake.”[/color] [color=E77298]“Kazumin charming you? Why am I not surprised? He does have a knack for making people laugh. And a sweet Alidasht lady too? My, Captain, you’re practically collecting admirers! Do tell me what you and my cutie little brother talked about please! ”[/color] She leaned casually against the counter. [color=E77298]“As for the camping, I think my guards would stage a coup before letting me camp under the stars. I can hear them now—‘Princess, what if you catch a chill?’”[/color] She mimicked a worried tone, pressing a hand to her chest dramatically. As Stratya spoke of purpose, Anastasia paused thoughtfully, her playful expression softening. [color=E77298]“Roots and direction…”[/color] she echoed, her voice quieter as if talking to herself. [color=E77298]“I think I’m starting to get it. Maybe it’s not about knowing exactly where you’re going but about planting yourself firmly enough to weather whatever comes.”[/color] She brightened again as Stratya waved the buttercream-laden spatula. Giggling, she dodged an imaginary swipe and held her spoon aloft like a sword. [color=E77298]“Oh, it’s a duel you want, is it? The buttercream spatula versus the sacred spoon of stirring!”[/color] She struck a mock fencing pose, her grin widening. But as the cinnamon rolls were rolled and placed into the oven, she relaxed and followed Stratya’s lead, settling onto a stool at the bar. She propped her chin in her hands, her gaze flicking toward the oven. [color=E77298]“I’m glad we’re doing this,”[/color] she admitted softly and genuinely, [color=E77298]“It feels… grounding. I didn’t realize how much I needed it.”[/color] Her amber eyes met Stratya’s with sincere gratitude. [color=E77298]“Thank you for letting me barge in and make a mess of your kitchen.”[/color] Ooh, the princess wanted to know what Callum wanted. Oooooh dear. [color=peru]“I’ll tell ya me cha’ wit’ Prrince Callum once ‘e’ve sa’ down.”[/color] Before the Princess could demand, she added, [color=peru]”perr’aps brring someone tae keep ye warrm, then?”[/color] She giggled playfully, not sure which the guards would prefer. [color=peru]”Plan’in’ y’sen firmly is one way o’ doin’ things. Other folk like tae rrun at t’ thing they wan’. Hmm.. maybe ‘legs’ would‘a been bet’er. Aah, pish posh.”[/color] Stratya was glad to hear the Princess thinking so deeply. It was good to see a more serious side of her. Ah. But there was that playfulness, again. Stratya planted her hands on her hips, [color=peru]’ooh~, no, ye’rr no’ sweepin’ me up in none o’ tha’. No horsin’ abou’ in my kitchen, now.”[/color] There was too much to be broken or spilled, and she wouldn’t have them making any more mess than they had. They’d already splattered a bit. Despite the stern no, the captain’s expression was fond, though perhaps a touch sassy. It came time to have a seat and a .. chat. Ooh dear. Stratya went behind the bar, and to the chest fridge under the counter. She’d been about to offer a drink when she heard the princess speak first. The small surprise on her face melted quickly as she returned the Princess’s gaze, oaken brown meeting the royal’s amber, [color=peru]”’avin’ such wonderful comp’ny was nae trrouble. It was good tae ‘ave t’ extra ‘ands, too. We’ll ‘afta do i’ again, sometyme.”[/color] With a warmth in her eyes, she leaned down to the refrigerator chest below, [color=peru]”now, c’n I getcha anythin’? Juice, mead [sub]bi’ early f’rr mead, isn’t it?[/sub], we’ve got..”[/color] she pulled out a bottle and wafted it twice before she grabbed a short glass, poured a little and had a sip, [color=peru]”... iced tea. Huh.”[/color] When Stratya had suggested to bring someone to keep her warm, she had teasingly asked, [color=E77298] “You offering?[/color] With a giggle, she then amended more seriously, [color=E77298]“Iced tea is great!”[/color] After a moment, Anastasia leaned as a moment passed of the two sitting there, [color=E77298]“If you tell me about your chat with Callum, I’ll spill mine!”[/color] She gave the captain a playful wink, excitingly telling her, [color=E77298]“I finally got to talk to him and work things out before we went to Drake’s birthday party. We hadn’t been getting along so well before that because he thought I told my mother Marek’s name.”[/color] She then leaned in just slightly, and began to explain without waiting for Stratya to reply in a hushed tone, [color=E77298]“ There was a lot of tension as you can imagine, but we patched things up. He... apologized for accusing me, and I told him I’d never turn on him, not even if I thought he was, I don’t know, secretly plotting world domination or something. He’s my brother, after all.”