[i]This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh 433 and though few realize it, these are the closing days of the Third Era… It all began on that one fateful day, a day that perhaps for you it was of no importance until the moment everything changed, or maybe it had been something you had done to become a catalyst. For most Imperials leading up to it, there was no difference between this day and the last, nor certainly the next for that matter. The only notable difference was the exhibition match between The Gray Prince and a visiting Companion from Skyrim. Thousands flooded the arena to behold their own champion facing off against one of the Nords of Skyrim and the tensions between Cyrodillic Nords and their brethren began to boil as the hours passed and each bout brought them closer to the feature match. Neither was supposed to take the fight seriously, it was just supposed to be an exhibition of the strength of the Empire as a whole, but as blood was spilt and the crowd became more and more violent, all it took was a single brick thrown amongst the refuse. Both men withstood the debris as they knew it was surely a match to inflame the rivalries between provinces, but the plan had always been to clasp hands and proclaim the Empire as the true victor. And that was when a brick struck the Gray Prince and sent him to the sands, a bellowing roar of indignation from the collective crowd as for a moment when he stood it seemed as if the initial intent of non-lethal combat was off. Keen to keep the fight from getting out of hand, the Arena officials called it then and there, quickly ushering out the spectators and getting between the two combatants. Of course as it was the Arena and even the slightest thing can get two men to fighting over their differences, a palpable tension was in the air as irritable citizens poured from the Arena stands and into the nearby bars to drink and eat away their anger. It was there in Daggerfall Dan's Bar and Grill that a group of people had gathered, unknowing of the fate they shared, you among them. Dozens packed in as the food came hot and fresh, the wait staff doing their best to ease the worries of the crowd but knowing it was a tinderbox just waiting for that first spark. And it came with a single spilled drink, a roar of outrage, an Altmer of the mages guild flung out of the second story window and a bar brawl that would send a group of men and mer off to their fate…[/i] [hr] Hey hey all you Ehlnofey, once more I am coming in from the top ropes with my concept of an Elder Scrolls RP set in the closing days of the Third Era. This is one of my favorite moments in the Elder Scrolls setting, as it is the precipice of one of the most pivotal moments in the timeline. A thousand years of Septims have ruled in off and on stability, and though this is set just thirty years after the end of the Imperial Simulacrum along with all the conflicts within... The Empire itself has rarely seen such stability and prosperity as it does now. But just like in real life, no one is allowed to have nice things for long and thus already there are motions to bring the Empire down. Once more the fate of the Empire, the provinces and Tamriel itself lays in the hands of the chosen few, a group of people who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That place being a popular Arena tavern, already packed full of angry people. The time, shortly after a botched exhibition match with unclear results that had been meant to promote provincial unity. Those chosen few? Our characters, who ended up being caught up in a bar brawl turned riot in the Arena District, and for their safety they have been escorted to the Imperial Prison and stuffed into a very specific cell to wait out the riots. So basically, in summation. It's Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but with a group rather than one singular protagonist. And we're using lore rather than the game to define the world, so the Imperial City is an actual city of millions rather than some shitty island lmao. [hider=The Character Sheet] - Basic Information Name: Age: (Your character's age, appropriate to their race. Mer typically live two to three times longer than an average Human, and the Beastfolk generally line up with Human lifespans. ) Race: (Choose from one of the standard ten races. Nord, Imperial, Redguard, Breton, Bosmer, Altmer, Dunmer, Orsimer, Khajiit, or Argonian. Anything beyond this should be cleared first.) Appearance: (A written description is preferred, but a picture can be found acceptable. ) Personality: - Abilities (From basic survival skills to what kind of magical talent your character has, this section will give more of a direct view on what the character is capable of in any given scenario.) Skills: (Be reasonable here. The UESP can be a good reference as well as the actual games in terms of baseline skills, but it's not something required or expected. Anything not listed here or in the magic section will be assumed as unskilled or baseline. Alchemy would be listed here as opposed to in the magic section.) Magic: (Again, use reason and the understanding that this isn't meant to be a one to one with the game. Someone with very little experience shouldn't have a large repertoire of spells, if any at all. On the other hand, someone who has spent their life in the Mages Guild should likely know more spells than they know what to do with. For magic focused characters please denote schools of magic and their proficiency in such, in addition to spells of note. For everyone else who may have some magical ability, note which ones they have on hand. Also again, you do not have to use actual in game spells. This does include enchanting.) - Equipment (Depending on their physical ability your character can only carry a certain amount of gear on their person. This includes bags, pouches, sacks and other containers. Heavy armor is heavy, and light armor is light. Take that into account when equipping your character. Arrows additionally have weight and are not infinite. This category is intended to stand on its own and is broken down into three sections, the latter two of which are optional. ) Personal Items: (These are items and clothing that your character has on their physical person, what they were wearing when they were put into the cell. Do keep in mind that this may be a very limited list, and would not include any weapons that could be discovered via a simple pat down.) The Lock Box: (As may be assumed, this section is intended to list out what the guards confiscated from your character before placing them in the cell with the rest of the party. This is where things like weapons and such would go, anything that the guards wouldn't want in a cell full of assumed drunks and rabble-rousers.) Stored Items: (What isn't on your character physically or confiscated by the guard. This is pretty much for anything of importance that may be found at your character's residence, whether that be an actual home in the Imperial City, a room at the inn, or an heirloom somewhere else entirely.) Background: (Short history of your character to give an idea as to their past, and how it shaped them as a person.) Ambition: (An idea of what your character is aiming for, a goal of sorts. This doesn't have to be something grand, magnificent and over-arching, it can be simple and straight-forward, something temporary. Just some form of ambition that is guiding your character, or lack thereof.)[/hider]