[indent][right][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmMxY2NjZC5RbUYwSUZOMFlXNWthV1oxY2cuMA/transcity.regular.webp[/img][/right][hr][right][img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/25/Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png[/img][img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/c/c5/Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png[/img] [sub][i][color=c1cccd]Mentions:[/color] [@Ryik], [@Yankee] [color=c1cccd]Location:[/color] Ocean Pier[/i][/sub] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/c/c5/Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png[/img][img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/25/Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png[/img][/right][hr] [/indent] [indent][indent]Bat's gaze shifted to Kaison as an appreciative, closed-mouth smile reaching his lips and eyes whilst the other guy complimented his companion. It was true, what he said - not many people liked Rattata. It was widely seen as a bit of a pest species, especially in Alola. But Bat had never been one to judge a Pokémon by a label slapped upon them by others - after all, Rawst had always been his closest friend, even since childhood. He smoothly crossed his arms over his chest, Rawst taking the opportunity to hop down into the cradle of his forearms and make itself comfortable. [color=c1cdcd]"Aha, why thank you!"[/color] Bat chimed, his hand curling up momentarily to give the small Pokémon a scritch under the chin. He looked over Kaison, a faint hint of memory touching the surface of his brain. He was once seen as the champion of Unova, if it was correctly recalled. Unova had been one of Bat's favorite regions to visit - which aided in his recollection of the detail. [color=c1cdcd]"This one fancies herself a nuisance more than a battler."[/color] He replied, looking down at the rodent and sticking out his tongue shortly. [color=c1cdcd]"I must confess though-"[/color] he continued, looking at Kaison once again. [color=c1cdcd]"-she can put up a fight for such a little critter."[/color] Rawst let out small, familiar chitters at her trainer's remarks, whiskers twitching as the salty air occasionally buffeted the lot of them. Bat's eyes took to scanning the pier and the surrounding town, trying to pick out a sign that the Captain was soon to arrive. There was a small, creeping feeling of anxiousness slowly crawling up his spine again. His eyes caught a glimpse of one of the others momentarily squinting at him and his Pokémon - Sophie. He offered a slight smile to her as well, wiggling the fingers of one hand cordially in his cross-armed stature before he continued looking over the area, his eyes largely obscured by his dark lenses. [/indent][/indent]