[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 6: 07/60 Location: Dead Zone: Qliphoth Word Count: 538 Points Gained: 1 x 2 New EXP Balance: Level 6: 21/60 +5 +3 +4[/center] [b][color=ec008c][hr][/color][/b] The walk up was annoying but ultimately uneventful. Juri could chop into nerve clusters and even through doors if she wanted too with her new toy. When the Consuls made themselves known, Juri shouldered her new Ghoulsaw, eager to try it out on any of the ugly bastards who got too close. [b][color=ec008c]”Appreciate ya all gettin’ together in one place. Hope next time they send five, save us some walking!” [/color][/b] Juri said, seemingly unperturbed by the odds. When the monsters started gathering up, Juri wasted no time and span into the crowd with her Ghoulsaw. They didn’t fight back, which made it a lot easier to turn them to ash. And with every spin of her body, any flood that slipped past her were pulled right back in and would have to escape all over again.That was thanks to her new power she got in this very tower, and Juri liked it a lot. She imagined it could even be used to extend her combos, not just snatch up anyone outside her kicking range. Juri had a little smile on her face. [b][color=ec008c]”Thanks for the practice, chumps! Think I’m really gettin’ the hang of it, now!”[/color][/b] Juri said as she pounced on the last little guy she could, sawing him in half down the middle. Enough pre-show. Time for the real fight to start. The Gravemind was imposing, and a bead of nervous sweat rolled down Juri’s face. [b][color=ec008c]”Tchuh…you freaks always come up with the stupidest shit to say. D O A. So stupid. Dead On Arrival’s more like it.”[/color][/b] When the fight kicked off, Juri played evasively, strafing around and slowly closing in, watching the various encounters begin to unfold and play out. With her speed, she felt confident she could zip into any one of these fights to blindside some sucker. When the big tentacles came out to blast some of the Seekers, Juri jumped over the resulting shockwave. Monsters spilled out, but Midna and Prim targeted them with their spells. Juri’s eyes flitted from place to place as she scampered atop iron rails and bars. She went under one of the tractors and lept atop the scarecrow atop before leaping across the way. Roland was fighting a guy who looked a lot like…Dracula. D for Dracula? He was currently pushing Roland back with a storm of blood rain. But Juri felt like she could zip in from the side. To facilitate her flank she pumped a bar of drive gauge into it, and positively blitzed across the battlefield with a streak of green light. This would give her next attack plus frames, too! Juri forwent all grace for power, and swung her Ghoulsaw as hard as she could at Dracula. If he dodged or deflected it she would lodge it downwards into the ground and grind it along towards him to cut into his legs and just force herself past him like a hit and run. [b][color=ec008c]”Watch it!”[/color][/b] Juri jeered. Her plan next was to holster the Ghoulsaw for now and fight with her hands and feet, which were much, much faster and capable of combos and EX-moves and defending much more efficiently. But for now, just a big fuck off swing would suffice her entrance. [center][i]Drive Gauge: 5.25 / 6[/i][/center]