Colcette [hr] Hammerfell, huh. She had only ever really been through in passing on her way to the Imperial City. Honestly, she kind of hated it. The heat, the sand. It was rough and course, and got absolutely everywhere. It definitely wasn't good for maintaining weapons or her armor, that was for sure. Not that she minded, really. The Empress, in all her resplendently questionable authority had sent them here, and so here she was along with her...misfit group of allies. Two elves, a Minotaur, and someone she was pretty sure was from that mysterious place known as Akavir. Well, as long as they were loyal to the Empire, especially the elves, she had no grievances with them. Their first order of business should be to establish a good cover identity and do something about their money problem. "Alright, so," Colcette started counting the coins on the table. "We need money and a cohesive story for ourselves. I don't know about you mages, but I'm probably going to find some...fighters guild or similar organization here in Hammerfell, if one exists."