[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BHScL9w.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C7nwoGY.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 2331 (+3 x2) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 10[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (125/110) (+4) [b][color=ea590c]Edward Portsmith: Level 4 (12 cells) [/color][/b][color=ea590c]/////////////////////////////[/color]//// (36/40) (+4) (+4) (+3) (+3) (+8) [color=D34C25][b]Primrose[/b] [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 219/110[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][b]Therion[/b] [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 229/100[/color] [color=gray]đ™±đ™ż[/color] [color=gold]●●[/color][color=gray]●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]đ™±đ™ż[/color] [color=gold]●●[/color][color=gray]●●●[/color] [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Dead Zone[/center] Edward ducked back behind one of his 4 deployed Bronze Golems, who’s blades shimmered with both of the enchantments that he had granted to the seekers, as a swarm of [url=https://i.imgur.com/o7kEs6l.jpeg]pyrobats[/url] that had burst from a tunnel they’d been investigating unleashed gouts of flame from their fan like snouts. Cruising silent as they cut through the defensive aura he was granting, he dropped his guard and popped back round his defence mode holding golems to pop one of the bats with his magelock pistol, but he wasn’t exactly equipped for dealing with arial swarms. Hence him requesting [color=ea590c]”Princess Midna, if you please”[/color] to the lady he had been traveling alongside and getting the dreadful reply of [color=Aquamarine]”I’ve been wanting to try this”[/color] as she retrieved and let rip with a weapon she’d found laying around somewhere [hider=for Midna] [url=https://i.imgur.com/ix6rhiW.png]Irradiating Hivemined SMG[/url]: A scoped smg with good accuracy and fire rate that launches radioactive energy orbs that fly at a moderate speed and can bounce once off of a surface. Each shot has a 15% chance to irradiate a target, causing damage over time to both them and surrounding foes, and also causing them to explode into a radiation nova on death that has a chance to irradiate those struck by it in turn. Inconceivably it uses conventional smg ammo, but expends 2 rounds for each shot fired. [/hider] The grotesquely barreled gun sprayed a volley of sickly glowing shots into the swarm, clipping several, missing many, and then much of it promptly bouncing off the wall behind the swarm and back towards both it and them. One of these shots dommed a pyrobat, causing it to briefly emit a radioactive glow before it exploded and took out most of its fellows. Neither the princess nor the commander saw any of this except for the afterglow, as they were too busy ducking behind a golem again to avoid the ricochets. These, at least, the golems endured just fine. [color=ea590c]”You, I’ll be frank, have no idea how to use that thing, do you?”[/color] Edward said as he popped back out to pick off a straggler, to which the princess replied [color=Aquamarine]”Not really. But it worked”[/color] and also [color=Aquamarine]”Better to see how it works now than against the guardian. Speaking of, you should really stop dithering and just grab something for that other striker slot. Power is power and you can ditch whatever gross thing you take once we get to the avenger again anyway”[/color] [color=ea590c]”If you insist, then I suppose these will do”[/color] he replied, before adding [color=ea590c]”and remind me to give you some actual training on firearm usage once we get back to the Avenger as well”[/color] and then striding out to retrieve one of the fallen spirits for just such a purpose. [hider=for Edward] [url=https://i.imgur.com/o7kEs6l.jpeg]Pyrobat[/url]: A large demonic bat about as tall as a human if measured from tail tip to snout. Can be summoned every 5 seconds to unleash various flame attacks, such as a single target fireball, cone shaped flame breath, or a beam attack that it shoots at the ground and then slashes upwards, all shot from a maw that opens in the center of its chest. Evasive, but fragile, and prone to getting knocked out of the air when struck. [/hider] As it turned out, he had been very much out of time, and so Midna’s teasing about [color=Aquamarine]”Really, that?”[/color] were put to an end as they gathered up with the rest of the group now that they were on the trail of a retreating floodfested. In doing so they ended up alongside Primrose and Therion, specifically due to Midna wanting to catch up with the former, and Edward seeing it as tactically sound to position himself and his golems close to people he knew how to work with. Therion's one visible eye glanced over to note the two of them falling in close by, but otherwise he didn't try and strike up a conversation or anything. The whole climb he'd been perfectly content to hang back and let everyone else do all of the puzzle and fighting work, though he'd kept an eye out for anything that looked out of place... which was easier said than done, considering how strange the Qliphoth's interior was. He'd spoken a little with Primrose as the two of them filled the other in on the trials they'd each faced, but that was it; and as for the dancer she was glad to chat with Midna when the princess approached. Sharing even a few words helped to soften the tension that surrounded everyone. As it turned out, however, there would be no time for the two of them to have much of a casual conversation, because almost just as they linked up they all stepped into the gateway chamber, and the oppressive air and reveal of the awaiting, motionless, horde within that opened the way rather than attack made it clear that this was it. This did not stop Midna from leaning and engaging in a whispered conversation about a plan she’d thought up to give them an edge in the coming battle. Likewise Primrose dipped her head towards the shorter woman as they continued on. She whispered back, and from her other side Therion’s feline ears flicked as he overheard their impromptu plan. As it turned out, they were going to need it, because not only were they up against the guardian, but three whole Consuls as well. Far, far more of a threat than any of them had faced so far, and quite the trial by fire for the newbies, should they survive at all. [color=Aquamarine]”At least the master hand didn’t show up as well”[/color] Midna muttered loudly, tempting fate. It really was bad enough as it was, the buffeting of the swarm charging through them giving the Consuls and Guardian all the time they needed to empower and position themselves for the coming battle, while the seekers only had from the word go to do the same. [color=Aquamarine]”D’s a caster, everything he can do he can do from there if he wants!”