[color=lightgray][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/S98vWKh.png[/img][/center][/cell][cell] [color=#50b0f1][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220311/27efd277073263c7d99ebe605d1cfab8.png[/img][/center][/color] [indent][hr][/indent][hr] [indent][sup][color=ab274f][b]Attire:[/b][/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/6VFf0zb.jpg]Theater fit[/url] [color=ab274f][b]Date and Time:[/b][/color] Sola 28th, Late morning [color=ab274f][b]Location:[/b][/color] Theater [color=ab274f][b]Mention(s):[/b][/color] [@princess] Anastasia, his parents, [@Lava Alckon] Farim, Drake [color=ab274f][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [@Helo] Callum [/sup][/indent][/cell][/row][/table]Hearing his father echo the vitriolic curse at Vikena, Wulfric eased back into his padded chair with a sigh. He knew he was being irrational. It was easy to blame the – to him – inexplicable on something or [i]someone[/i] concrete. [color=ab274f]“We have the guards for that,”[/color] he drawled at the king’s order to handle the duke in case he caused a scene. Despite his words, he supposed he would intervene if he felt the need to. Anastasia seemed to be enjoying herself, yet the prince couldn’t help but wonder what lay beneath her cheer. Had her recklessness, her lack of regard for her own safety been signs of something deeper? He was mid-contemplation when Callum showed up, nonchalant as you please with a monkey perched atop his shoulder. [color=#EEDC5B]“Hello, brother,”[/color] Auguste was the first to overcome his surprise, though his smile was puzzled. [color=#EEDC5B]“And Clarence,”[/color] he added, torn between waving or offering his hand for a shake. Wulfric only stared at his brother’s newest whim. [color=ab274f]“Callum.”[/color] His gaze travelled from his youngest besuited brother, to the monkey in its matching outfit, and back again. [color=ab274f]“I did not take you one for pets,”[/color] was all he said. True enough, Callum had never interacted with the castle’s animals – perhaps because they were all outdoors. As distracted as his parents were, they did not even notice their son’s opium use. Was that why his brother had brought a monkey along, to distract from his other questionable activities? He had no clue, but anything new or unusual related to his wayward brother bore observation. [color=#EEDC5B]“Now, now, mother…”[/color] Auguste was trying to placate an infuriated Alibeth. Wulfric tuned out his parents’ antics and Auguste playing mediator with ease of practice. The show was starting, and he wasn't about to miss any of the event his sister was involved in. The first up was Shahzade Farim with his trusted falcon, Thara. The Alidasht prince was well-suited to performance, captivating the audience with his theatrics. Even Wulfric appreciated how swiftly the svelte bird of prey flew, how in touch she was with Farim’s instructions, her accuracy uncanny, her elegance mesmerizing. At the finale, the shahzade joined in with a flip, and the two completed the act together. Wulfric clapped firmly, expressing his admiration with refinement a certain king had not a lick of. [color=00F8FE]“I like birds,”[/color] Callum quietly asserted out of nowhere, sounding oddly melancholic. [color=ab274f]"[i]Do[/i] you?"[/color] Wulfric gave him a sideways look. [color=ab274f]"You could always take up falconry. Or perhaps pigon racing would be more to your taste?"[/color] he mused with a lightly teasing smile before returning his attention to the stage. Next up was Drake, and though the lord couldn’t see it, Wulfric nodded towards the man. The two had spent some time riding together the other day, Drake on his newly gifted steed, Apollon. The prince had inquired after the fiasco with the painting Ariella had been accused of vandalizing, and the lord recounted what had happened. The two had briefly discussed the event, but soon transitioned to other topics, chatting about this and that. The future duke was rightly worried about the state of things, though he showed no inclination he was aware of what was going on. In the end, Drake had cautioned him to be careful, reminding him to reach out if there was anything he could help with. Wulfric assured he would take the offer under advisement, though in truth, he was uncertain how much to involve him in. In any case, this time Drake was ready and clear minded, diving in right into his first piece, stunning all into awed silence. At the theater one generally clapped at the end of the whole performance rather than after each song, but nonetheless, the crowd broke into applause as soon as the final note of the first song faded to silence. Of course, Alibeth was still worried about the party. [color=ab274f]“There was a strong alcoholic drink the guests enjoyed. They became inebriated because they were careless, that is all.”[/color] It wasn’t, but it [i]had[/i] only been alcohol, nothing more nefarious. If potent, delicious cocktails is where it ended at, he did not mind leaving the matter be. Though, this also depended on whether the Edwardses pressed for an investigation, but so far, they had not. Drake impressed with his following two songs as well. He played with the kind of emotion Wulfric never had been able to convey through music when he had been instructed in it. To do so required not only skill, but a certain vulnerability, the willingness to open one’s heart to emotion and to pour it all out for the world to hear…Or so one of his instructors had preached. As expected, the prince was not keen to do any such thing. However, hearing it was a sublime experience, one he could immerse himself in fully. The lord more than deserved his acclaim. It made him look forward to his sister’s act all the more. If Drake was remarkable, then Anastasia was [i]phenomenal[/i]. Her appearance on the stage with Count Hendrix in tow signaled it was time for a brief intermission before the remainder of the programme. While he did not care one bit for the performer she introduced would be next, Wulfric clapped nonetheless to show support for his sister. She was practically glowing down there. Did she see now the meaning in life? He hoped so.[/color]