[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Seiga's Senkai[/h3][/center] Upon hearing the Hourai immortal's words, Sanae's face quickly curled into a grimace, almost as if she had just been given a cup of coffee and told to drink it black. If something like this had been lying underground, who knew what else could be lurking in wait? Needless to say, she agreed wholeheartedly with the half-ghost gardener's opinion on the matter. Though the hermit seemed the faintest bit annoyed at the trio's desire to seal the thing up, it didn't appear as if she had any intent to stop them. "...Well, if it's sealing you need then I can handle that while I'm here recovering," Sanae added as she waved lethargically at the group. "It's not going to look pretty, but if I'm going to be here recovering I may as well help handle that." To this, Geto finally found the timing well enough to interject with a statement of his own. "If it's sealing cursed spirits away, I'm sure I can afford to help. I don't believe those two would let me roam around unsupervised anyways, so I might as well make myself useful somewhere a bit more comfortable, no?" he added, to which Seiga simply shrugged her shoulders. "You two can stay behind then. Rayne, I'd also appreciate it if you could remain here as well for the moment. I'll need [i]some[/i] able-bodied assistance if I'm to care for two more people, if only for a little while," she chimed in before flashing the group a smile. "As for the rest of you... I suppose I'm not able to kick you out, but I'm still not particularly pleased about what you did to be here to begin with." "If you two... Er, three? Are planning to head out, then you might want to meet back up with the others at that inn Rayne mentioned," the green-haired girl remarked before handing the book they had found earlier that day off to whoever would take it. "Might want to hand that off to Anne; she's more the bookish type, so she might be able to make use of that better than us for the moment." "Ah, I believe I shall stay behind as well," Carol added before the group chose to do anything further. "I'd like to research as much as possible while I have the opportunity, and this seems like a prudent opportunity to do so." "Then I'll have you putting in some work as well. I'm not going to let you freeload here, either, you know." [hr][center][h3][i]The Dancing Donkey[/i][/h3][/center] By the time the groups had finally reconverged, the sun was [i]finally[/i] beginning to set over the horizon. Lively cheer leaked out from every restaurant, tavern, and inn through the street, and the building where the group had agreed to meet was no different. The only real difference at hand now, though, was the distinct lack of half the cast they had started the day with. For what little it was worth, though, those present didn't seem to be [i]particularly[/i] worse for wear. In fact, with one half of the group now with proper [i]funds[/i] to spend, not having to worry about lodging or food for a while wouldn't be an issue. Not that it [i]was[/i] an issue for anyone but Anne or Youmu at the moment, but that was a different matter entirely. The interior of the inn was lit by lamps hung up on the walls, and just barely off to the side one could quite easily see a dozen tables lined up near a kitchen. The servers were milling around as people from all walks of life called for more food and alcohol to sate their cravings. At the counter stood a bulky middle-aged man who waved at the group as they entered. "Hello there! Haven't seen your faces before. Welcome to The Dancing Donkey! What'll it be? A room for the night? Food? Both?" he asked with a rather practiced smile on his face. [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]