[center][h1]Rela Arel[/h1][/center] What an abominable situation she'd found herself in. Ripped from her research to put up with people she didn't much care for or about, and having to go to forsaken Hammerfell on top of it. But this was the price Rela paid in exchange for being able to take advantage of the renewed Empire's magical facilities and resources. She'd just been hoping for less personally arduous ways of repaying the debt. Like setting Argonians or Altmer or Argonians or Nords or Argonians or Khajit or Nords or Argonians or Argonians on fire. Bretons would have been on the list as well, but they didn't burn as easily. A shame. And everything in this Azura-damned desert was so [i]dry[/i]. Actual temperature was one thing, considering the presence of Red Mountain in her homeland, but the lack of humidity would have been ruinous on her skin had Rela not taken measures to keep herself so magically well-preserved. But she could still [i]feel it[/i]. As of current, she sat at the table the Empress's [i]loyal Blades[/i] were all gathered around, lounging back as she continued to scribe a spell scroll for later use. One of the...meat shields was the polite term, began to speak, and seemed to think she could command. So long as the bint didn't prove herself incompetent, Rela wasn't about to gainsay her. After all, leading these people would be far, far too much effort on her end. [b]"Funds ought to be easy to come by once we have acceptable targets to take from."[/b] She remarked, inscribing a few more runes into the vellum with magicka-infused ink. [b]"As for a cohesive story, we are refugees and exiles, clearly. Considering the makeup of our group, any attempt at obfuscation or creation of a narrative will be blown apart with one glance. I evidently missed the dissolution of the Mage's Guild some centuries ago, may they all rot in Oblivion, but I suppose I can say I'm here to satisfy...oh, some personal grudge. Yes, something petty and vengeful ought to do. It is what an educated guess would expect, and it carries the bonus of being something I would undertake given sufficient reason to."[/b]