[/color] She smiled fondly, her hands smoothing over the counter as she continued. [color=E77298]“We talked about everything, really. What happened with Darryn, the fight I had with Riona… We want to try to figure out the truth about who hurt Darryn, whether it was my mother, Marek, we’re gonna figure it out…”[/color] She steepled her fingers on the counter, her gaze far off and a warm smile stretching across her cheeks, [color=E77298]“ It was nice to finally talk things through... even if it felt like everything was sort of spinning out of control for a while… I never want to be in opposition with either of my brothers ever again…”[/color] Anastasia paused, catching her breath as she flicked her hair over her shoulder. [color=E77298]“But hey, that’s enough about me. What about [i]you[/i] and Callum? What’d you two talk about?”[/color] Stratya let out a little, breathy chuckle and did not respond to Anastasia’s teasing question, only smiling and offering, [color=peru]”iced tea, then,”[/color] before pouring them both a proper glass each. She then jumped the counter, holding herself up with an arm to swing over, to come and sit next to Anastasia. Like she’d done it a million times. The princess began her part of sharing before Stratya could even start. Which was a relief, because it, honestly, made telling her what had happened a lot easier. Knowing she’d made such a resolution with Callum meant it wasn’t just her and Riona looking at things with such determination, and that was emboldening, refreshing. The Princess, at length, brought things back to Stratya’s part of the bargain, [color=peru]”ah, rrigh’. Ooh, golly, ‘ow do I wanna star’? Eeyyeehh, s’ppose I jus’ do. You’re nae gonna like it, Prrincess.”[/color] Stratya looked at her meaningfully and gave her a moment to brace herself,[color=peru] “we foun’ Darryn’s head at Pinebrrook, despi’e my takin’ it tae the morgue in the ‘ospi’al. It was attached tae wha’ coul’ only ‘ave been a new body. The scarr ‘rround ‘is neck told me it was, surely, ‘is ‘ead.”[/color] She was ready to comfort the princess, but she’d said something else, too. Anastasia wanted to help. She wanted to bring the perpetrator of Darryn’s death to justice, as well. The captain spoke softly, [color=peru]”Anastasia. I could go down tae t’ ‘ospi’al an’ demand answers, but tha’s.. I have to apprroach this wit’ finess. Nae many people can just grab a body from t’ morgue, and whoever did likely ‘as connections, t’ kind I migh’ rrather no’ prrod by askin’ bad questions. O-”[/color] a thought occured to her, [color=peru]”or they [i]stole[/i] i’. Such a strrange thing tae steal, I ‘adn’t considered tha’.”[/color] Now, there was a possibility. [color=peru]”Eitherr way, I ken ye were close, the two o’ ya. Wantin’ tae ‘ave an ‘and in ‘is burial wouldn’t be so ou’landish.”[/color] Anastasia’s eyes went wide with shock, her breath catching in her throat. [color=E77298]“Wait, what? His head?!”[/color] She shook her head, trying to process the words. [color=E77298]“This is... too much. They can't just do that... to him.”[/color] She took a shaky breath, her voice growing more resolute. [color=E77298]“We need to find out where his family is. Darryn deserves a proper burial, at least, and his family deserves to know..”[/color] She glanced at Stratya, her eyes hardening with determination. [color=E77298]“I want to help. I won’t let this go.”[/color] [color=peru]”Aye. I’ still seems so unrreal.”[/color] She shook her head, sighing, [color=peru]”magic or nae, t’ dead arre supposed tae stay tha’ way. Ye cannae go agains’ tha’. It’s.. [i]wrrong[/i],”[/color] the captain shook her head, [color=peru]”nae mat’er ‘ow badly ya want i’.”[/color] [color=peru] “‘is parents live? Hmm.”[/color] A sip from her tea. [color=peru]”’at’ll be rough. .. if ye’d like ta ‘elp, would ya take up funerrarry arrangemen’s? ‘at’ll include bein’ sure the hospital answers for t’ missin’ ‘ead. It’d look less like snoopin’, ‘at way, too. Mnn. Rreyt..”[/color] Something had occurred to her that didn’t quite sit right. She turned her head forward from the princess and took a swig of her tea. She kinda wished it was mead, just then, but she would be fine. A heavy sigh, [color=peru]”s’ppose I’ll ‘ave tae retrrieve ‘is ‘ead, then?”[/color] Not a pleasant task, but one she was willing to undertake. [color=E77298]“I can handle the arrangements and even go get his head too if you want.” [/color] Stratya looked at the Princess, uncertain. Did she catch the implication..? [color=peru]”I.. did mention tha’ ‘is head is prresen’ly attached tae body, aye?”