[color=CD5C5C][h2]Maverick Breaker[/h2][/color] [url]https://imgur.com/a/RhC1Bs9[/url] [i]Havenwood[/i] [hr] Maverick woke up in one of the many empty booths of the bar in Havenwood, He groggily looked around trying to look for the bartender. [color=CD5C5C]"Hey, anyone here?... God, I need a drink..."[/color] He looked around the bar one more time and realized that no one was there. Maverick sighed and stood up from the messy booth, he proceeded to walk away from the bar area and saw the crowd that was listening to Josiah. Maverick walked into the crowd with one hand in his pocket and and another hand holding a handmade cigarette, he looked around to see the many shapes and sizes of the residents in the crowd. Mutants never really bothered Maverick, They reminded him of the mutants that were with the Roaches. Maverick put the cigarette in his mouth then began to fidget with the cross necklace that was on his neck, thinking about the Roaches in anyway always made him think about Duster. As he was lost in thought, a voice whispered to him. [color=FF00FF]"Who are these 'New Republic' people?" "Why do they kill people?" [/color] Maverick looked down at the woman. The New Republic made him think about Duster even more. He blew the smoke from his mouth and shakily spoke. [color=CD5C5C]"Can't really say I know their whole 'agenda'..."[/color] He whispered. [color=CD5C5C]"But I know they're nothing but bad news... Speaking from my own experience, just stay away from them."[/color] He firmly gripped the necklace one more time and finally let go. He felt like he needed a drink more than ever right now.