[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjAwODA4MC5WR0ZzYjNNLjA/bonwick-weaver.regular.webp[/img][/center] Location: Debriefing Room Interactions: [hr] Vincent went straight to the debriefing room. He didn't necessarily want to be there, but feeling responsible for the fight on the jet, he felt that it was the least he could do to at least be present for the debrief. He watched as everyone else made their way into the room and took their seats at the table. The meeting started with Daphne and Viktor giving a play-by-play of the mission, after which Zach mentioned knocking someone out, to which Vincent couldn't help but smirk at, glad to hear that Zach's practice had a chance to pay off. After that, the debrief devolved into another argument once Will opened up with his grievances. For once, it was a fight he wanted no part of, so Vincent tuned everything out. Everything he wanted to say, he had already said on the jet and he didn't see the point in bringing it up again, especially after Kassy had shut him down, something he knew she was in the right for. Instead, he sat at the table, spinning a coin he had made until Batman quieted everyone down with a command before he and Red Tornado resumed the debrief. Not long after, the screen went dark as the meeting drew to a close. [color=teal]"I saw him,"[/color] he blurted suddenly after hearing Rain's description, his fist closing around the coin. [color=teal]"In Florida. I fucking saw him. He was there with the guard and that Florida guy. He told the guard to shoot him, that's why I rushed in. I would've gotten him, too, but he managed to get away."[/color] He was quiet for several moments after that. Eventually, he spoke up again, saying in a quiet voice, [color=teal]"You know, like a lot of us here, I've lost a lot. I lost my parents, I lost anything I could've called a home, the Old Man, who was like a second dad to me. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not. I fucking hate it as much as I ever have and ever since I lost the Old Man, other than one or two times here and there, I feel like I've been doing nothing [i]but[/i] losing."[/color] He stood up, his fists pressed against the surface of the table. A low groan resounded in the room as the steel supports of the building flexed ever so slightly until Vincent regained control of his building anger. [i][color=teal]Not again. Not here.[/color][/i] He wasn't angry at any of his teammates, not even Viktor, who had made the call to hand over KJ. He understood why the call was made. No, he was angry at himself for being so weak that something like that ever [i]had[/i] to happen. [color=teal]"I'm sick of it. I'm sick of losing fights, of losing people, of being. [i]Weak.[/i]"[/color] With that, he stepped away from the table, hands in his pockets. [color=teal]"I won't let this happen again."[/color]