[Quote][@Darcel], I’m an avid believer in freedom of speech. Some people lack resources and guidance on where to put their pain for various reasons. Trauma trends to come up as a messy knot of incongruent and unregulated thoughts that can cause lapses in judgement. It is what it is. Lending an ear goes an awfully long way. However, if you are not able to lend an ear, by all means — do not and take care of yourself first. [/quote] It is not about lending an ear to me, as I can listen for hours about anything, really, and I wouldn't be too stunned. The thing about trauma-dumping is that I am not a /sugarcoater/ and I can be very blunt about matters that it would come out as insensitive sometimes— but that is because I prefer to always remind those around me of reality rather than let them daydream. When something is not going to be alright, they must know of it, embrace the harshness and begin to act on how to deal with it. It's better than lying and sweetening words and offering false sense of comfort and security just to /ease/ a part of the burden even though their life is going straight towards the cliff. If something is looking wrong and bad, I will say it is wrong and bad, and to buckle up. I will not go mode daisies and flowers and disney. Does it even make sense? That is why I said those that trauma-dump must ask first, because not everyone is going to offer the same form of /support/. Some may not handle it, dislike it, and well, it could turn even worse than it already was.