[/color] Midna called to Nadia even as she turned away from the man who had once killed her, and instead to Primrose, who she asked if she’d [color=Aquamarine]”Care for a dance?”[/color] [color=D34C25]"I would be delighted,"[/color] the woman replied with a dangerous purr. Entrusting the front line of Seekers with keeping attention away from the dance partners as they set up, Primrose began her performance in earnest. She flowed into the steps of Sealticge's Seduction, twisting and bending as her legs moved and her arms drew sultry lines across her body. As the dance took effect on the Twilight Princess, Primrose extended her arm towards Midna with her hand out, palm up, to invite the next part of the performance. Having been strumming her lyre in accompaniment, the princess now twirled into her own dance. The claws on her heels withdrew from the ground, and allowed her to move as if she was on ice, or floating on the air. Her tail flowed behind her as she flowed and glided across the ground, pace quickly increasing before she launched herself up into a rapid pirouette to complete the move. Accompanied by a strum along all of the lyre’s chords, the purple energy that had been building around her pulsing out to empower the rest of the party. This included her darknut, which she had summoned while awaiting her turn to dance. The towering undead knight’s slow steps suddenly quickened as the power took hold, as did those of the 4 bronze golems flanking it, and those of Edward himself. With his buckler raised, he was projecting a hexagonal armor boosting aura around himself, further bolstering the defences of the bulwark of minions who were advancing towards the four Consul As, placing a wall of metal in between them and the dancers, aiming to secure that flank of the battlefield. Therion's own summon joined the wall, unsurprisingly for those that had fought with him through the Under. Since adopting the rather macabre monster as a striker, the junicorn had been the thief's stalwart crutch in battle. The creature's iron orb came into existence and it rolled forward, its limbs popping out and its thin weapon in hand while its huge horn extended from its forehead. The thief himself had backed up, muscles tense and stance low with his stinging dagger in his hand. He was deadly serious - because the situation could hardly get any worse for the Seekers. It took, what, ten or more people to take down Consul P and the Under's Guardian individually? They had just over twenty now, and four enemies ahead of them just as strong - if not even stronger. If they were going to survive they needed to be smart about this. Therion let the others take the Consuls' attentions, slipping into the background to get a sense of what their adversaries could do before he even thought about taking a shot at one of them. As he did the junicorn tested the waters for him, firing its lance-like horn at the group of A and his copies to preempt any movement towards the supporters. The lance pierced one of the Consul’s doppelgangers, lodging in his chest. He flinched a little, but not as much as he should have, and he gave no sound of pain. Something seeped from around the horn it began to slide out, but it wasn’t blood, and what it left behind was no ordinary wound. It looked like something between mulch and ground beef, the eldritch flesh moving of its own volition as it attempted to knit itself back together and preserve the illusion, without much success. All four of him looked over at the Junicorn in eerie unison, then once it disappeared, directly at Therion. It set the thief’s fur to stand on end. Edward summoned his own strikers as well, the hellbat he had just acquired charging and launching a fireball while using the defence wall as cover, while his feather staff appeared to cast its defensive buff, though not, notably, on the constructs but on the mortals they were protecting, namely himself, Therion, and anyone who happened to join their ‘row’ while approaching Consul A. All the while Primrose's own performance had continued, the break in her dancing only a scant few seconds long. She and Midna only had so much time before the chaos of battle would make their paired empowerment much more difficult to synchronize, so they had to make this count. Her encore pushed her to move faster, the sparkling gold of her outfit breaking up her twirling red silhouette. [color=D34C25]"With the grace of Sealticge,"[/color] she breathed, this time extending both of her hands towards her dance partner as the dance's effect was bestowed on Midna once more. The princess, having just completed her first set of steps, launched right into the second, the pair entering a pattern that threatened to keep empowering them over and over till something tried to stop them. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t get the chance. All four copies of A extended an accusatory finger at Midna, and in an instant the Gravemind was stirred to action. With an alarming, otherworldly rumbling noise, it stretched its left-side tentacles into the air, then brought all that dead weight down like toppled redwood trees. The Seekers might be able to evade the tremendous blows if they gave up on their encore performances, but the shockwaves alone were enough to unsteady all but the heartiest heavyweights, and that wasn’t all. On impact, the tentacles sloughed off at least a dozen half-formed monstrosities, blighted and infectious, that would hound the heroes as long as they lived. Midna hadn’t been expecting the tentacle, but she had been expecting something to try and interrupt them once it became clear what they were doing (namely a barrage of spellcasting from Consul D). Thus, she had an escape plan nice and ready, declaring it was [color=Aquamarine]”Time to go”[/color] while grabbing Primorse with two hands (still holding the lyre in the third) before then yanking on her astral chain with the fourth, pulling both ladies off to the side where her Beast Legion had been prowling near Edward and Therion. They skidded to a halt, and once released Primrose didn't waste any time before conjuring an offensive spell in hand. She and Midna had managed two performances -more than expected but less than they'd hoped- and though the Dragon Dance wouldn't boost her magic, the speed increase would still work in her favor. [color=D34C25]"And time to put these empowerments to work,"[/color] she said, as the newly created monsters found their footing and rushed forward to devour them. Beside her, Midna sliced her Nightsky ripper and Royal War Fan out of the twilight realm, both blades igniting and coming aglow as Edward’s enchantments took hold of them, before pointing the sword at the floodfested and shouting [color=Aquamarine]”You want to dance too? Then come on, let's see what you’ve got!”[/color] at them as together the two ladies prepared to hold the backline of the quartet’s ad hoc formation.