[indent][indent][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250201/ffeb2d59fb95de0b0fb8361188649a0c.png[/img] 2127 9月 11[/center][right][color=ec008c]Villain Base[/color][/right][hr]Right after Eirei's scuffle with the Bigman of Crime, alias Kingpin, alias Shibuya City Mayor, Mikazuki Keyaru, gathered his thralls at this auspicious night. His thralls also involved some of the most important Scientists and Company-owners. The unsullied political figure, dressed appropriately for the occasion stood above his men, aura oozing like an eagle with bird's eye view of sermon. Keyaru lamented the fact that the Ultra Nomu, Nemesis, died before fully adapting to its immortal vessel while giving sermon to the Eight Bullets. Gravity's defied at this very scene, to the Bullets, Keyaru appears to be upside down but to him, it's merely the effects of many Quirks, giving an otherworldly appeal. A string of a shamisen, strummed, played by a [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0bce8672-aa6e-4f07-8d73-039f5070be6c.jpg]woman[/url] dressed in a furisode, gold piercing eyes, fiery red hair with a Kitsune mask. [color=orange]"Godfather is disappointed."[/color] She exclaimed nonchalantly in a calm manner. In a blink of an eye, faster than the eye could anticipate, six of his men were punished by death, there was no blood but lifeless bodies on the floor, leaving only two alive, who at this moment were in silhouettes. [color=5F9EA0]"I regret giving you lot, the bioengineered Nomu-inspired surgery. I was there testing them and yet neither of you were obedient to my will!"[/color] Keyaru raged in disappointment. A middle-aged man with darkblue hair, dressed in a typical business attire rebutted Keyaru. [color=teal]"Ultra Nomu at the expense of its sanity is nothing more than a failed artwork of a vampiric freakshow, what you need is another test subject."[/color] [color=5F9EA0]"Dr. Norma, if it weren't for your son's and Lord Chin's son's meddling heroics, this project could've gotten better results, oh well, no point crying over spilled milk, how's the Ideo Trigger going at Yaocorp"[/color] Keyaru regained composure and demanded results regarding the new Trigger drug. [color=teal]"Ideo Trigger is best tested with a finer test subject, O' Godfather, there will be no need to go back to formula, after all, I'm something of a Scientist myself. Yaocorp will be hosting a conference at Otheon, next week, I can assure you that it will exceed even Solivar Angstrom." [/color] Norma's memory flashed quick, a flash of green, indicating that he used Ideo Trigger on himself. Keyaru in mere moments, bite Norma to his neck, granting him the powers of the Ultra Nomu, Nemesis that Eirei defeated earlier. [color=5F9EA0]"Do not fail me, Goblin."[/color][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250201/c4379e6155ab6e69578c19682a2e97fd.png[/img] 2127 9月 18 - Thursday Afternoon[/center][right]Eirei College, Classroom[/right] Participants: [@Thayr][@Digmata][@Aku the Samurai][@LC][@Remram][@ERode][@Dragon Arts][@El Gato Naranja][@King Kindred][@The Jest][@CronicCrystalis][@Randomguy][@JrVader][@Iamme][@BlackMaiden] [hr]The Japan Hero Billboard Chart after so many delays is finally announced and telecasted, holographically live from Yokohama. [hider=Ranks][quote] Hero Rankings Japan, J20 1. Friendly Neighborhood Hero: Spiderman 2. Invincible Hero: Lemillion 3. Logical Hero: Shockwave 4. CEO Hero: Ironman 5. Gigantic Hero: Mt. Lady 6. Luminous Hero: Neutron 7. Rabbit Hero: Mirko 8. Wave Motion Hero: Nejire-chan 9. Tentacle Hero: Tentacole 10. Copying Hero: Phantom Thief 11. Washing Machine Hero: Wash 12. Unbreakable Hero: Red Riot 13. Engine Hero: Ingenium 14. Fisting Hero: Battle Fist 15. Wind Hero: Gale Force 16. Devouring Hero: Suneater 17. Killer Whale: Gang Orca 18. Mud Hero: Mudman 19. Lizard Hero: Lizardy 20. Dragon Hero: Ryukyu [/quote][/hider] Furthermore, what was once the Top 100 or J-100 has deliberately changed due to a stricter rank evaluation as enforced by the Hero Commision Chairman, Takami Keigo, former #2 Hero, Hawks and the Hero Commision Secretary, Todoroki Momo, (neè Yaoyorozu), formerly Creati. The J100 is now the J20. Unlike High Schools, College Students has its year sorts intermingle with each other regardless of year differences because they're already adults. As of right now, Class 1B is with the Second Years, particularly Himura Rin, Yaoyorozu Matsuru, Tokoyami Izanagi, Akizuki Reiji and Akai Jace. 1B Professor, Yatagarasu Hisora just announced the following: • Joint Training Exercise with 1B and 2A • Fieldtrip to Otheon [color=azure]"I almost forgot, we have new blood, your newer classmates, Todoroki Siblings, treat them nice and Mischa Belic."[/color] The holographic interface pad on their desks lit up with their profile. • Todoroki Hinata • Todoroki Naito • Mischa Belic [color=azure]"And I can see that the majority of you've voted for Ms. Himura Amaya to be the new female class representative, so be it, alright class, this hologram is about to die, I leave you all in your Senpais care."[/color] Transmission ended. [/indent][/indent]