[B][i]Mikazuki Nakajima[/i][/b] The fear, the cold, the darkness of the park at night. The sheer horror of what they were about to face; pitiful souls consumed by corruption and impurity, gathered together by a Hollow 'Warlord' who had the power to command others of its kind, ready to rampage through his home and wreak unspeakable havoc. As he squirmed like an earthworm under the overwhelming spiritual pressure, Mikazuki knew what they were going to endure was an order of magnitude higher than anything their group of wannabe True Companions had faced before, but the fear kept him frozen in shock, as though his feet were encased in ice. But the boy knew what he wanted, and that was to draw his Zanpaktou and stand, to protect people from the horrors of death and what was beyond it. Mikazuki Nakajima, kendo student, was not going to let fear styme him; he had made a promise to Mr. Leonid, while he knew that his grandfather would scorn him from Soul Society or Hell - Probably Hell - if the teen betrayed his ideals by being a coward. So Mika struggled, forcing himself to take a standard kendo stance and stand his ground as he waited for the foe to make his appearance. But deep inside, he was concered by the thought of two missing members of the team: [i]Mitsuaki and Sara... where are they? Did they get ambushed?[/i] He had faith that neither of them would willingly abandon their mission and just leave; Mitsuaki's grief and Sara's lonliness would not allow them to flee the scene without a fight. So they must be fighting; Mikazuki had faith aplenty that [i]his friends[/i] had their own battles elsewhere and would win - He could not imagine them losing this round. [@Sho Minazuki] [@BladeSS4] [@McNephelim] [@WSilversun]