[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250124/cf6b39a2963401a641bc7228129cf0b1.png[/img][/center][hr] Contrary to his dormmate, Avery Lowell was usually a man who rolled out of bed at the last minute. Today, of course, was a special occasion, so he staggered half-awake into the shower about twenty minutes earlier than he would've otherwise to let hot water and anticipation jolt him into consciousness. It gave him ample time to get his uniform in order afterward, which turned out to be absolutely necessary; he'd probably gotten this dressed up fewer times in his life than he could count on both hands, and now he was expected to do it every day. Avery didn't hate the idea; he even wore the uniform exactly as intended. It was kind of stuffy, sure, and he wasn't crazy about the color, but it was kinda snazzy once he got used to it. In the colder months, it would probably be a boon, even. Plus it kinda made him feel like he was a TV show character - not that he'd say it out loud. The only real issue was the matter of the stupid tie. He was on his third rewatch of an instructional video on how to tie it on his phone (okay, technically fifth, but he didn't have his glasses on the first two times so it didn't count) and it was still a bit lopsided. Nevertheless, he was running short on time and the misshapen knot was close enough that he was almost scared to mess with it further, lest it look even worse. Besides, he had better things to be focusing on, like his cool magic school. When [i]was[/i] magic class, anyway? Surely they weren't sent here just for academics. He was getting ahead of himself. Staggering out of his room at last, Avery intended to make his way through the common area of the dorm and out the door, but he paused at the unattended fruit and cup combo left on the counter. His dormmate was nowhere to be seen, though she could've simply left it there with the intent to grab it as she left. He could check if she was still in her room, but- ugh, rooming with a woman was so awkward. Mary wasn't so bad - so far, at least - but Avery wasn't sure what the protocol was regarding privacy and whatnot. Was it because he had a unisex name? Did they throw him in with the girls on accident? Was he overthinking this? [color=bb8f4c]"Uh. Mary?"[/color] he called toward her room. No response. No noise, either. And, given there were things on the counter that weren't there the night before, she couldn't possibly still be asleep. Which meant she had left already. Which... meant the cup was for him? Unless she liked stale, cold coffee. Avery hesitantly lifted the lid off the cup and gave a confused squint. That coffee was [i]way[/i] too dark for his liking. He wanted some coffee with his cream, not the other way around. He was pretty sure this was still black, with far too few sugar packets of pity resting beside it. Maybe he should just pretend he didn't want to touch it because he wasn't sure if it was for him - it wouldn't even [i]technically[/i] be a lie. Shame he'd have to leave the orange behind too in order to sell the bit, but he felt bad just dumping the coffee out or telling Mary he didn't appreciate her gesture in the slightest. And now the coffee confusion threatened to make him late, he realized with a glance at his phone. Straightening his lopsided tie one last time, he promptly broke into something between a power walk and a jog that he could manage at a socially acceptable speed as he rushed out the door and toward campus proper. [hr]