[/color] She thought for a moment. [color=peru]”I cannae condone leavin’ the abomination.. whole.”[/color] [I]What're you doing, Stratya? Still thinking like a town guard? Ye cannae do anything without yer father tae light the way? Look at what your weakness brings. Riona doesn’t respect your methods and she’s right.[/I] She looked intently at her glass for a moment. [color=peru]”.. I will collect ‘is head, and question t’ ‘ospi'al.”[/color] Knight Captain Stratya Durmand straightened herself. After all that talk she gave the princess, she can't be wishy-washy or middling. There was still one thing, she turned back to the princess, [color=peru]”though, if I migh’ go in yerr name?”[/color] Anastasia straightened her posture, her resolve hardening as she nodded firmly. [color=E77298]“Of course. Take my name, do whatever you need to.”[/color] She glanced down at her hands for a moment, then back up with determination. [color=E77298]“I’ll handle anything else you need from me. Whatever it takes to see this through.”[/color] [color=peru]”Then, I will leave t’ funeral arrangements tae ye, Y’ Rradiance.”[/color] She took a sip of her tea, reminding herself of her title, position, and the people she protects. A moment passed, and urgent, compassionate eyes turned back to the princess, [color=peru]”if therre is ever anything you feel you mus’ do, tae do rreyt, jus’ le’ me know if ye need my ‘elp.”[/color] Another moment, and a perturbed expression crossed her face,[color=peru] “wha’ were ye plannin’ tae do abou’ ‘is head?”[/color] Anastasia glanced at her, [color=E77298]“I want it buried properly, Stratya. He deserves a proper rest, and his family deserves to know where he is.”[/color] Was Anastasia missing an important detail or was she avoiding the core of her question? Stratya looked at the princess with something between criticality and concern, [color=peru]”aye, and the par' where ‘is head is walkin’ and talkin’ on a differen’ body and pro’bly woul’nae go along with bein’ collected and burried?”[/color] [color=E77298]“Wait, [i]WHAT!?[/i]”[/color] She spat out some of the tea she had been drinking. [color=E77298]“LIKE A ZOMBIE!?”[/color] Stratya turned forward and took a breath, not sure if she should be relieved or what. She was pretty sure she mentioned that Darryn’s head was on a body, but, [color=peru]”aye, perr’aps I wasnae clearr enough, I though’ I mentioned.. er, aye, like tha’.”[/color] The captain turned back toward the princess, centering herself as she did,[color=peru] “only, ‘e was posin’ as some ‘Oliver’, a camp counselor f’rr t’ event.”[/color] It wasn’t exactly an idea you considered part of reality under normal circumstances. [color=peru]”So, y’ken. Gettin’ ‘is head is, ah.. I’ll do it, Y’ Rradiance.”[/color] [color=E77298]“Shit!”[/color] Anastasia cried and grasped her head with stress. Her eyes widened in horror as she began pacing. [color=E77298]“Wait, wait! This is how it starts! I've heard stories like this—zombies or some evil magic reanimating bodies! They take the dead and make them walk again, but it’s not really them anymore!”[/color] She stopped, locking eyes with Stratya, her tone now deadly serious. [color=E77298]“We need to start preparing—canned food, weapons, anything we can use. This isn’t just about finding answers anymore, this is about stopping something huge from happening. They could be building an army of the [i]ZOMBIES[/i], Stratya!”[/color] She took a deep breath, her gaze intense. [color=E77298]“We have to act now.”[/color] Stratya jolted as the Princess cried out, watched as the Princess began to pace and panic, and finally stood to take her gently by the shoulders,` [color=peru]”Prrincess, please, donnae star’ tae panic. I nae rreckon tha’, whatever ‘e is, tha’ he’s goin’ tae star’ goin’ ‘rround bitin’ an’ changin’ people. He acted jus’ like a rregula’ perrson. Besides, those’rre jus’ storries. We’d ‘ave ‘eard abou’ things ‘appening in Pinebrrook by now, too. I’ll check wit’ t’ ‘ospi’al, today, ‘fore I go on tae Pinebrrook this afternoon ‘n evenin’. An’ if we’ve a town o’ undead, I’ll..”[/color] oof,[color=peru] “‘andle i’.”[/color] In her state of panic, the logic had not appealed to her brain quite like it should have. [color=E77298]“[i]Trust me[/i], Captain! We have to act now!!”[/color] The princess suddenly turned on her heels and made a bolt for the door. Before Stratya could react, she was already outside hollering to anyone who would listen, [color=E77298]“Everyone! ZOMBIES! They’re here!!!!”[/color] However, luckily, Stratya was able to wrangle her in and calm her down before she got too far.[/color]